HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: RockinJ84 on December 19, 2013, 11:36:23 am

Title: Phil robertson
Post by: RockinJ84 on December 19, 2013, 11:36:23 am
What y'all think of Phil robertson being suspended off duck dynasty?

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: KevinN on December 19, 2013, 11:40:21 am
He's a good man in my opinion....also don't think the suspension will last. I have a lesbian acquaintance that wrote A&E a very polite letter that was also a very good ass chewing for what they did.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: jdt on December 19, 2013, 11:46:55 am
what happened ?

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: Texashog26 on December 19, 2013, 12:18:38 pm
They suspended him for voicing what they thought was the wrong opinion on homosexuals.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: airduster29 on December 19, 2013, 12:22:50 pm
them yuppies

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: KevinN on December 19, 2013, 12:34:33 pm
Phil didn't even bash anyone...just said it was a sin

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: RockinJ84 on December 19, 2013, 01:01:14 pm
U can bet that he don't give a damn

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: Mpbarrs on December 19, 2013, 01:15:27 pm
It's a dang shame how a lot of good Christian folks get chastised for our beliefs but a rapper or actor can do as they please

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Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: Judge peel on December 19, 2013, 01:16:07 pm
Never have understood why people ask a question then get mad at the response. I thought that was what set us apart from the rest of the world I guess not any more wronge is right and if you disagree you are wrong sounds like this forum lol

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: justincorbell on December 19, 2013, 01:44:17 pm
I hop he and the rest of the family tell A and E to pound sand.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: reatj81 on December 19, 2013, 02:02:58 pm
Anyone who watches the show should of known how he felt before he answered the question.  He makes it common knowledge he is a Christian and believes the scripture.   All he did is give his interpretation of the bible.   

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Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: jdt on December 19, 2013, 05:31:25 pm
when where and how did this come about ?

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: t.wilbanks on December 19, 2013, 05:35:48 pm
when where and how did this come about ?

Good gosh just get a Facebook already!!!!  Then you can keep up whats happening in the world ;D

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: jdt on December 19, 2013, 05:57:30 pm
when where and how did this come about ?

Good gosh just get a Facebook already!!!!  Then you can keep up whats happening in the world ;D

piss on facebook stingbean, ethd is as close as i'm gettin . i have jumped off the technological train that leads to insanity . :P :P :P

now just answer the ? ;D

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: charles on December 19, 2013, 06:28:12 pm
 I feel the same way jdt, about using facebook, but there is the www with google, that im gonna have to use to figure out exactly what happened. I remember the wife saying something bout it, but I don't listen to much of what she says, so im kinda outta the loop with this topic. if it was just him expressing his opinion of homos, then I don't see anything wrong with him speaking the gospel, but white Christian americans have no rights anymore. homosexuality is being shoved down our throat via the web and tv, and it wont be long before is it being forced down our kids throat in school, if it hasn't already started in the schools. just look at praying at school and having so help me god in the pledge of alegance being taken out bc some atheist a-holes and their parents didn't like it so they had it removed, bc lil timmy or sally don't believe in god and thinks other shouldn't either, or that homosexuality is ok, even though the god said its sinful, but screw the rights our forefathers granted us as free americans. our bill of right, constitution and decleration of independence is just toilet paper for these politicians in this American and state government

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: country man 563 on December 19, 2013, 06:48:15 pm
There needs to be a " hell yeah" button for Charles comment

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: Reuben on December 19, 2013, 07:32:25 pm
There needs to be a " hell yeah" button for Charles comment

I got this email the other day it is pretty accurate...I don't mind anti-hunters or any other anti's if they just mind their own business and them not try to impose there beliefs on me or what I believe in...

The Fence Test

You can't get any more accurate than this it is straight forward country thinking.


Which side of the fence?

If you ever wondered which side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!


If a Conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.

If a Socialist doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.


If a Conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.

If a Socialist is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.


If a Conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.

If a Socialist is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.


If a Conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.

If a Socialist is down-and-out he wonders who is going to take care of him.


If a Conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.

A Socialist demands that those they don't like be shut down.


If a Conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.

A Socialist non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.


If a Conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.

If a Socialist decides he needs health care, he demands that the rest of us pay for his.


Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: reatj81 on December 19, 2013, 07:45:09 pm
Charles ---Ruben   Like/like

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: rebel ridge kennels on December 19, 2013, 08:25:09 pm
 I think that Phil Robertson is a decent God fearing man and it is a shame and disgrace that he has been suspended for speaking the truth. This is one of the very few tv shows that a family can sit down and watch and not be worried about the message being send. I think that as a nation we need to turn back to the morals and values that we were founded on.  I for one feel that if A&E feels the need to ban Mr Robetson I feel that A&E has no place in my home and will not be watched again.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: jagdtank on December 19, 2013, 08:54:33 pm
there is a boycott AE Facebook until it rehires phil page that was put up today and has over a million likes go over to it and like it if you support them. and the Robertson just issued a statement about the whole ordeal i think they are going to all tell ae what to do with there decision.I hope so I'm about fed up with this garbage. this is America. I really like these people. Their just decent people.Mrs kay acts just like my grandma.I would take a bullet for a woman like her in an new york minute.You just don't see many woman with that gentle content nature anymore.  I'm going to do what I can for them.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: Bryant on December 19, 2013, 08:55:21 pm
If all the talk is true, then A&E committed suicide.

I wonder how many times the Robertson's phone rang today from other networks wishing to set up a meeting.

What Phil did in my opinion didn't have anything to do with "opinion".  He quoted scripture and biblical principals...the same that this once great nation was founded on and made it the once great nation it was.

Just another example of the trouble we're in.

I'd personally like to shake the mans hand...not even so much for what he believes but that he stands firm on his beliefs and doesn't compromise.

I'd also add that if I were Phil, I wouldn't take the job back even if A&E came begging.  They have let it be known where they stand.  Any change of heart they might have would purely be political.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: cantexduck on December 19, 2013, 09:46:50 pm
    I think the agent for Phil is just really good at what they do. Phil s agent put him in the right place being asked the right question. Interview questions are most times pre approved. Phil's worth just tripled and it opens up talk with other networks.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: mod93dirt on December 19, 2013, 09:47:37 pm
A&E needs the Robertson's way more than the Robertson's need A&E. I've certainly never met Phil, but I have to imagine he gives two chits less about not being filmed anymore. I hopenthe rest of the Robertson clan do the right thing and tell the network to suck it, and judging from the duck commander response it seems as if this is going to be the case.

Duck Dynasty is a show I truly enjoy watching, but I no longer will watch it or any other show on that network and support a&e's ratings. I also have a few duck dynasty shirts but will never buy another as the network owns the name and surely profits from it. Duck Commander  or Buck commander gear is still good to go as the family owns those names. But I will no longer support any Duck Dynasty product.

With the rest of the filth that is so popular on TV these days, it is an absolute shame that a Godly man gets ostracized for simply voicing his truthful opinion. This age of political corectness we live in is beyond ridiculous.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on December 20, 2013, 09:56:16 am
I think it's a big hypocracy. How can they punish the man because he recited his beliefs that come from the bible?
And for pete's sake, whatever happened to our freedom of speech?
What a ridiculous mess.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: charles on December 20, 2013, 11:00:43 am
I think it's a big hypocracy. How can they punish the man because he recited his beliefs that come from the bible?
And for pete's sake, whatever happened to our freedom of speech?
What a ridiculous mess.

we are white collar tax paying americans, we have no 1st amendment right, no freedom of speech or freedom of religion, if our religion interferes with the socialists and muslims, especially those in our current government 

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on December 20, 2013, 02:07:05 pm
When you think about it.....

Discrimination is frowned upon, no?

Then what makes it okay for the network to suspend Phil from the show, because of his beliefs??? Is that not a form of discrimination as well?

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: charles on December 20, 2013, 02:21:31 pm
Its only discrimination if ur not for the current media reform or go against what othees are trying force down our throats.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: BigNoseKate on December 20, 2013, 03:44:01 pm
If all the talk is true, then A&E committed suicide.

I wonder how many times the Robertson's phone rang today from other networks wishing to set up a meeting.

What Phil did in my opinion didn't have anything to do with "opinion".  He quoted scripture and biblical principals...the same that this once great nation was founded on and made it the once great nation it was.

Just another example of the trouble we're in.

I'd personally like to shake the mans hand...not even so much for what he believes but that he stands firm on his beliefs and doesn't compromise.

I'd also add that if I were Phil, I wouldn't take the job back even if A&E came begging.  They have let it be known where they stand.  Any change of heart they might have would purely be political.

10-4! That is what blows my mind and really scares me.  He was ASKED a question, and he responded with a quote from the Bible.  He also mentions the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers, but did the drunks get offended!? What about slanderers?? My point is, it is not like he went out of his way to target/chastise homosexuality.  Besides Bonanza, this is the only other show I enjoy watching that I can watch with my daddy without either one of us feeling uncomfortable, or blushing if that makes sense.  It is a great show for all ages. They are a great American family with good qualities and the show portrays clean fun but keeps you splittin-your-sides-laughing the whole time.  It's almost like someone was LOOKING for a reason to do this.  Take a look at all of the things that you see in other TV shows and the news... But give Phil Robertson the boot because he was asked a question and he quoted the Bible?? Everyone needs to quit getting their panties in a wad because someone has a different view than them.  It's life, and what makes the world go round. 

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: Amokabs on December 20, 2013, 08:50:35 pm
I've been puttin some thought into Phil's situation and the state of Christianity in the World today. Christ said when you follow Him, people will be offended. (John 16:1) . He said following him would make an outcast of you with your own family, that people would kill you in God's name and they believe they were doing good.  When you make a stand for Christ, it makes non believers and unrepetetant sinners uncomfortable. I think Phil's situation is a perfect example of a Godly man standing up for his  Beliefs and the expected reaction and persecution of the non believers.  Christ said to rejoice when persecuted For His name.  It's great to see so many Americans standing up for Brother. Phil. Last thing, the left always oversteps its boundaries. Hopefully, all these disasters, Obamacare, all his scandals, the lefts push for homosexual rights,,, hopefully, it will solidify the conservative movement and we can vote the bums out this congressional election.

Title: Re:
Post by: Fixitlouie on December 21, 2013, 01:15:18 pm
I thought we had free speech rights . Oh my bad this is the new America

fixitlouie via tapatalk via droid

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: BigNoseKate on December 22, 2013, 08:09:49 am

Just ridiculous.  Part of Cracker Barrel's statement: "Cracker Barrel’s mission is Pleasing People"

PLEASING PEOPLE!? What the hell...

You can't please everyone, but it's so important to stand up for what you believe in.  Stick to your word.  Say what you mean and mean what you say.  Why the hell everyone has to be so damn wishy washy and swing from one side to another just to please people- I have NO idea.  I know one thing for sure, durn sure won't be eating at Cracker Barrel.
Thought this was cool... my dad has the week off so he is going to Louisiana to the Duck Commander store to purchase some of their merchandise and show his support tomorrow and just let them know there's folks in Texas who stand with them.  Dang sure wish I could go and show support, but I have to work...

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: Bryant on December 22, 2013, 10:14:03 pm
So...I just read on the net where Cracker Barrell has reversed its decision and decided to put the Duck merchandise back on the shelves.  Well congrats Cracker Barrell...congrats for having no spine...for basically not standing for anything.  Kind of easy to sit on the fence and see how things shake out.  A marketing department  smart enough to recognize that their core customer base requires low sodium diets and soft food, but not sure how to react to a conservative point of view??  Give me a break....

Title: Re:
Post by: RL on December 23, 2013, 07:33:14 am
I thought we had free speech rights . Oh my bad this is the new America

As an Atheist I have no problem with Phil's statement about 'sin' or his belief in the myth of a god.  I don't think it was just about homosexuality.  It was about all kinds of sins, from greed to adultery.  I actually this it was more 'biblical' in that it included many sins instead of picking just one and harping on it.

But, this is not about "free speech".  We all have that.  We can say virtually anything we want anywhere.  The issue is when we do are there repercussions.  Our employers have the right not to continue our employment if they find our "speech" problematic or offensive.  Same here.  A&E feels Phil's statement were caustic to a large segment of their audience and their advertisers.  If either are offended, they will lose viewers and advertisers. 

Having said that, I was offended by his statements regarding Blacks and their having civil rights.  They were offensive to minorities and they will have economic repercussions.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: charles on December 23, 2013, 10:05:57 am
 does any1 have the link to the interview? I cant find it, only thing I can find is after the interview articles, and 1 article that seems to be from the interview, but Im not 100% sure. in the interview that I found that is in ?, I found something that again shows rights being removed. here is a copy and paste of what I found: But there are more things Phil would like to say—“controversial” things, as he puts it to me—that don’t make the cut. (This March, for instance, he told the Christian-oriented Sports Spectrum magazine that he didn’t approve of A&E editing out “in Jesus” from a family prayer scene, even though A&E says that the phrase has been uttered in at least seventeen episodes.)

Read More http://www.gq.com/entertainment/television/201401/duck-dynasty-phil-robertson#ixzz2oJVz3E00

just bc it was said in the previous 17 episodes, doesn't give the tv producers the authority to remove it from #18 and violating their constitutional rights of freedom of religion.

this is for rl, if this aint what you are referring to, then paste the link to what u are referring to asto his comments of civil right for the blacks.

 Phil On Growing Up in Pre-Civil-Rights-Era Louisiana
“I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash. We’re going across the field.... They’re singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’—not a word!... Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.”

Read More http://www.gq.com/entertainment/television/201401/duck-dynasty-phil-robertson#ixzz2oJWiWlLf

again, if this aint the comment u r referring to, then post his comment. but from what Im seeing, there aint a single thing in this comment that could be construded as offensive.

now on this topic, and I know there are some black folks on this site, and if this up coming word offends you, good, it offends me too. I do have a problem with black folks walking around saying nigger this and nigger that and calling each other nigger, but yet when a person of any other race, espically a white person, its "come lets whoop the racist cracker". it stands to reason that if its racist if the honky says, that its racist if the blacks say it, especially calling each other that. if that word is degrading and offensive to the black race, then what does it say for those that are using the term towards 1 another? it says, they don't care to clean up their act and stop the degradation of their own community and race. the blacks want racism stopped, then they should start with policing their self up first. 

Title: Re:
Post by: Scott on December 23, 2013, 10:32:42 am
Having said that, I was offended by his statements regarding Blacks and their having civil rights.  They were offensive to minorities and they will have economic repercussions.

Economic repercussions?????

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: charles on December 23, 2013, 12:16:41 pm
 there is no economic re/persecution. as "minorities" they have more access to government aid than white folks, especially a white male, along with free education benefits, free housing, free food, free phone, benefits, that I, as a white person cant get right now bc I had to work to pay my bills and have to be unemployed or working a job that wouldn't even pay my house note per month, let along food, fuel, insurance and a few other bills that are required. im not factoring in canine upkeep or my nicotine habit, bc those are luxuries that I don't have to HAVE. not all, but a fair amount CHOOSE NOT to help themselves out, instead they would prefer to live off free aid from the sweat of the others and go through life as a leach or parasite, mooching off others. race/color don't have crap to do with any of it though, its pure worthlessness and being lazy. the public school system may not be the best, but its there and EVERYBODY has the opportunity to get an education and be a proactive member in society, so economic re/persecution is no way as excuse or factor in anything when it comes their choices in life. so many rules and laws have been created and standards dropped to "help" the non-white and non-males, and they still cant get their chit together and be a positive member in society, all of their own free will do they choose to live and act the way they do. they not meaning blacks, but whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians and women, all have the chances to better their selves, but some choose to no to, and to those, I have no pitty for. 

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: Lance on December 23, 2013, 01:44:41 pm
there is no economic re/persecution. as "minorities" they have more access to government aid than white folks, especially a white male, along with free education benefits, free housing, free food, free phone, benefits, that I, as a white person cant get right now bc I had to work to pay my bills and have to be unemployed or working a job that wouldn't even pay my house note per month, let along food, fuel, insurance and a few other bills that are required. im not factoring in canine upkeep or my nicotine habit, bc those are luxuries that I don't have to HAVE. not all, but a fair amount CHOOSE NOT to help themselves out, instead they would prefer to live off free aid from the sweat of the others and go through life as a leach or parasite, mooching off others. race/color don't have crap to do with any of it though, its pure worthlessness and being lazy. the public school system may not be the best, but its there and EVERYBODY has the opportunity to get an education and be a proactive member in society, so economic re/persecution is no way as excuse or factor in anything when it comes their choices in life. so many rules and laws have been created and standards dropped to "help" the non-white and non-males, and they still cant get their chit together and be a positive member in society, all of their own free will do they choose to live and act the way they do. they not meaning blacks, but whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians and women, all have the chances to better their selves, but some choose to no to, and to those, I have no pitty for. 

Amen !! Preach on brother Charles !! I love to hear you testify !!

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: RL on December 23, 2013, 04:27:36 pm
it says, they don't care to clean up their act and stop the degradation of their own community and race. the blacks want racism stopped, then they should start with policing their self up first. 

There are some words, such as the N word or the Y word ... that cannot be re-purposed ... even within a race.  They have a history of being used as derogatory and to degrade a race and as such are so toxic that they really can't be re-purposed.  If a Black uses the N word derogatorily in tone or purpose towards another Black (which happens) ... then they are using it for the same toxic purpose that offends them.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: RL on December 23, 2013, 04:36:18 pm
he told the Christian-oriented Sports Spectrum magazine that he didn’t approve of A&E editing out “in Jesus” from a family prayer scene, even though A&E says that the phrase has been uttered in at least seventeen episodes.)

just bc it was said in the previous 17 episodes, doesn't give the tv producers the authority to remove it from #18 and violating their constitutional rights of freedom of religion.

Whatever A&E did regarding the program and the editing, it is not a violation of Phil's constitutional right to freedom of religion.  A&E is a private sector enterprise.  It is not a government entity.  The constitution prohibit the imposition of religion by the government.

Additionally, Phil signed a contract with A&E and I have no doubt that in that contract A&E retained all rights to edit the show, which is standard.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: charles on December 23, 2013, 05:00:02 pm
 so then explain why they walk around sayin " whats up nigga, nigga please" and yet its ok, but a white person in the exact same manner, the manner of a greeting or welcome that ole' whitey is now a racist.

also, explain what the heck is the "Y" word
if the 1st amendment is only to protect the government from discriminating against religion, then why is it that with every company out there, there is always the disclaimer or, "we are an equal opportunity employer and we do not discriminate against color, creed, sex, race and or religion"? let a privately owned company tell an applicant or employee that they did not get the job or is laid off, fired or suspended bc they are Christian, muslim, budist, or any other religious affiliated practice, and that person will have a law suite filed and will when before a cat can lick its a$$, with its tail up and tongue out. the 1st amendment is not to protect the people from religious discrimination, from just the government, but protection from any and all religious discrimination. if by signing a contract with any company, private or public, that contract can not say "sorry, we do not want you to use GOD, Alah, Buda" or any other religious figure of worship in any form or fashion of legal mumbo jumbo lingo.

now, is the following text the same interview conversation about blacks and their civil rights that offended you?

 Phil On Growing Up in Pre-Civil-Rights-Era Louisiana
“I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash. We’re going across the field.... They’re singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’—not a word!... Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.”

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: jdt on December 23, 2013, 07:50:41 pm
phil robertson for president ! charles for vice president  ! miss kay for nancy pelosis job , whatever that is   ;D

si robertson for president of aclu ;) ;)

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: RL on December 23, 2013, 07:55:48 pm
also, explain what the heck is the "Y" word

In England it is racially offensive to call a Jewish person a Yit.  Hence, like the N word, they use a letter to reference it.

In the 30's, there was an English town with a soccer team.  Both the town and the team were primarily Jewish.  Most of the Jewish people spoke Yittish.  The opposing teams would make a hissing sound (replicating the sound of gas in the execution chambers in Germany) ... give the Nazi salute ... and derogatorily call them Yits.  This was done to denigrate them.

Calling a Jewish person a Yit is similar to calling a black person the N word.

Neither word can be re-purposed.  They have a history of persecution and denigration.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: RL on December 23, 2013, 07:58:42 pm
if the 1st amendment is only to protect the government from discriminating against religion, then why is it that with every company out there, there is always the disclaimer or, "we are an equal opportunity employer and we do not discriminate against color, creed, sex, race and or religion"? let a privately owned company tell an applicant or employee that they did not get the job or is laid off, fired or suspended bc they are Christian, muslim, budist, or any other religious affiliated practice, and that person will have a law suite filed and will when before a cat can lick its a$$, with its tail up and tongue out. the 1st amendment is not to protect the people from religious discrimination, from just the government, but protection from any and all religious discrimination. if by signing a contract with any company, private or public, that contract can not say "sorry, we do not want you to use GOD, Alah, Buda" or any other religious figure of worship in any form or fashion of legal mumbo jumbo lingo.

This is simple.  Google 1st amendment and read what it says.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: RL on December 23, 2013, 08:09:57 pm
To answer the employment aspect of your Q ... google "Employment Discrimination" and the Civil Rights Act of '64.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: charles on December 23, 2013, 08:20:14 pm
Ur right, its simple to google it. So how bout u google it n post it. What i found said "congress shall not pass laws against religious practice or force 1 religoin over another.  Then i want u to refuse employment to somebody based on their religion and lets see long before ur in court for religious discrimination.

So what part of phils interview of black folks civil rights offended u?

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: jdt on December 23, 2013, 08:43:25 pm
 the great cowboy acter and comedian will rogers said " theres 2 theorys to arguing with a woman ... and neither 1 works "

john townsend says "theres 2 theorys to arguing with an atheist ... and guess what - neither 1 works"  ;D

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: mike rogers on December 23, 2013, 09:18:37 pm
Political Correctness is the far lefts weapon of choice against anything and everything that's American.  Anything that makes America great. By waging war on any American they find offensive when nothing offensive may have been said. To miss-represent in anyway, shape, form or fashion they can to tare down great American Like Phil Robertson and they will do their best to tare down what built this country. The Media is a powerful force and a strong arm of the far left. The far left WILL the media wildly striking all they oppose or anyone that opposes them.

John Wayne didn't write that I did, but if John Wayne was alive today I bet this would have been pretty close.....  Damn I miss John Wayne

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on December 23, 2013, 09:46:04 pm
Well looky here...........


Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: jdt on December 23, 2013, 10:17:46 pm
i wonder now if it wasn't just a scheme by a n e to boost rating further . even if it was it has helped the christian cause .

thats what happens when people know where they stand - and stand there .

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: charles on December 23, 2013, 10:40:23 pm
Its good to see the a&e found the correct path, but in all honesty, unless that family has squandered their celeb money and need the a&e gig, the entire family should have told a&e to get bent and sought another company to do their tv show with, or just go back to their roots of duck calls n small a family ran hunting outfit. Tv companies are like family dogs, all hunky dorry till the dog bites the hand that feeds them. Can the dog be trusted again? An old sayin my pops used to tell me comes to mind, "fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Instead of "fool" replace it with "suspend".

The q&a that got suspended was diliberate. Knowing his bible thumping beliefs, they ask a question to which they already knew the answer to, and if they didnt, then that in its self helps air out whats wrong with this country, and that falls on both gq and the pr person assigned to phil from a&e, especially during a time when the butt diddlers are full steam ahead for full recognition of their disturbed minds in thinkin homosexuallity in an acceptable life style for EVERYBODY. This past i have seen an explosion in pro gay tv propaganda and tv shows. 1 tv show comes to mind, OWN, where i say and head a guy say "he finds it hard being a gay christian, but this gay camp helps ease the pain of being gay", or something to that effect.
Yes the bible says that we are GODS children and jesus forgives us of our sins if we accept him in out hearts and repent our sins, but it also says that its against GOD's will for 2 men to lay together and know each other.
So how is being gay, a good christian? Ok, he possiblly accepted Christ into his heat, but by not repenting his sin of laying with another man and continuing to do it. Again, how is that being a good christian? Its like wiping before u poop, it dont make sence.  ???

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: jdt on December 23, 2013, 11:14:26 pm
according to to phil robertson and me (and the good lord ) there is no such thing as a gay christian .

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: Lance on December 23, 2013, 11:25:34 pm
Add 1 more to that list !!

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: charles on December 23, 2013, 11:44:53 pm
according to to phil robertson and me (and the good lord ) there is no such thing as a gay christian .

Sure there is, just like them unicorns fillin the skys

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: RL on December 24, 2013, 07:32:14 am
Ur right, its simple to google it. So how bout u google it n post it. What i found said "congress shall not pass laws against religious practice or force 1 religoin over another.  Then i want u to refuse employment to somebody based on their religion and lets see long before ur in court for religious discrimination.

Charles, you are confusing the 1st Amendment and the Civil Rights Act. 

The 1st Amendment states ... "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances".[/I]

The Civil Right Act of '64  ... "prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin".

So the 1st Amendment prohibits the government from imposing a religion ... and the CRA '64 prohibits employment discrimination based on religion.

Neither of these are being violated in this situation.  A&E is not a government entity and therefore is not violating the 1st Amendment.  They clearly did not discriminate against Phil when they hired him.  Do not confuse these as protecting an employee for saying anything anytime they want.  They can't discriminate against someone because of their religion but that doesn't give the employee the right to espouse those views in the workplace or cause the employer problems when they do espouse them.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: RL on December 24, 2013, 07:37:20 am
So what part of phils interview of black folks civil rights offended u?

I think his implication that Blacks were better off and happy, etc. prior to the Civil Rights movement is a nostalgic revision of what life was like then.  There was segregation, lynchings, open discrimination, dehumanizing degradation, Jim Crow laws, voting laws meant to prohibit them from voting, etc.  It was akin to someone stating "prior to emancipation ... they were happy and not complaining".  It just has a tone about it that is insensitive and blind to the injustices that were being inflicted upon one sector of our society.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: RL on December 24, 2013, 07:44:51 am
Well looky here...........


I am not sure that is a change in the A&E position.  They have already filmed all but one of the episodes for next year.  So yes, they are airing them.  That does not change the suspension of Phil.

Now here is an irony.  Earlier this year Phil announced that he was leaving the show.  As I recall he stated that he had lost interest in it.  His oldest son, Alan, who is a pastor in California and doesn't work at Duck Commander nor does he have a beard ... was joining the show.

So Phil was leaving before this controversy.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: Scott on December 24, 2013, 07:59:08 am

Now here is an irony.  Earlier this year Phil announced that he was leaving the show.  As I recall he stated that he had lost interest in it.  His oldest son, Alan, who is a pastor in California and doesn't work at Duck Commander nor does he have a beard ... was joining the show.

So Phil was leaving before this controversy.

Do you have a link for this assertion.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: RL on December 24, 2013, 08:47:19 am

Now here is an irony.  Earlier this year Phil announced that he was leaving the show.  As I recall he stated that he had lost interest in it.  His oldest son, Alan, who is a pastor in California and doesn't work at Duck Commander nor does he have a beard ... was joining the show.

So Phil was leaving before this controversy.

Do you have a link for this assertion.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/26/phil-robertson-leaving-duck-dynasty_n_3661012.html (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/26/phil-robertson-leaving-duck-dynasty_n_3661012.html)
This article was from July '13, long before this controversy. 

In an interview with Parade magazine, the reality star admitted that he and "Duck Dynasty" aren't in it for the long haul.

When asked how much longer he would be involved with the show, Robertson, "Not long," noting that he thought the show itself would be fine. "I think it'll go on without me."

"Duck Dynasty," which stars the camo-wearing, bearded duck-hunting Robertson family, certainly hasn't struggled in the ratings recently. The Season 3 finale brought in 9.6 million viewers -- and 5.5 million in the coveted 18-49 demo -- making it the most-watched telecast in A&E history among all key demos.

Although "Duck Dynasty" could be losing its patriarch in the not-so-distant future, it's also gaining a Robertson in Season 4. Alan, a 47-year-old pastor, is leaving his station in Louisiana to join his family on their adventure.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: charles on December 24, 2013, 09:10:00 am
So u were on the same cotton farm and worked side by side with phil n the colored folks and those folks expressed to u that they were unhappy and couldnt wait for the civil rights laws to be passed. U found his comment of his personel experience with the black folks he worked with on a daily basis offensive?  Come on, it sounds more like u just had to throw somethn else out there to help discredit phil. That athiest mentality has clouded ur limited judgement, another anti-chritian act to help remove the christian beliefs from the true american people. U just chose a topic to speak on just to stir the proverbial chit pot.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: charles on December 24, 2013, 09:22:46 am
 oh, and u are right, I was getting the crl and the 1st amendment confused. but from what I saw on the google search for the 1st amendment, the link I opened had the bill of rights and during the explination of each amendment, what I found was what now seems to be the crl of 64.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: RL on December 24, 2013, 09:26:13 am
has clouded ur limited judgement

Notice that I haven't made any negative comments towards you or your opinions  ...  not something you can state.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: jagdtank on December 24, 2013, 09:47:41 am
I hope more people make statements like phil did I enjoyed his comments and agreed with them.                 “I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person.  Not once.  Where we lived was all farmers.  The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them.  I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash.  We’re going across the field . . . They’re singing and happy.   I never heard one of them, one black person, say “’I tell you what: Those doggone  white people’ – not a word". Great words and full of truth. The blacks that actually were second class citizens didnt feel sorry for themselves like the currant ones tend to. His statement about Gays is spot on as well. It's all about women's rights and empowering woman. Gay men are just men trying to prove that a woman's most treasured anatomical feature is no better than a hairy, hemorrhoidal,poop smeared butt crack. I don't pretend to be open minded on the issue and that's OK, because I understand whats at stake. I understand this is a war, a culture war. It will not be won fighting by the enemy rules of engagement. If they say shut up- I say it louder. I do the opposite keep my heart pure and trust in god and refuse to let yuppy nonsense ruin my day! I am willing to be jailed for what I believe. I am willing to die as well as be ridiculed for truth. I don't have to do any of those things currently except be ridiculed. But by whom? (A bunch of perverts with to much time on their hands)I'll
 pay that low price for sure. I'm not afraid of RL's comments. there are two sides to the coin. book learning and common sense or wisdom. Rl no doubt scours the web looking for just the right info so he can make those with a different set values eat their words because they aren't as genius as him. it's fine to each his own. get your kicks where you can. homosexuality is a unnatural occurrence. It is a sin. It is disgusting. I will tolerate it so long as it stays where it belongs. which is in the sole presence of the twisted people who practice it. (This is the only compromise I will make) try making me accept it or try changing the family culture that is natural and right and we have a problem jack.  people don't seem to seek truth but seek instead excuse. It has turned everything on it's head and there is no reasoning it out. It doesn't make sense unless you remove common sense.There is nothing sacred. everything is open to change if you don't like it. I will be the bedrock bucking the current. I will not yield and in my presence the culture changers/truth changers will be disappointed,and I'll be happy, happy,happy.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: oconee on December 24, 2013, 10:12:40 am
I hope more people make statements like phil did I enjoyed his comments and agreed with them.                 “I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person.  Not once.  Where we lived was all farmers.  The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them.  I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash.  We’re going across the field . . . They’re singing and happy.   I never heard one of them, one black person, say “’I tell you what: Those doggone  white people’ – not a word". Great words and full of truth. The blacks that actually were second class citizens didnt feel sorry for themselves like the currant ones tend to. His statement about Gays is spot on as well. It's all about women's rights and empowering woman. Gay men are just men trying to prove that a woman's most treasured anatomical feature is no better than a hairy, hemorrhoidal,poop smeared butt crack. I don't pretend to be open minded on the issue and that's OK, because I understand whats at stake. I understand this is a war, a culture war. It will not be won fighting by the enemy rules of engagement. If they say shut up- I say it louder. I do the opposite keep my heart pure and trust in god and refuse to let yuppy nonsense ruin my day! I am willing to be jailed for what I believe. I am willing to die as well as be ridiculed for truth. I don't have to do any of those things currently except be ridiculed. But by whom? (A bunch of perverts with to much time on their hands)I'll
 pay that low price for sure. I'm not afraid of RL's comments. there are two sides to the coin. book learning and common sense or wisdom. Rl no doubt scours the web looking for just the right info so he can make those with a different set values eat their words because they aren't as genius as him. it's fine to each his own. get your kicks where you can. homosexuality is a unnatural occurrence. It is a sin. It is disgusting. I will tolerate it so long as it stays where it belongs. which is in the sole presence of the twisted people who practice it. (This is the only compromise I will make) try making me accept it or try changing the family culture that is natural and right and we have a problem jack.  people don't seem to seek truth but seek instead excuse. It has turned everything on it's head and there is no reasoning it out. It doesn't make sense unless you remove common sense.There is nothing sacred. everything is open to change if you don't like it. I will be the bedrock bucking the current. I will not yield and in my presence the culture changers/truth changers will be disappointed,and I'll be happy, happy,happy.

Can't say it any better than that!!!!!!!   

A man will seek justification for his sin more than he will seek the truth and help to change from those ways!!!! 


Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: charles on December 24, 2013, 11:32:19 am
Ur judgement is limited on the basis of ur anti-christian belief, and/or lack of a religious belief at all.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: Hutch33 on December 24, 2013, 11:50:01 am
John Wayne didn't write that I did, but if John Wayne was alive today I bet this would have been pretty close.....  Damn I miss John Wayne

 8) NICE.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: Reuben on December 24, 2013, 01:25:13 pm
I hope more people make statements like phil did I enjoyed his comments and agreed with them.                 “I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person.  Not once.  Where we lived was all farmers.  The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them.  I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash.  We’re going across the field . . . They’re singing and happy.   I never heard one of them, one black person, say “’I tell you what: Those doggone  white people’ – not a word". Great words and full of truth. The blacks that actually were second class citizens didnt feel sorry for themselves like the currant ones tend to. His statement about Gays is spot on as well. It's all about women's rights and empowering woman. Gay men are just men trying to prove that a woman's most treasured anatomical feature is no better than a hairy, hemorrhoidal,poop smeared butt crack. I don't pretend to be open minded on the issue and that's OK, because I understand whats at stake. I understand this is a war, a culture war. It will not be won fighting by the enemy rules of engagement. If they say shut up- I say it louder. I do the opposite keep my heart pure and trust in god and refuse to let yuppy nonsense ruin my day! I am willing to be jailed for what I believe. I am willing to die as well as be ridiculed for truth. I don't have to do any of those things currently except be ridiculed. But by whom? (A bunch of perverts with to much time on their hands)I'll
 pay that low price for sure. I'm not afraid of RL's comments. there are two sides to the coin. book learning and common sense or wisdom. Rl no doubt scours the web looking for just the right info so he can make those with a different set values eat their words because they aren't as genius as him. it's fine to each his own. get your kicks where you can. homosexuality is a unnatural occurrence. It is a sin. It is disgusting. I will tolerate it so long as it stays where it belongs. which is in the sole presence of the twisted people who practice it. (This is the only compromise I will make) try making me accept it or try changing the family culture that is natural and right and we have a problem jack.  people don't seem to seek truth but seek instead excuse. It has turned everything on it's head and there is no reasoning it out. It doesn't make sense unless you remove common sense.There is nothing sacred. everything is open to change if you don't like it. I will be the bedrock bucking the current. I will not yield and in my presence the culture changers/truth changers will be disappointed,and I'll be happy, happy,happy.

Can't say it any better than that!!!!!!!   

A man will seek justification for his sin more than he will seek the truth and help to change from those ways!!!! 


And I say AMEN TO THAT...so many look at the symptom for the cure but the cure is at the root...

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: rdjustham on December 24, 2013, 03:41:45 pm
I understand where both rl and charles are coming from.  Here is how i look at it,  phil is actually a reallys mart individual and knows exactly what he is doing. "I never saw it". He didnt say it didnt happen, that he agrees with it or not, he gave a round about answer to a question, very political answer.  As far asThe comment on sins, and he said all of them listed int he bible, he simply quoted scripture.  Very very smart in my opinion, and i believe it was set up for it all to fall this way to boost ratings and drive support for the show.

Now that being said, if i own a company that sells an item, lets say a reality show, im going to do my dangdest to make sure the employees that work for me dont screw up my product.  This really has nothing to do with the 1st amendment or the crl.  Your boss wouldnt let you screw up his product and cost him millions, hed can you and find someone that could do your job the way he wanted it done. 

But again i think it was all a ploy and we all did exactly what a and e wanted us too Drive the ratings.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: Reuben on December 24, 2013, 04:36:45 pm
I understand where both rl and charles are coming from.  Here is how i look at it,  phil is actually a reallys mart individual and knows exactly what he is doing. "I never saw it". He didnt say it didnt happen, that he agrees with it or not, he gave a round about answer to a question, very political answer.  As far asThe comment on sins, and he said all of them listed int he bible, he simply quoted scripture.  Very very smart in my opinion, and i believe it was set up for it all to fall this way to boost ratings and drive support for the show.

Now that being said, if i own a company that sells an item, lets say a reality show, im going to do my dangdest to make sure the employees that work for me dont screw up my product.  This really has nothing to do with the 1st amendment or the crl.  Your boss wouldnt let you screw up his product and cost him millions, hed can you and find someone that could do your job the way he wanted it done. 

But again i think it was all a ploy and we all did exactly what a and e wanted us too Drive the ratings.

I thought the same thing now that Phil came out in July saying he was getting out...but that scheme might just backfire on A&E if that was the plan...but If Phil is off the show I will quit watching because he is the reason I watch it...

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: Scott on December 24, 2013, 04:55:32 pm
The way I took his comments, when that article came out, on "leaving the show" wasn't that he was leaving....but, that all shows have a run and then fall by the wayside. Not that he was interested in leaving the show now. And how many episodes has his oldest son, the preacher, been on? Just the first episode of this season that I recall...

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: Reuben on December 24, 2013, 06:01:55 pm
The way I took his comments, when that article came out, on "leaving the show" wasn't that he was leaving....but, that all shows have a run and then fall by the wayside. Not that he was interested in leaving the show now. And how many episodes has his oldest son, the preacher, been on? Just the first episode of this season that I recall...

yea Scott...I have lost interest on the show after the third or forth show actually...just lasts too long for me and it just got old in a hurry for me...but like I said, Phil is why I watch the show if and when I do...usually because my wife is watching it...

by far my favorite was when they had the Duck Commander show...it only lasted 30 minutes on Saturday and it was seasonal as well...

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: tuskbuster on December 24, 2013, 08:45:50 pm
ya know we dont hear chit out of the resident athiest liberal democrap zombie and just my opnion <RL crawl back in your liberal hole ,you have nothin to contribute to any post except your bullchit when it fits your talkin points. as you may gather  this a bible bely,god fearin forum .you the kinda person i would take pleasure in     BUYIN YOU A DRINK

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: tuskbuster on December 24, 2013, 08:48:10 pm
bible belt sorry ,just pissed

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on December 28, 2013, 10:55:00 am


Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: Shotgun wg on December 28, 2013, 11:22:36 am
Jesse Jackson is an idiot that is just looking for a way to stir up crap and get paid for it. He has never done a thing to help anyone other than himself.

A&E isn't stupid. They announced Phil's suspension and lost 600,000
Viewers over night. The boys say they won't do the show without Phil and A&E sees just how much money they stand to lose. A&E didn't have a religiouse or constitutional epiphany. What they had was an economical realization that without duck dynasty share holder would want heads and bonuses would not come.

Networks look at one thing and one thing alone. Dollars and sense. What don't make dollars don't make sense. There choice of suspending him didn't make either. So as u see the reinstatement. 


Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: charles on December 28, 2013, 11:27:13 am
Jesse jackson aint nothin but an uptight, anti-white, uncle tom, racist and bigot. He should have suck started a shotgun 25yrs ago.

Title: Re: Phil robertson
Post by: Rocking Y on December 28, 2013, 03:21:01 pm
Y'all should watch that the documentary called I Am Second on the Conservative Post, pretty good little video. Actually quite inspiring