Title: to many need them gone Post by: wildchild on December 23, 2013, 05:34:20 pm 1) 1 1/2 ybmc he has found a few hogs but im not calling him a strike dog he is just started he is not trash broke $200
2) 2 year old she is 1/2 plot 1/2 greyhound she has a hot nose she has found 6 pig in fresh sign she will honor a bay she just came off a litter asking $150 3) 3 yr old finsh catch dog will run to a bay catches ear every time $150 4) 1 year 1/2 walker 1/2 heeler he hasn't found any pigs yet but will run with the older dogs asking $100 5) 1 year old bmc bull dog. free 6) 1 year bmc dane free dustinduncan97@yahoo.com 903-390-4243 |