Title: Caught 24 Saturday Post by: WayOutWest on January 22, 2014, 07:37:35 pm Finally made it to a puter. We, (T-dog, his boy Junior and I got an invite to hunt with Doug and Amber and their crew. We dumped out on a place near Lexington that had not been dogged for some time. Dogs hit the ground at 9:30 and by noon we had 16 all but one caught live and tied. We were just flat catchin, tying and runnin to the next one. We went to gather up hogs and caught a couple more while we were doing that, then took a lil break and sent the dogs out again and it was back on again. Out of all these pigs we had 6 lil ones and the rest were over 90 lbs. One sow went at least 300 and one boar about 200. These were not runnin hogs. They came out and smacked you when you caught one. Really had to keep your eye on em. The last one that we got broke out across an open field and it looked like an army haulin butt to get there and the landowner got to hammer that one with his 350 Chev truck. Made his day. It was a day I won't forget. So far this trip to Texas we have taken 32 total in 4 days hunting. Dang it's good to be back in Texas.
Title: Re: Caught 24 Saturday Post by: reatj81 on January 22, 2014, 07:50:50 pm Good deal
I know you enjoyed catching instead of chasing. Post some pictures. I wish this one wouldn't have been in the sun and turned out better, but at least you don't look your age. (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/01/23/2esu9u8e.jpg) (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/01/23/turu8ypy.jpg) Title: Re: Caught 24 Saturday Post by: Mike on January 22, 2014, 08:10:40 pm Sounds like y'all was in a honey hole!
Now don't go thinking all of Texas is like that ha ha! Title: Re: Caught 24 Saturday Post by: reatj81 on January 22, 2014, 08:35:32 pm Just to make sure no misunderstanding I was not on their big hunt. The Pictures I posted were from another hunt with west.
Title: Re: Caught 24 Saturday Post by: Jordan on January 23, 2014, 08:01:07 am Good hunt, glad to see y'all are keeping Thomas busy..
Title: Re: Caught 24 Saturday Post by: Handle_It on January 23, 2014, 09:35:21 am Good Deal Joel thats alot of pork. Jody Big Mama lookin good!!
Title: Re: Caught 24 Saturday Post by: WayOutWest on January 25, 2014, 12:53:52 pm Well we got in another hunt Thurs before the weather hit and caught 5 more. 2 boars and 3 sows and made a man very happy as he took 3 home to butcher. The last boar was around 200 with some dog cutters and he used them. We had to sew up ol Roscoe below his ear. Not real bad but he thinks living in the house is purty nice. We are up to 37 hogs on this years trip in 5 hunts.
Title: Re: Caught 24 Saturday Post by: TexasHogDogs on January 25, 2014, 04:01:28 pm Lotta hogs Joel that sounds like a great hunt I bet yall were wore out when that one was over.
Title: Re: Caught 24 Saturday Post by: BassCatBates on January 27, 2014, 11:33:48 am Stackin 'em up. I like it!!!!!
Title: Re: Caught 24 Saturday Post by: WayOutWest on January 27, 2014, 02:37:19 pm This has been a wild year down here as we caught 11 more yesterday. Nothin of any size as Dillan's green bulldog went to barking dogs instead of hittin the boarhog coming straight at us. It was h eartbreaking and funny at the same time cause they passed within 15 ft. of each other. It was a nice 200# spotted boar. We are up to 48 on 6 hunts now.
Title: Re: Caught 24 Saturday Post by: Lance on January 27, 2014, 09:17:01 pm Dang, y'all are stacking em up like cord wood Mr. Joel !! I enjoyed meeting you and working some pups at T Dogs the other day. Maybe we can set up a hunt the next time you come to Texas.
Title: Re: Caught 24 Saturday Post by: ARWILDMAN on January 27, 2014, 11:04:17 pm Good huntin right there!
Title: Re: Caught 24 Saturday Post by: t-dog on January 30, 2014, 02:15:11 pm Went yesterday with Jody and T-dog and caught a boar a bit under 200 and it made a pin cushion outta Jody's new yellow dog. Nuthin that looked real serious but 11 holes from what I hear. His head is goin home with me. Hope to get some meat hogs this weekend.
Title: Re: Caught 24 Saturday Post by: Bryant on January 30, 2014, 03:28:31 pm ...and it made a pin cushion outta Jody's new yellow dog. Uh oh! :o Probably didn't have much of a race though, did you? Title: Re: Caught 24 Saturday Post by: reatj81 on January 30, 2014, 04:31:02 pm No race involved. It was a threw a bad thicket. Wish I would have filmed some of bay and the catch. They had him bayed only opening in the entire place, Joel & I were able to watch big momma choose her patch and catch him. It sure was nice to not have to lead her in such a thicket, she just stayed rite behind me until I sent her.
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