Title: Garmin dc30 ??? Post by: bullrider11 on March 02, 2014, 11:16:25 am My dc 30's stopped holding a charge maybe 3-4hrs tops... So I bought replacement battery's and plugged them up. Blue light came on for awhile then went off liked they was fully charged.
Went the next morning turned every thing on showed fully charged. 30 min later one was down to one bar the other was down to 2 bars... Has any one else had this problem if so what did you try next. Thinkin maybe my chargers but they turn blue then turn off like when fully charged. Also have another one dc 30 that drops out at 300yds I put a long range antenna nothing changed. Thanks! Title: Re: Garmin dc30 ??? Post by: Bowhunter1994 on March 02, 2014, 11:20:55 am Call garmin (913) 397-8200
Sonny Title: Re: Garmin dc30 ??? Post by: bullrider11 on March 02, 2014, 12:57:50 pm Thanks for the info! but I'm looking for a little more than the obvious!
I'm not wanting to spend 89$ on each collar if I can help it! And that's the first think Garmin is goin to say is to send them in! Title: Re: Garmin dc30 ??? Post by: Bowhunter1994 on March 02, 2014, 02:17:18 pm My guess would be a bad charger like you said. If you have brand new batteries and that didn't work, then it's the charger. If not than it's something internal, the reason I say call garmin is because it may be something as simple as an update.
Sonny |