Title: 1/1/14 So How Will This Year Turn Out? Post by: KevinN on January 01, 2014, 05:58:52 am My old mentors had a tradition of hunting on New Years Day.
Think I'm gonna start that tradition for myself. It's near 7 a.m. and I'm at the truck stop...Blake will be here shortly, young Austin as well. We've hunted my spot pretty heavy over deer season and put a good dent in the population. Blake has picked up another couple good sized spots....good lord that boy will have a kingdom to hunt on before to long. Does the first hunt of the year determine your hog doggin fate for the rest of the year? Title: Re: 1/1/14 So How Will This Year Turn Out? Post by: C.Ledyard on January 01, 2014, 06:10:44 am Not to sure if it does or not but I'm about to turn out here shortly as we'll to give it a shot
Title: Re: 1/1/14 So How Will This Year Turn Out? Post by: KevinN on January 01, 2014, 09:05:21 am One Boar down....bout 140lbs. No pic....it was muddy nasty mess. A 2 year old corn crop never harvested with a swamp right in the middle of it. Nice sounder of about 15 pigs. Emmett got one singled out and locked down. Wanted to hobble him but no way I was dragging him out of that mess.
Real wet at every spot so far....still looking. Title: Re: 1/1/14 So How Will This Year Turn Out? Post by: Mpbarrs on January 01, 2014, 09:32:13 am Get em bud
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1) Title: Re: 1/1/14 So How Will This Year Turn Out? Post by: KevinN on January 01, 2014, 09:40:05 am Callin it quits...to dang muddy...every spot. Haven't had rain in 10 days I think but this black gumbo mud is rough.
That's alright....that one new spot is loaded. We'll come back with the Ranger next time. Title: Re: 1/1/14 So How Will This Year Turn Out? Post by: KevinN on January 01, 2014, 02:16:42 pm Changed my mind...I wasn't ready to quit so made a call to Chanceandanita and turned the truck west. Were headed to a little spot now up around Joplin to give it a go.