Title: New Polaris Ranger dogbox Post by: BadBoar30 on January 24, 2014, 06:06:22 pm Finally completed my dogbox for my ranger today. Besides a few minor details like carpet Ect it is basically done. I looked at alot of posts on here and threw everyone's ideas together and came up with this box. It's not exactly 100% perfect but bygolly it will hold some dogs and get the job done! I took some pictures of the process so that all of you who are thinking of building one can get some ideas.
(http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss204/BadBoar30/Mobile%20Uploads/45FB0D27-4DA6-474C-8A5E-DE51DBC8D73A.jpg)[/URL] (http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss204/BadBoar30/Mobile%20Uploads/2200B206-EDBB-4A53-AF0B-FD9B0551F385.jpg) (http://s576.photobucket.com/user/BadBoar30/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2200B206-EDBB-4A53-AF0B-FD9B0551F385.jpg.html) (http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss204/BadBoar30/1B95E2A9-8710-4199-9CAB-8A17E4231E16.jpg) (http://s576.photobucket.com/user/BadBoar30/media/1B95E2A9-8710-4199-9CAB-8A17E4231E16.jpg.html) (http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss204/BadBoar30/7632D244-853D-4ADE-A1C6-E88AF5F22E02.jpg) (http://s576.photobucket.com/user/BadBoar30/media/7632D244-853D-4ADE-A1C6-E88AF5F22E02.jpg.html) (http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss204/BadBoar30/11093C35-33FF-43FD-94D1-6B6522509C1D.jpg) (http://s576.photobucket.com/user/BadBoar30/media/11093C35-33FF-43FD-94D1-6B6522509C1D.jpg.html) (http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss204/BadBoar30/D11A0270-10BF-4CC4-8735-1979B6B0232A.jpg) (http://s576.photobucket.com/user/BadBoar30/media/D11A0270-10BF-4CC4-8735-1979B6B0232A.jpg.html) I also moved my shocks out and cranked the stiffness all the way up. I can't even tell I have a load back there now. Everyone should do this to your Rangers if u carry alot of weight in the back Here I have my box and 5 big dogs and it isn't even thinking about squattin (http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss204/BadBoar30/DBD24752-1142-4BEC-B952-D921EC35DEE9.jpg) (http://s576.photobucket.com/user/BadBoar30/media/DBD24752-1142-4BEC-B952-D921EC35DEE9.jpg.html) (http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss204/BadBoar30/BC14A936-4FC1-4D26-BCC4-CF8BE31F9F08.jpg) (http://s576.photobucket.com/user/BadBoar30/media/BC14A936-4FC1-4D26-BCC4-CF8BE31F9F08.jpg.html) Title: Re: New Polaris Ranger dogbox Post by: hogmantx1979 on January 24, 2014, 06:14:59 pm Sure enuff good looking dogs like that cd the best good box as well
Title: Re: New Polaris Ranger dogbox Post by: BigNoseKate on January 26, 2014, 05:35:19 am Nice!!!! Good lookin yella dog!!!!
Title: Re: New Polaris Ranger dogbox Post by: Amokabs on January 26, 2014, 07:15:17 am Good looking box,, but one question, with the solid plate sides with holes for dogs to stick heads out, if a dog is stickin its head out and u brushed up against a tree or heavy fence post, could you break a dog's neck? Say like if dog's lookin behind the buggy and dont see the tree a-coming?
Title: Re: New Polaris Ranger dogbox Post by: BadBoar30 on January 26, 2014, 11:55:11 am I suppose he could if he wasn't paying attention. But considering I stay on ranch roads majority of the time im
Not too worried about it. BUT it is something I will probably keep an eye on! Title: Re: New Polaris Ranger dogbox Post by: Amokabs on January 26, 2014, 06:18:20 pm In your situation( and i figured thats about where you drove, dang, all u Texas guys have ranch's and roads)! I bet it wont be a problem. Lordy, i bounce my gator from one tree to another in all this thick crap where i am n Al. Bent a rim and spun the bead last week when i ran. Anyway, crazy thing is, way back when i was a teenager, a hot lil cheerleader from a local school was sticking her head and shoulders out of the bus window, waving at the folks behind the bus,, you guessed it, driver nearly side swiped a telephone pole and poor gal never knew she was dead, snapperd her neck, one minute waving at friends, next minute, in. Heaven.. Anyways,, agian, when i saw those dogs heads out of the boxes, and put it together with my kind of creek bottom terrain, that gal snappin her neck came to mind.
Title: Re: New Polaris Ranger dogbox Post by: woody13 on January 26, 2014, 08:23:34 pm jam up box! how wide is the box? im thinking about making one for my golfcart.
Title: Re: New Polaris Ranger dogbox Post by: charles on January 26, 2014, 08:27:07 pm Thats a good lookin setup, and them dogs r good lookin too
Title: Re: New Polaris Ranger dogbox Post by: BadBoar30 on January 26, 2014, 11:48:16 pm Yep! I can see where some of you guys would get that thought! The country I hunt, you really don't ever have to worry about that happening. I would say the most that could happen to them is a thorny misquite tree limb gettin em. But they pretty much know what one of those is and know to look out lol
Title: Re: New Polaris Ranger dogbox Post by: BadBoar30 on January 26, 2014, 11:50:07 pm Woody- I can't remember for sure how wide it is..... But I think it's around 52 inches?? I will have to re-measure sure to be sure
Title: Re: New Polaris Ranger dogbox Post by: Bryant on January 27, 2014, 03:28:10 pm Be sure it's bolted down good....don't ask me how I know.
Title: Re: New Polaris Ranger dogbox Post by: charles on January 27, 2014, 03:37:05 pm Be sure it's bolted down good....don't ask me how I know. So how u know bout boltin it down? ;D I assume ur box slid out on a hunt 1 time Title: Re: Post by: Peachcreek on January 27, 2014, 03:41:28 pm I remember that post bryant.. that sucked
Title: Re: New Polaris Ranger dogbox Post by: Bryant on January 29, 2014, 03:15:46 pm Be sure it's bolted down good....don't ask me how I know. So how u know bout boltin it down? ;D I assume ur box slid out on a hunt 1 time No, my (brand new) box slid out on the way TO a hunt....and I never found it. http://www.easttexashogdoggers.com/forum/index.php?topic=24119.0 (http://www.easttexashogdoggers.com/forum/index.php?topic=24119.0) |