HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: t-dog on November 24, 2013, 10:57:16 am

Title: Ol' Faithfuls
Post by: t-dog on November 24, 2013, 10:57:16 am
With deer season being here I haven't been putting any old dogs on the ground. I have some young dogs that I have been trying to build on so even during the end of the summer I tried to leave the veterans at home. The other day though, a front blew in and I decided that I was gonna go in spite of the wind blowing so hard. It's probably been two or three months since our ol' Roscoe was hunted and closer to 6 or 8 months since Vegas has been to the woods. I figured with the wind blowing like it was I had better take some experience. They hit the ground running and made a couple quick 200 yard circles and then pulled out. I saw them go through a clearing about 3-4 hundred yards to the north and could tell they had a purpose for heading that direction. I drove on up that direction and waited. After about 20 minutes, the one young dog came in a little frustrated. Roscoe and the other dog were in different directions and roscoe was making circles. He started with big 600 yard circles and was tightening them down smaller and smaller. That last 200 yard circle my young dog hooked up with him and they bayed. Ol' Vegas never missed a beat. He's a 90lb dog. I don't lead him when we are in the woods, he stays by my side until I say go. Then when I tell him caught hog he gets back and waits on me. I walked up about 10 yards from the bay and told Vegas to go. The little 125 pound boar would have already been caught but he was standing in the middle of a clump of briars about thigh high and thick. Vegas loped in there as usual then caught about 3 more gears as he launched right over the top of the briars and just smashed the hog. Of course then the others piled on. I just stuck the hog and told Vegas to get back. Soon as it quit kicking I made Vegas pose next to it for a picture. He never once grabbed it. I love to watch young dogs evolve but watching Roscoe circle tighter and tighter because he knew they were there was fun. That ridiculous wind forced him to adjust and he did. Vegas handled as if I had been hunting him everyday. It was one of the most fun hunts I have had in a while and the hog wasn't much. It was just watching the ol' faithfuls do there thing. Do any of you ever get that feeling when you just set back in admiration and say "wow"?

Title: Re: Ol' Faithfuls
Post by: Handle_It on November 24, 2013, 11:05:53 am
Well for me havent had a wow factor in a bit since briar died the few young dogs i have now usually just tick me off!  I was talking to lamount about roscoe friday,  Sounds like a heck of a dog!

Title: Re: Ol' Faithfuls
Post by: t-dog on November 24, 2013, 11:16:23 am
He's pretty darn solid. Not the greatest that ever took a breath, but I never have a worry or a doubt with him on the ground.

Title: Re: Ol' Faithfuls
Post by: BA-IV on November 24, 2013, 11:33:11 am
You oughta show us a picture of Roscoe T-dog...he sounds like he's a pleasure to hunt behind!

Title: Re: Ol' Faithfuls
Post by: WayOutWest on November 24, 2013, 02:43:37 pm
He won't win any beauty contests but he is nothing but business when it comes to hogs!

Title: Re: Ol' Faithfuls
Post by: reatj81 on November 24, 2013, 03:35:02 pm
I can promise you the hog was in some thick stuff or rosco would have had 150lbs caught.
Rosco is a complete package!

Title: Re: Ol' Faithfuls
Post by: t-dog on November 24, 2013, 04:13:53 pm
It was just bad enough that they knew they would be putting themselves in a bad spot to crawl up in there and get him. He had just enough teeth, about an inch or a little better, to do damage. Roscoe, his puppy Red, and Georgia (Briar's littermate) aren't any too shy. But at least are smart enough to know when to get a hold. I don't worry about other dogs getting cut when I send Vegas. He's accurate and knows how to get leverage. Your right Jody, he is well rounded. Maybe not the best at anything he does but he's good at all of it. I don't think he's weak in any area. That's hard to find. Lamont was fortunate to get a young dog like him. Since he's been at my house though, he calls me daddy. I was talking to him the other day about Lamont. He looked at me and asked, "who's Lamont?" Oh nobody I told him. Just somebody you used to know.LOL

Title: Re: Ol' Faithfuls
Post by: WayOutWest on November 24, 2013, 04:56:10 pm
LMAO I made ol Lamont a new belt to carry all his gear. Wait till you see it.

Title: Re: Ol' Faithfuls
Post by: reatj81 on November 24, 2013, 06:03:04 pm
Thomas rosco been thinking he was yours for years.  He thinks the man that catches the hog is the man who owns him.   Only time he sees Lamont at a bay is after hog is tied.      Lol

Title: Re: Ol' Faithfuls
Post by: reatj81 on November 24, 2013, 06:13:13 pm
Joel hope you put suspenders on that belt!

Title: Re: Ol' Faithfuls
Post by: t-dog on November 24, 2013, 08:53:40 pm
Uh-wee, I'll bet it looks more like a tow strap than a belt, LOL.

Title: Re: Ol' Faithfuls
Post by: WayOutWest on November 24, 2013, 09:36:06 pm
Had to kill a extra long cow to get leather long enuf.

Title: Re: Ol' Faithfuls
Post by: hogdown on November 26, 2013, 08:51:08 pm
Well thank y'all, West, t-dog, and Reat. Y'all can talk about me tell you run out of breth. I can say this, for me to leave dogs like that at t-dogs. Tell him to hunt them all he wanted, and ill buy the feed. I tell u one thing, its hard being out here on the road away from my family for weeks at a time, but I know my dogs are in good hand. That should tell u a lot about what I think about old t-dog

Title: Re: Ol' Faithfuls
Post by: reatj81 on November 26, 2013, 10:20:40 pm
Have a safe trip home