Title: WTB. Cat pup out of proven "POT LICKERS"/good "Cull" prospect Post by: BarrNinja on August 21, 2009, 10:46:23 am A strange request I agree but I am posting for a friend that would like to raise a cat/leopard puppy as a yard dog.
If you have an accidental cross or dont mind a hunting dog you have bread to being raised as a yard dog then let me know. The only request by the folks interested is that it be a young Catahoula/leopard pup. Registered or bulldog X pups need not apply. I would imagine that any Cat or Leopard looking pup would suite them just fine. He is located between Plantersville and Magnolia TX. Title: Re: WTB. Cat pup out of proven "POT LICKERS"/good "Cull" prospect Post by: cody1offroad on August 22, 2009, 07:35:48 pm i got that 6 month old gyp for sale for a hundred she bayes but she has been kept at the house as a pet
Title: Re: WTB. Cat pup out of proven "POT LICKERS"/good "Cull" prospect Post by: BarrNinja on August 22, 2009, 10:27:51 pm Thanks anyway cody1,
I've been offered a pup out of a leopard bitch x with a champion bloodline fence jumper. ;D |