HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: w00dy on February 12, 2014, 07:52:36 am

Title: Do I get him stappled?
Post by: w00dy on February 12, 2014, 07:52:36 am
I had to get my bulldog stitched up 10 days ago after a hog cut him. While we were out there it looked like a small cut. Got him home an realized it was more than I suspected. I did not not have any stapples on hand so I had to take him into the vet to get stitched up. He received 15 stitches on his cut. The cut was around 4-5 in in length and opened up about 1.5 in wide. No muscle was damaged just a flesh wound. Well I had the stitches removed last night by the doc and woke up this morning to my surprise he reopened the wound. The opening is around a inch in length. Some blood is coming out as well as fluid, not a lot. My question is do I get him stappled, or just let the wound heal naturally? Doc said he has some internal dissolving stitches that will be gone in about 90 days.

Edit: I tried to upload the pic but it said upload folder was full

Title: Re: Do I get him stappled?
Post by: NathanDoss on February 12, 2014, 07:59:35 am
I probably wouldn't worry about it. You might doctor it with vetrycin a couple times a day

Title: Re: Do I get him stappled?
Post by: BA-IV on February 12, 2014, 08:04:04 am
He will be fine, just make sure to spray it with something to keep it cleaned out.

Title: Re: Do I get him stappled?
Post by: Jaredmiko on February 12, 2014, 08:06:16 am
I probably wouldn't worry about it. You might doctor it with vetrycin a couple times a day


Title: Re: Do I get him stappled?
Post by: w00dy on February 12, 2014, 08:42:53 am
Thanks for all the input. I will keep the wound clean and flush it out.

Title: Re: Do I get him stappled?
Post by: mikejc on February 12, 2014, 09:16:42 am
Tell the vet to get you some granulex. He probably has some on hand and it work wonders, makes the skin grow back together much faster than just letting it heal on its own.

Title: Re: Do I get him stappled?
Post by: Kid7 on February 12, 2014, 11:34:50 am
Tell the vet to get you some granulex. He probably has some on hand and it work wonders, makes the skin grow back together much faster than just letting it heal on its own.
x2 that's good stuff. Works good. Vetricyn is pretty expensive but works wonders. I would personally just go to the vet and get some wound soap and wash it out daily and put some polyotic powder on it and put him up

Title: Re: Do I get him stappled?
Post by: BA-IV on February 12, 2014, 12:17:29 pm
Bleach and water...1 part bleach and 3 parts water, it's as good as any wound spray, but you can mix it to hot and the dogs will let you know cuz it burns. 

Title: Re: Do I get him stappled?
Post by: wildlifecory on February 12, 2014, 06:05:24 pm
Flush daily with h2o or 2(ho)

Title: Re: Do I get him stappled?
Post by: RockinJ84 on February 12, 2014, 08:55:20 pm
Put that pink lady ointment on there for a couple days, it will take care of it