Title: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: jagdtank on December 09, 2013, 10:25:26 pm I decided to start doing bay and shoot since you cant take them out alive in mo. anyway. nice idea what happens when a dog wont call off and its getting dark its so thick theres no shot? It snowed 8 inches while i was out in a two wheel drive. no light bayed at 1:30 pm left after 9:00 pm solo dog still bayed solid on a big boar he got mangled a couple times so who knows if hes cut. he in the edge of a lake soaked. lows in low 20's i hope hes ok, he was bayed solid for eight hours straight. hes a dang good pup.Im betting he's still bayed in the morning. if he isn't he might not make it. I just moved here so i don't know anyone but got a buddy driving up to help me as soon as the roads cleared enough to get out.what a dog though eight hours straight! I'm not hunting there again it's locust thickets you cant push through. I did get a couple bullets in it out of four shots and then it bayed up in a field for five minutes I had a great shot just no more ammo. one things for sure if you want to guarantee hogs just go unprepared.
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: cantexduck on December 09, 2013, 10:35:17 pm Why didnt you just walk up and grab the dog? I am confused..... so the dog is cut, or might be. You are worried that it might be too cold tonight? Only brought four bullets? :-\
I hope the dog is ok. Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: jagdtank on December 09, 2013, 10:54:20 pm are you going to walk up to 300 lb boar and grab a dog right at his nose.I did get about 15 yards from him several times but the dog just looped out. I had four bullets with me.I shot them all normaly thats enough with a deer rifle. as much as i like the dog i'm not going to stay there and freeze to death for him i was soaked too and a mile or more from the truck. thanks.
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: jagdtank on December 09, 2013, 10:57:20 pm I also tried to catch him for hours you jack ass!
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: jagdtank on December 09, 2013, 11:08:13 pm as well as left my box for him.
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: Shotgun wg on December 09, 2013, 11:12:51 pm Not every situation is perfect. U will know when u go back the results of ur choice. Either way it was ur choice to make and u did so. Hope it all works out for ya.
Shotgun Arkansas Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: jagdtank on December 09, 2013, 11:22:01 pm I didn't leave him cause i was sleepy i left because I had to.I was 40 mile from the house and im in man eating hills in a two wheel drive. i wouldn't have went if i had known it would snow.I have never had a dog killed hunting. I take plenty good care of my dogs. kicking em out at noon is usually a pretty safe bet. I'm pretty sure he's gonna be ok.
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: jagdtank on December 09, 2013, 11:26:08 pm I wish i'de never even bothered posting it . i knew someone would have to start talking crap.
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: cantexduck on December 09, 2013, 11:34:26 pm No need to get all bent out of shape.
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: jagdtank on December 09, 2013, 11:38:36 pm no need to try and start something then act like your not either.
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: SnF bucking bulls on December 10, 2013, 12:11:19 am Happend to me a couple times. If you can rope the dog and pull him out. Thats how i did it. Hope it works out bud
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: Shotgun wg on December 10, 2013, 12:29:42 am Jagd I was only saying we all have to make choices at some point. Regardless of the choice we choose it is ours to make. U did what u felt u needed to do when u chose to do so. It's easy to arm chair and it's easy to say I woulda whatever. When u are standing there by ur self u choose. I can't say its right or wrong u was there not me. I really hope it works out. U seem confident it will so undoubtably u feel u made the right choice.
Shotgun Arkansas Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: justincorbell on December 10, 2013, 02:14:23 am Man you are just frustrated with the situation you are in, don't read to much into what the other guys are sayin, if the tables were turned im sure we'd all be pretty ticked off if for one reason or another we couldn't close the deal. It happens brother, thats why they call it huntin and not killin. Get warm and dry, come up with a game plan and take care of business! Good luck!
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: jagdtank on December 10, 2013, 03:35:45 am It stopped snowing. i made the trip back and got dog to back off. I think the hogs dead so Louis finally agreed to give it up we will see in the morning. He sure was tired. there are more in there,i'm pretty sure the rest didn't bust out of their hole when this hog broke out. I saw at least two more. I'm planning on some more dogs tomorrow.they are big hogs I've seen them before this.I think the two double teamers are barrs. someone cut a mess of them up there and turned em loose> i killed one out of this group last year that was a barr. I've been wondering for a while,two boars that size with sows i'm saying barrs. this time last year I got a group in the same spot. my jagd got his last hunt in there same deal as before same crappy mess two hogs tryin to corner dogs and no interest in running. they were like a team. one bays up and the other sneaks around then they both rally on the dogs. I dont know how common this is. but they first bayed up right at the same tree as before last time there were sow nest under it. I think some new born piglets are in there. Icant see why they would stay like that after being shot at.I know some are sows it's a group in there because I saw tracks going in of several. on the way in I saw a single set of tracks in the snow the size of a baseball and just followed them. once they converged with a bigger group I kept seeing big patches of bloody looking stuff anyone know what that is? there was alot of it but the hog was feeding so im assuming it was getting ready to give birth or something.crazy day and not my best performance but tomorrow im gonna have help and it's gonna be brutal day to be a pig.dog bayed for around 12 hours he isn't even two yet. I'm proud of him for sure.I've never seen a dog bay like that.It's around eleven degrees right now thats why i decided i had to try and get back to him. awesome dog needs some handle though! goodnight or good morning I should say.
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: justincorbell on December 10, 2013, 04:59:10 am Sounds like a hell of a dog, hate you didnt get him but hope you wear em out in the mornin.
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: jsh on December 10, 2013, 05:13:03 am Not starting anything or saying you don't take care of your dogs etc..., but instead of going home and writing a sob story on the Internet I would have gathered up some help and went back and got him. Actually I never would have left with my dog in the first place cause I would have been better prepared (weather, ammunition,dog power). And yes, I have been face to face with many boars in briars and have no problem getting face to face to save one of my dogs, anyone who has ever hunted with me will tell you that. I think all that was trying to be said here is to protect what little image we have left as dog hunters. Posting up that you may have left a pup out injured to freeze does nothing positive for us hunters whatsoever.
I'm glad things worked out for you sounds like you have a hell of a dog in the making.. Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: Reuben on December 10, 2013, 06:33:59 am Sounds like a hell of a dog, hate you didnt get him but hope you wear em out in the mornin. x2...sounds like a very good dog to me... Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: muleskinner on December 10, 2013, 07:01:04 am Simple solution so how much for the dog?
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: wine6978 on December 10, 2013, 07:20:35 am My ass!!!! Leave a dog in the woods because your cold???? You don't need dogs fella!!! That's the biggest excuse I ever heard. Grow a pair grab a flashlight and learn how to shoot. Or put on a too too and stick to ballet!!!! You put the dog out there to find hogs for you. Then you leave him??? Because he is baying too tight and can't get a shot?!?!? Good lord
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: charles on December 10, 2013, 07:29:18 am So ur a weatherman, u can predict exactly when and what type of weather is going to show up while ur hunting, n u pack an ammo can full bullets just incase. Come, u were not there, plus he said he just moved there n dont know a lot of people, so who is all this help he should have gotten, where would they come from? Shotgun is right, its all a i woulda done it this way blah-blah-blah. U were not in shoes at that time, if ur so concerned, then drive up there n give him a hand instead gettin on the internet writing a dob story about his sob story
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: wine6978 on December 10, 2013, 07:37:57 am Its called responsibility!! I bay and shoot at least 3 usually 4 days a week... Day and night. I have never run into a situation where I would just leave my dog in the woods. Ever. $hit happens all the time, but if $hit happens I'll be waist deep in it right there with them dogs. I put em there and I'll take em out. Not everyone looks at their dogs like that and I get that.
To the original post, just be patient when your shooting over a dog. I'll sit at the bay and watch them dogs for hell 10 minutes if I have to. Don't rush the shot. Be quite and sneak in. You'd be amazed how close you can get to them hogs when their attention is on that dog and not you!!! Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: Reuben on December 10, 2013, 07:51:45 am He who is perfect cast the stones...
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: t.wilbanks on December 10, 2013, 07:53:30 am I ain't no weatherman, but one thing That i can predict each year is that once it starts to turn cold and deer season starts, this forum floods with know-it-alls, cry babies, dipchits, and a$$holes....
:D Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: wine6978 on December 10, 2013, 08:04:18 am The one thing I ain't and never claimed to be is perfect!!! Hell I'm about as far from it as you can get. I will say this, I will never/have never left a dog in the woods over night baying a hog, unless I am going to get more catch dogs or bullets. If a dog is baying a hog I'll break my back to get to him, a lot of people won't. That's fine. Seems this fella had a change in heart half way through the night and got his dog back, I believe that's right thing to do.
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: Bowhunter1994 on December 10, 2013, 08:04:26 am Glad you got your dog back
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: JoshH34 on December 10, 2013, 08:19:24 am I ain't no weatherman, but one thing That i can predict each year is that once it starts to turn cold and deer season starts, this forum floods with know-it-alls, cry babies, dipchits, and a$$holes.... :D t.wilbanks for President in '16??? Thats great because it is true. Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: Reuben on December 10, 2013, 08:31:37 am Wilbanks for president? ??? ;D politicians talk a lot but don't say anything... much less tell the truth... ;D he's got my vote...
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: t.wilbanks on December 10, 2013, 08:49:02 am Y'all don't want me as President... I'll make hog hunting of any kind illegal except for me and my buddies... Y'all can keep your healthcare plans though.. :laugh:
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: cantexduck on December 10, 2013, 08:58:24 am I ain't no weatherman, but one thing That i can predict each year is that once it starts to turn cold and deer season starts, this forum floods with know-it-alls, cry babies, dipchits, and a$$holes.... :D I am here year round . Glad you got your dog back. Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: t.wilbanks on December 10, 2013, 09:15:59 am I ain't no weatherman, but one thing That i can predict each year is that once it starts to turn cold and deer season starts, this forum floods with know-it-alls, cry babies, dipchits, and a$$holes.... :D I am here year round . Glad you got your dog back. Yep and you fit in more than one of those catagories Mike... Along with " a$$ chapper" :D Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on December 10, 2013, 10:06:40 am Sounds to me like this gentleman is learning a new terrain, and is in an new area like he mentioned (therefore couldn't reach out to anyone for help right away). I must say, when shat happens, and it's time to assess the situation, it sounds like it was pretty imperative to get back to his truck and get home, or he would have been stranded out there as well, and who knows what could have happened. His dog would have been REAL shat outta luck if his owner died of hypothermia out there. Like others mention, it's ALWAYS easy to say coulda shoulda woulda when you weren't personally there in that specific situation at that very moment, knowing and feeling all of the factors. I'm willing to bet that next time he goes out, he'll have a best some extra ammo on him, as well as be even better prepared for the weather. To make the bold statement that this man must not care for his dogs is pretty extreme. From what I do know of this guy, he takes great pride in his dogs and does take good care of them. I'd love to hear now how many folks out there have never been caught in a sticky situation!
ANY way, hope you got your dog back, and he's warming up by a heater now. Sounds like he's got a lot of heart! Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: charles on December 10, 2013, 10:52:05 am Sounds to me like this gentleman is learning a new terrain, and is in an new area like he mentioned (therefore couldn't reach out to anyone for help right away). I must say, when shat happens, and it's time to assess the situation, it sounds like it was pretty imperative to get back to his truck and get home, or he would have been stranded out there as well, and who knows what could have happened. His dog would have been REAL shat outta luck if his owner died of hypothermia out there. Like others mention, it's ALWAYS easy to say coulda shoulda woulda when you weren't personally there in that specific situation at that very moment, knowing and feeling all of the factors. I'm willing to bet that next time he goes out, he'll have a best some extra ammo on him, as well as be even better prepared for the weather. To make the bold statement that this man must not care for his dogs is pretty extreme. From what I do know of this guy, he takes great pride in his dogs and does take good care of them. I'd love to hear now how many folks out there have never been caught in a sticky situation! ANY way, hope you got your dog back, and he's warming up by a heater now. Sounds like he's got a lot of heart! 100% agree with what u said. It dont do that dog no good if jagd woulda died from hypothermia, if that would hav happened, it wouldnt matter about the hog or dog. Sounds like what hookers refer to blackhawk n apache mech as, "fair weather mech", must b fair weather hunters thats nvr been caught with their pants down in a suprising adverse weather condition. Its not weather science, its weather theroy, bc the weather can change in mimutes, without notice or for warning. Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: Bo Pugh on December 10, 2013, 12:37:19 pm I've left one dog over night. I was out of state hunting and about two hours before dark 2 dogs got hung up I'n the rock bluffs and couldn't figure out how to get down. The guys I was hunting with said it was no way to get in there before dark unless I rented a helicopter and it was to dangerous to be in there after dark climbing around. The next morn before daylight I started waking to them and got them. But that's the only time I've ever left one and I hope I never have to again good luck getting your dog back
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: jagdtank on December 10, 2013, 04:25:56 pm the dog is fine and would have been fine regardless. he had a dry warm place to go. I didn't have a change of heart i went back as planned when i could do it somewhat safely. we went and bayed the hog this morning and killed it just me and him again. he was ready to keep hunting afterward. if you went in between him and these hogs you would have been holding your guts in on the walk out. I was just pretty proud of a twelve hour bay myself. I'de prefer not to have one that long but he's a making a dog for sure.
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: Cajun on December 10, 2013, 05:14:48 pm Sounds like a dog to be proud of & glad u got him back.
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: Shotgun wg on December 10, 2013, 05:32:52 pm Glad u got him back and got the hog. Fine dog to stay bayed that long.
Having been in situations with much more at stake than a dogs life and being told I woulda done this or I woulda done that. I know when u are the one there looking at the situation u are the only one that can say what u would or wouldn't do. It's real easy when ur not there. Everybody is a hero. No offense to anyone that may have commented. Shotgun Arkansas Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: KevinN on December 10, 2013, 05:46:39 pm ^^^like it
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: cantexduck on December 10, 2013, 07:01:44 pm Glad it ended well. Was it a good hog ?
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: hoghunter71409 on December 10, 2013, 07:45:11 pm All these guys say they would never leave a dog in the woods. hmmmm
I had to leave a couple of them, before tracking equipment and garmins. I been out there plenty of nights when I couldn't afford tracking systems. Look, listen, ride. Look, listen, ride. Stay out all dang night and almost burn a tank of fuel, hooping and yelling trying to find dogs. Yep I left them and left my shirt. Came back and got them the next day. You cant always be prepared for everything. The man said clearly that he was cold and he was in danger being in a 2 wheeled drive. He protected himself so he would be alive the next day to find a dog. He didn't quit the dog. I cant say that Im walking up to a 300 lb hog and grabbing my dog. Excuse me mr hog, I'll grab my dog and be on the way. see ya later. Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: jsh on December 11, 2013, 04:32:12 am Yea 71409 I get you but you are talking about but this is a completely different scenario. This dog was bayed, you didn't know where yours was. You're right, but it's not hard to prepare for weather. Hell my phone had a preprogrammed app on it that shows me the weather hourly. Not hard either to pack more than 4 bullets and definitely not difficult to understand that you take a pup like this into the woods you better have a plan B if you're going to hunt him alone. No human life is worth a dog, if the man was going to freeze that's one thing but to go home and write a story on the computer wondering if you're dog is ok seems a bit gutless to me. No one has to like my opinion and I'm not running anyone down.
I see a lot of people posting on here throughout the day, from in the field, etc but don't ever see a lot of pics of their "hunts or harvests". I, like you and many others, know people who catch many hogs and never even turn a computer on. I probably post about half of what I catch cause the kids like seeing it. Just cause you don't post a pic doesn't mean you don't hunt, BUT as much as some folks are on here and run their mouths you'd think you'd see something ever so often. Luckily, this story came with a good ending and a lesson learned. Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: wine6978 on December 11, 2013, 07:08:09 am Maybe I am the only one who see's this story for what it is isn't... But I didn't get the feel that the fella was in fear for his life due to the weather going to make him freeze to death. I also know he didn't loose the dog to not having a tracking system on him, and not knowing where he went. He knew exactly where the dog was and knew exactly what it was doing and left him. He even said in his words the boar "mangled" the pup a couple times, knew they were bayed on the bank of some water and going to be more than average cold. He knew the situation he left the dog in. To me it is pretty upsetting to see him leave the dog, to what he thought was going to be the dogs death, and go home and essentially brag on the internet that he had done it. I get that situations pop up that we are unsure about and bad things happen. But this winter storm that has been eating up the US is not a freak storm that popped up, it has been all over the news (if you live in the hills and do not have T.V. then again I apologize, no ill intentions meant).
Now there does no good in ragging on this fella. The only point I would like to get across to him IS $hit happens, and you HAVE to be prepared for anything!!! I leave my truck at 9 in the AM to run dogs... I take a flashlight. Will I need it? Probably not, but dogs keep rolling and moving further away and I might (just an example). You have to be prepared for anything to happen. Especially with the sounds of that dog your running!!! Sounds like a darn good dog you and I would be proud to feed!!! Again if you were on the edge of loosing your life due to circumstances you had no control over, then piss on the dog your life is more important!!! Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: Swine Stoppers on December 11, 2013, 08:03:06 am That whole deal sounds like an unprepared cluster $$$$. No I wasn't there in the situation, but I agree with wine. I have never/would never leave a dog in the woods. I'll figure out a way to get that dog back one way or another. Never leave a dog behind
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: buddylee on December 11, 2013, 09:29:28 am Good dog. Bad situation.
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: Taylor S. on December 17, 2013, 02:34:05 pm wine6978, are you a meteorologist? no one can predict the weather or what type of situation you will be stuck in for that matter, just because the dog stayed out there all night doesnt mean he shouldnt need dogs, i know many of people who have walked out of the woods and left their dogs there and went back early the next morning to go get em as soon as the sun came up and that gave them time to get help and go back out to retrievethe dog.
im glad everything worked out for you bud, sounds like you have a pretty good dog there better hang on to him. Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: justincorbell on December 17, 2013, 06:31:46 pm That whole deal sounds like an unprepared cluster $$$$. No I wasn't there in the situation, but I agree with wine. I have never/would never leave a dog in the woods. I'll figure out a way to get that dog back one way or another. Never leave a dog behind Never say never, i always said the same BUT I i have had to leave 1 dog in the woods, crazy things sometimes out of our control happen, just a fact of life. Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: charles on December 17, 2013, 06:48:58 pm [quote author=justincorbell link=topic=79489.msg482537#msg482537 date
Never say never, i always said the same BUT I i have had to leave 1 dog in the woods, crazy things sometimes out of our control happen, just a fact of life. [/quote] Naw justin, just a super best, nothin ever happen, master hunter who is always prepaired and the gods of perfect weather. Just a bunch of blowhole bs. Must think their poo dont stink n they r the only 1s who should b in the woods. Nobody but them r perfect Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: Reuben on December 17, 2013, 07:11:03 pm I have left my dogs many a time in the woods and have always got them back...the long range dogs that don't quit will do that to you now and then...but I give it my best shot to get them back...or be right back when I think they will be back to my sweaty T-shirt...
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: jagdtank on December 17, 2013, 09:52:54 pm exactly what I did. I've had this post get back to me from a buddy who heard it from someone way off it's a ridiculous . i wish it would be deleted. my original post was about how long the dog bayed and I didn't like bay and shoot because if you cant get a good shot what are you gonna do. I realize it wasn't articulated perfectly. however I've been hunting with dogs my whole life and I still haven't lost one permanently in the woods. he's not gritty and was fine.
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: wine6978 on December 18, 2013, 07:05:07 am [quote author=justincorbell link=topic=79489.msg482537#msg482537 date Never say never, i always said the same BUT I i have had to leave 1 dog in the woods, crazy things sometimes out of our control happen, just a fact of life. Naw justin, just a super best, nothin ever happen, master hunter who is always prepaired and the gods of perfect weather. Just a bunch of blowhole bs. Must think their poo dont stink n they r the only 1s who should b in the woods. Nobody but them r perfect [/quote] Yea!!! Darn those people that go through life prepared!!! They watch the weather. Never drop a dog without a tracking collar. Have everything they could hopefully need in the truck. Dang being responsible is a pain!!!! Lol Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: wine6978 on December 18, 2013, 07:07:20 am Haha $ hit happens and it sounds like this gentleman learned baying and shooting ain't for him!!! Congrats on the young dog hope he keeps on like he is for ya!!!
Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: charles on December 19, 2013, 07:53:00 am Yea!!! Darn those people that go through life prepared!!! They watch the weather. Never drop a dog without a tracking collar. Have everything they could hopefully need in the truck. Dang being responsible is a pain!!!! Lol And u hav nvr made a mistake, did something that u look back on as questionable, it wasnt wrong to do, but could have been done better? So u came out of the womb with full responcibility, a master of everything at 1 day old? UR full of it. U had to learn responcibility growing up, u have made mistakes in life, 1 of those mistakes is thinkin ur fully prepaired for any and everything that could come down the pipe, and another mistake is telling him he has no business owning dogs. Its not ur place to determine that, especially when u were not in his shoes at the time, nor did u offer to drive up there n help, u just sat in ur warm n fuzzy hm pounding the keys telling him he shouldnt have dogs bc he made a choice, may not have the perfect choice, but who is perfect? Oh, yea, u r, i forgot. But for the rest of the world, some choices are not the best, but its better to choose than go through life with no choice or clue of life Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: wine6978 on December 19, 2013, 09:36:11 am See Charles it is obvious that your going to take anything I say and blow it the way that meets your opinion. That whole statement of me being born with all the responsibility was never said by me. Hell I have made some hellacious mistakes, just didn't make them public, but to each his own. People deal with things differently. And when someone comes on the internet with all these different views on here he is going to get opinions, and some everyone may not agree with. I stand by mine, if a man is going to think his dog is cut and knows 100% where it is and what it is doing and STILL leaves it in the woods to possibly die, I don't think they should own dogs. It's my opinion bud and I am allowed to have it. You think my opinion sucks, and that's great!!! This topic has gone WAY off subject and I see no point in continuing going back and forth with you!!! It is not productive to the subject!!! The fella got his dog back and probably learned one heck of a lesson!! So you keep thinking I am perfect and I will keep "sitting" here! I'm off to chase pigs homie!
Sorry for getting this subject so off topic, and I would like to say I agree my first post was harsh, but so is life!!! Title: Re: so much for bay and shoot. Post by: charles on December 19, 2013, 03:21:34 pm your right wine6978, I did take it out of context about coming out of the womb already knowing responsibility, but nothing else was taken out of context. u chastised jagd bc he didn't have a sleeping bag, a tent, snow shoes and an ammo can full of ammo ,along with a 4x4 tck when he went hunting. even if his dog was cut, he had to made a choice of getting out of there before he got weathered in and possibly became a cold weather casualty, or leaving his dog and coming back for the next day with help. so he made a bad choice of not being fully prepared for a cold weather hunt, but that does not mean he has no business owning dogs, or hunting. we have all made bad choices, and as long as we learn from them, then that's part of life, responsibility and growing up. yes life is hard, but u don't have to bust his ba!!s because he aint as perfect as you, might not have had the right person show him the ropes and so forth. your opinion is just like mine and a butthole, we both have 1, and they both don't smell like roses.