HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: wcg89 on August 25, 2009, 11:39:23 pm

Title: Collars
Post by: wcg89 on August 25, 2009, 11:39:23 pm
Hey guys my dad just made a leather cut collar, so here are some pics tell me what you think!! The one in the picture is 4" wide 24" long
made out of thick saddle leather on the outer layer and latigo sewed on the underside. I would love to see the hog that could cut through these collars. Hope you like them, there may be an ad in the classifieds coming soon. Give some suggestions too because this one is kind of the prototype.

Title: Re: Collars
Post by: BigAinaBuilt on August 25, 2009, 11:55:49 pm
Sweet looking collars! The only thing I could think of would be a spot for a tracking collar.

Title: Re: Collars
Post by: W-tate on August 25, 2009, 11:59:04 pm
Looks good.  Damn nice work. Have tossed the idea of leather Around ,I make my collars.   I just like a soft collar one not so stiff dog can move better And still have protection But that's just my veiw on the deal  

Title: Re: Collars
Post by: txmaverick on August 26, 2009, 02:15:19 pm
got to keep em oiled or they are worthless

Title: Re: Collars
Post by: BLUE LACY on August 26, 2009, 03:27:11 pm
That is sweet! :o

Title: Re: Collars
Post by: TEXAS*MCH on August 26, 2009, 05:59:14 pm
dang thats good looking

Title: Re: Collars
Post by: wcg89 on August 26, 2009, 07:01:09 pm
Sweet looking collars! The only thing I could think of would be a spot for a tracking collar.

What kind of spot for a tracking collar?  Like the loops that Ugly dog collars have? or the extra strap thing like cazadores?

Title: Re: Collars
Post by: grittydog on August 26, 2009, 10:00:12 pm
are you going to make them to sell?

Title: Re: Collars
Post by: BigAinaBuilt on August 26, 2009, 11:44:26 pm
I'm no collar maker but yes something along those lines or maybe some slits which don't line directly up so that the tracking collar could be placed under the cut collar? Just a suggestion that popped into my mind when you asked for feedback.

Title: Re: Collars
Post by: wcg89 on August 27, 2009, 01:04:31 am
are you going to make them to sell?

Yeah there will probably be some for sale pretty soon, the one in the picture is the first one built I'm going to try it out going hunting Saturday morning and will see if anything different needs to be done.

Title: Re: Collars
Post by: Cull Buck on August 27, 2009, 07:49:39 am
Nice work.  I'm a sucker for a good leather collar.

Title: Re: Collars
Post by: lightningh on August 27, 2009, 08:21:00 am
those are super nice! I like to see good quality leather work! great job!

Title: Re: Collars
Post by: nosightsneeded on August 27, 2009, 08:33:43 am
nice collars make a couple of different versions for the different type of tracking collars. especially since the garmin has that funky bump right on the collar it self. maybe also like a bullet style holder that you can route the antenna through and keep it close to the dog.  :-\ just some ideas

Title: Re: Collars
Post by: Circle C on August 27, 2009, 08:44:22 am

    Great looking collar. I built a leather one last week, I thought it looked pretty good...Then I saw the collar on this thread.  Made me realize just how much room there is for improvement on the one I made.

Title: Re: Collars
Post by: Bo on August 27, 2009, 03:44:50 pm
how much would you sell them for

Title: Re: Collars
Post by: Circle C on August 27, 2009, 03:54:20 pm
Please read this post before discussing selling something on ETHD.


If you really want to sell them to the public on ETHD, I would recommend that you contact Ugly Dog Ranch, and have them broker the collars for you.  They are a great looking product, I know I would buy them...

Title: Re: Collars
Post by: lightningh on August 27, 2009, 04:07:47 pm
So he couldnt sell them in the classifieds on this site unless he goes thru them and adds a middle man?

Wcg89- so you make anything else? Like saddle pliar holsters? scabbards? etc...

Title: Re: Collars
Post by: Circle C on August 27, 2009, 04:39:44 pm
So he couldnt sell them in the classifieds on this site unless he goes thru them and adds a middle man?
Not just any middle man.  Ugly Dog Ranch, they have exclusive rights to advertise their cut gear on this site.
      We have two sponsors for ETHD, they support us, therefore we support them.   If someone wants to sell their used cut gear, or something they made, that does not fit properly, then of course they can sell it here.  But, if they start selling new items in competition with our sponsors, that is where the rub comes in.   

 I can name a 1/2 dozen retailers that have tried to advertise their goods on this site. The policy was explained to them, they accepted it, and did not cause a fuss.   They could have taken the initiative to be the first sponsor themselves, rather than Ugly Dog Ranch. If one day UDR decides they no longer want to sponsor the site, then that spot will be opened up. 

Hope all that makes sense.

Title: Re: Collars
Post by: Circle C on August 27, 2009, 04:52:13 pm
Wcg89- so you make anything else? Like saddle pliar holsters? scabbards? etc...

I should add that selling these items are perfectly acceptable on this site, as they are not in competition with UDR or TNT baypen.

Title: Re: Collars
Post by: wcg89 on August 27, 2009, 06:23:07 pm
Well I won't make any trouble I respect the rules, but I think he has enough leather to make about 10 or 11 collars maybe. Not going into production or anything like that or trying to compete with UglyDog Ranch, I saw the leather cut collars that Rowdy had for sale on here a while back and the collars that that Rocky guy makes, so I asked Dad to make me some. Would it be ok to put an ad up for just those 10 or 11 collars and then that would be it. Whatever you decide Circle C, doesn't matter to me.

and yes he can make whatever you want, I think he is gonna make a Garmin holster for BLUE LACY pretty soon, just has to get the pattern drawn up for it this weekend. Don't want him to get too swamped with orders cause he is a pipeline welder by trade, the leather is just a hobby.

Title: Re: Collars
Post by: Circle C on August 27, 2009, 08:55:51 pm
  Thanks for understanding.  I will ask mike, it's his board and his rules. 

Title: Re: Collars
Post by: wcg89 on October 12, 2009, 12:17:38 pm
Don't want to cause any trouble by posting these in the classifieds so I have 3 of these cut collars left for sale $55 shipped $45 picked up they are different from the first picture on here although that one is for sale. They have tracking collar loops and a reflector on them. Good collars I have been using one for a while and really like it.


Title: Re: Collars
Post by: pigman09 on October 14, 2009, 12:39:49 pm
Very nice collars . Wouldn't mind owning one myself . Your dad has a second trade .