Title: Started 1/2 Catahoula x 1/2 Plott(sold) Post by: HogDogginCA on March 12, 2008, 02:13:54 pm Im have a female Catahoula x Plott for sale she a year and a couple months old, she is a excellent dog has only been on about 5 hogs in the woods but has worked in a bay pen quite a bit, she bays real hard and isn,t afraid to pull some hair. I only want her to go to a hunting home she is to good to be a house pet, I wouldn't get rid of her but i have to move and all the dogs arent able to come. I want $250 for her this is an excellent dog to add to your pack and with a few more hogs under her she should turn out to be a good strike dog, Only hunting homes, Thanks