Title: Got Bored Post by: TexasHogDogs on January 28, 2014, 04:50:13 pm Well with all this ice and cold cold weather I got bored yesterday and this is what I ended up doing to pass the time. Yall take a look.
http://texashogdogs.yolasite.com/ Title: Re: Got Bored Post by: KevinN on January 28, 2014, 05:00:12 pm There you go Jimmy.....nice!
Title: Re: Got Bored Post by: hoghunter71409 on January 28, 2014, 05:10:11 pm Looks good man.
Title: Re: Got Bored Post by: pblenis on January 28, 2014, 05:29:29 pm Nice clean site.
Normally I hate grammar Nazi's, but since this appears to be a business site. I'd make this suggestion. Current: "Do you have a hog problem in are around Milam County are Cameron Texas? Do you know someone with a hog problem? If so we are just a ring are click away." You Probably meant and autocorrect changed it: "Do you have a hog problem in and around Milam County or Cameron Texas?.......If so we are just a ring or a click away" Just trying to help out. You never know, potential clients could be 5th grade English teachers ;D Title: Re: Got Bored Post by: TexasHogDogs on January 28, 2014, 05:43:44 pm Thanks for the help... Na I was just messing around when I done it passing time. I really don't care one way are another about the business but Am willing to help some out if they call . It was just something to do and if they get that teck about it are worried about it ,its better I don't meet them LOL LOL .
Title: Re: Got Bored Post by: devildawg86 on January 28, 2014, 05:54:17 pm Very creative when u r bored.
Title: Re: Got Bored Post by: b.b.b kennels on January 28, 2014, 06:19:35 pm Awesome! Great outline on the photo album. Great looking dogs too.
Title: Re: Got Bored Post by: TexasHogDogs on January 28, 2014, 09:37:52 pm pblenis
Got me to looking at it now and it bugs me LOL . I corrected it thanks man. Title: Re: Got Bored Post by: TheRednose on January 29, 2014, 12:31:35 am Looks good. I work for a hosting company so if you ever want another hosting plan you just let me know and I will hook you up.
Title: Re: Got Bored Post by: Lance on January 29, 2014, 06:06:36 am Looks good Jimmy .
Title: Re: Got Bored Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on January 29, 2014, 03:32:32 pm Looks GOOD!!!