Title: GUARDIAN 4-layer KEVLAR VESTS-SOLD Post by: Black Gold on August 24, 2009, 06:28:39 am Before I sold WBUSA-UDR I had 2 custom vests made for my dogs. They are Guardian Kevlars but I had a total of 4 layers of Kevlar put in the vest. I did not realize that I would remain on Pro-Staff with the company and continue to develope the Guardian TITAN. These vests are Guardian Kevlars with 4 instead of 2 layers of Kevlar in the body. (The Guardian TITAN has 4 layers of Kevlar in the leg flaps as well as the collar and neck area...every square inch of the vest....these 2 vest have 4 layers of kevlar just in the quilted body area like the standard Guardian Kevlars)
Bottom Line: Now as Pro-Staff I will be running a production vest (TITAN) and need to get rid of these two custom ones. Over $100 worth of Kevlar in each vest alone. One is a large and one is an XL.....Vests never even been on a dog. Looking to trade for 2 used DC-30 collars or 1 new one....or $100 each..... Call me....361-772-8023 (http://www.wildboarusa.org/copper/albums/userpics/10003/guardians.JPG) Title: Re: GUARDIAN 4-layer KEVLAR VESTS Post by: BigAinaBuilt on August 24, 2009, 03:43:35 pm You've got mail!
Title: Re: GUARDIAN 4-layer KEVLAR VESTS Post by: stickinhogs on August 25, 2009, 12:20:58 am I would like the large one please give me a call or il call you
Russell (210)872-2475 Title: Re: GUARDIAN 4-layer KEVLAR VESTS Post by: Black Gold on August 25, 2009, 06:20:41 am Sale Pending........
Title: Re: GUARDIAN 4-layer KEVLAR VESTS Post by: mporter on August 25, 2009, 08:09:26 pm Put me in line please if one falls thru.............