Title: Need a Catchdog Post by: Deputy Dog on August 22, 2009, 07:19:22 pm My main Catch dog died, need to replace him. In the Pnahandle, east oklahoma, or northeast texas. 806-217-2277
Title: Re: Need a Catchdog Post by: Brushbuster on August 22, 2009, 08:38:50 pm got a 14 mos old pitx that catches on ear, and will burn up a bark no matter how far. well mannered & no dog or human aggression. he is my only male is why he needs to go. i live in uvalde if ur interested. 200$ 830-279-2160
Title: Re: Need a Catchdog Post by: Deputy Dog on August 22, 2009, 10:23:41 pm That may be a little too far to drive unless you know a dog transporter that will come this far north.