HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: hog bit on March 19, 2014, 04:51:59 am

Title: Training a catch dog
Post by: hog bit on March 19, 2014, 04:51:59 am
I need all the advise I can get on how to train a catch dog.
I showed Tank a pig today. He ran right up and bayed for a minute. I flipped the hog, put Tank on his ear, and let the hog up. I left tank on his ear for a few minutes then had to use a break stick to get him off.
I let him catch a few more times.  He caught the jaw once and the ear the rest.
I want him to move into the bay slowly and approach the hog from the rear. Once he is caught I want him to get shoulder to shoulder and anchor down. Are these things that can be taught?

Title: Training a catch dog
Post by: hog bit on March 19, 2014, 05:06:58 am
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Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: bob on March 19, 2014, 07:54:56 am
You can show him just like you did , means and methods on a CD is learnt in most cases by experience in the woods catching , they will find what's easiest for them and ways they sustain no damage , in most cases they figure it out

Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: reatj81 on March 19, 2014, 08:04:06 am
Good video
It gives the animal rights activist the stuff they spend hours looking for to help outlaw dog hunting!   

Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: Bowhunter1994 on March 19, 2014, 08:16:12 am
He looks good, I think he is gonna need woods time and Ultimately hogs too learn the techniques that will help him .

The video seems fine to me, nothing to bloody or torn off the hog. I like that you kept it short and didn't show any "disturbing" scenes. Keep on keeping on buddy.
Haters gonna hate no matter what us dog hunters do


Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: hogmantx1979 on March 19, 2014, 08:22:46 am
Try the dog on a rough hog and maybe he will do what you are wanting because that hog don't look like he put up a fight

Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: cantexduck on March 19, 2014, 08:24:02 am
Good video
It gives the animal rights activist the stuff they spend hours looking for to help outlaw dog hunting!   

Refreshing to see someone with the same view on videos.
 Please take that video off the internet. It is illegal for one and moderators will most likely delete your post. There is no reason to post videos of a tied up hog being caught.

Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: Bowhunter1994 on March 19, 2014, 08:26:55 am
Did not See it was tied! I would  take it off buddy


Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: Southern Trio on March 19, 2014, 09:47:54 am
He's not tied he has one leg hobbled so he can't run off if the pup can't control him and from what I can see he's caught clean on the ear and the hogs not bleeding the worse videos on there of dogs in a pin getting beat down by a big bo hog and with ears torn off. Its not bad buddy but I'm no expert your pup looks great and should make a fine catchdog only things we have done to help with shoulder to shoulder is with help there if you need it push the hog and dog shoulder to shoulder and hold him there for a min it works some times with young pups and helped prevent head shaking win caught on the ear just keep working him buddy in most cases like others have said its gonna take woods time and hogs to get him there good luck and update him every now and then so we can see how he's doing

Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: hog bit on March 19, 2014, 09:59:40 am
Thank you all for your advice and concerns.

This hog had a piece of mule tape tied to his back leg to help us control him.  I am in Louisiana.  There is nothing illegal going on in the video.  Trust me when I say the hog was free to defend himself. 

If there is anything wrong with the videos the mods will delete it.

Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: Bo Pugh on March 19, 2014, 11:54:02 am
It's not really much into training a bulldog. They either catch or they don't. All you need to do is start turning him loose to bays right behind another bulldog going in and they usually pick up pretty quick. As far as the getting shoulder to shoulder I don't think that can be taught some dogs get cut everytime they catch something with teeth and some never hardly get cut. But I would think the more big hogs he catches and handles the better he will get just gives him more experience everytime he catches

Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: hatchet10 on March 19, 2014, 04:27:37 pm
Bo, someone here might know some tricks on how to get a dog to catch exactly the way you want it. I normally start working my pups when they first get their balance on about a 50 lb fresh hog. I'll take a younger dog about 5 months with some weight on him that will catch and put the pup with him in a circle pin. The older pup trains my smaller pup. I do the same type of thing with my strike dogs. What I've noticed, if i have a older pup that will catch on the ear, the small pup will also try to mimic the older pup. I am never real picky where they catch at the same time though. I think like it was earlier stated also, the dog will want to catch where he feels comfortable catching. I have 8 running catch dogs. I somewhat disagree with the if the dog wont catch, the dog wont catch statement. I spend the least amount of money on purchasing dogs as possible. My dogs came from pounds, the side of the road, and dogs non hog hunters just wanted to get rid of. I got a cur/Bulldog mix from a guy that had it for a family pet and it was too rough with his kids. The first hunt, the rest of my dogs caught a hog, it didn't even bark at the hog. By hunt 3 on a hog, she started baying. By hunt 7 on a hog she was full out catching. I use my dogs to train my new dogs if I need another one. I think a lot of it has to do with pack structure. I don't kennel my dogs either. The lead dog of the pack will set guidelines for the younger dogs. My dogs are not only expected to work and catch a hog for me but are also pressured by my lead dogs. Just like in the wild, a dog that doesn't contribute to the pack gets ran off. If you have males and females, they both have their own separate pecking order. By keeping my dogs together and not chained or kenneled, you can notice who gets the first eating rights and things like that. I only kennel an experienced strike dog up with another pup that has a good nose. For a couple of weeks. Just so the pup will run with and get trained by a dog that is striking. Similar to the way I do my meat head catch dogs without noses. I thought your video was great. Good thing they haven't seen my videos with 8 RCD's on a hog.

Title: Re: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: hog bit on April 02, 2014, 01:01:43 pm
Here is a video I got of Tank and a dog that is just getting started. Tank was wore slap out, but still gave it his all.


He had now caught 3 pigs in the woods. Each time I have broken him off and let him catch a few times. All of the pigs have been in the 100-120 pound range. He had caught them on the back of the jaw on the first catch. After I break him off and let him catch again he goes straight for the ear.
Any tips to get him going straight for the ear the first time?

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Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: hatchet10 on April 02, 2014, 03:59:57 pm
Really guys, the day that animal rights activist get hog dogging outlawed in my area, is the day I'll start breaking the law. Personally, I find it more in humane to hide in a stand with a high powered rifle and shoot a hog. What kind of chance does the hog have then? He can't out run a bullet whether he's hobbled or not. Why didn't the animal rights activist outlaw pigman and Ted Nugent when they were flying around in helicopters shooting 100's of hogs? I can't stand people who hunt out of helicopters, the majority of people leave everything lay. Then I have coyotes to deal with. Not saying that TN and PM didn't pick up their kills. There is nothing more fair than running dogs on hogs and if a man wants to use a different training method than I do, I don't persecute him for it. The guy is working with his dog and asked a question to better his hunt and his dog. The definition of "hog dogging" explains the brutality clearly. I hog hunt with my dogs because its a way of life and I do not share the same belief as some people hunting for sport. In the beginning, God created dogs, not guns to feed themselves.

Title: Re:
Post by: hog bit on April 02, 2014, 05:12:48 pm
I've come to accept that some people just want to post to be objective and tell somebody that they are wrong. I don't let them bother me. I barely address those comments and let them roll off of my back.
I will say that I put most of my videos as unlisted on YouTube. That means you have to have the link in order to find the video.

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Title: Re:
Post by: hog bit on April 02, 2014, 05:14:57 pm
Hatchet you hit the nail on the head about persecuting people.
Momma said if you can't say nothing nice, zip your lips.

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Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: Reuben on April 02, 2014, 07:22:31 pm
some folks just don't get it...

Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: Hogcutter on April 02, 2014, 08:54:44 pm
Hog bit where r u located at in Louisiana? From your video u sound like down south.

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Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: hog bit on April 02, 2014, 09:05:53 pm
Hog bit where r u located at in Louisiana? From your video u sound like down south.

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I live in Thibodaux.  I'm about 30 minutes Southwest of New Orleans.

Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: Hogcutter on April 02, 2014, 09:08:12 pm
I got ya. I'm working in Houma for the next few weeks. So if y'all need another hand catching some pigs let me know.

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Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: reatj81 on April 02, 2014, 09:15:51 pm
some folks just don't get it...
And never will

Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: Shotgun wg on April 02, 2014, 10:12:59 pm
The ones with the it won't happen mentality are the same ones that drowned when Noah built the boat.


Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: hog bit on April 02, 2014, 10:20:42 pm
Mods took the link down.  Let's all move on and get back to talking about making a catch dog.

Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: hatchet10 on April 03, 2014, 12:41:09 am
Wow, do you guys live in the same America I do? If you haven't  noticed, we're cut short on rights these days. In a blink of an eye every right that you have could be stripped from you for no reason what so ever. I do "get it" you guys are scared of loosing your hog dog rights because some guy posted a video that might upset the tree huggers. The video is not the crime, its the evidence. The way they look at it, they don't want you doing it at all- video or no video. Like I said, It doesn't matter to me, I would hunt with dogs regardless of the law. You know, I got ambushed and pinned down once in the war, the medvac helicopter wouldn't come pick our wounded up because a two hundred and fifty thousand dollar life insurance policy cost less to replace than a million dollar aircraft. These are the same people that run our country and make our laws/decide what rights you get. You think I care if the same people make it illegal to hog dog. I joined this forum to help people out, I don't do half the crap people recommend on here and I catch hogs every time I go to the woods with some rag tag pound dogs. Here's the only question I've ever asked on here------------------------------------------How do I delete my account with East Texas Hog Doggers?---------------------------------

Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: justincorbell on April 03, 2014, 07:19:00 am
Wow, do you guys live in the same America I do? If you haven't  noticed, we're cut short on rights these days. In a blink of an eye every right that you have could be stripped from you for no reason what so ever. I do "get it" you guys are scared of loosing your hog dog rights because some guy posted a video that might upset the tree huggers. The video is not the crime, its the evidence. The way they look at it, they don't want you doing it at all- video or no video. Like I said, It doesn't matter to me, I would hunt with dogs regardless of the law. You know, I got ambushed and pinned down once in the war, the medvac helicopter wouldn't come pick our wounded up because a two hundred and fifty thousand dollar life insurance policy cost less to replace than a million dollar aircraft. These are the same people that run our country and make our laws/decide what rights you get. You think I care if the same people make it illegal to hog dog. I joined this forum to help people out, I don't do half the crap people recommend on here and I catch hogs every time I go to the woods with some rag tag pound dogs. Here's the only question I've ever asked on here------------------------------------------How do I delete my account with East Texas Hog Doggers?---------------------------------

unless it has changed, they don't delete an account (per mikes convo w/ noah awhile back), now they will ban you if you get to ignorant/crude......if you really want off that bad then im sure you could persuade them to ban you  ;D

Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: Scott on April 03, 2014, 08:25:47 am
Here's the only question I've ever asked on here------------------------------------------How do I delete my account with East Texas Hog Doggers?---------------------------------

No need to delete the account...we all have free will...you don't have to navigate to this site. Too many members here for the mods to delete accounts for those that want to pick up their toys and go home.

Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: Bryant on April 03, 2014, 09:36:45 am
Here's the only question I've ever asked on here------------------------------------------How do I delete my account with East Texas Hog Doggers?---------------------------------

There's only two things a person can be....part of the solution or part of the problem.

If you don't like it here, don't log back in...simple as that.  You must not have TOO much dislike, as you've already logged back in since you posted that.

Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: sandbank slayer on April 03, 2014, 10:00:26 am
So..... How bout training that catch dog? I say invest in a good vest and put him on as many pigs as you can. Cut him loose with something that is as sure of deal as you have and he'll get the hang of it. The more the merrier, he'll get better evrytime. Practice makes perfect, at least that's what they say

Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on April 03, 2014, 11:01:02 am
I don't know so much about the term "training" a CD, as the catching/holding comes instinctively really. Especially if a dog of a certain age doesn't want to catch, chances are, it's not going to. You really can't train one to. I'd say it's more of getting a CD used to your routine, like leading them to the bay etc.
Of course, the more pigs a novice willing CD prospect is put on, the more experienced he/she will become in the most efficient holding methods.

Title: Re:
Post by: hog bit on April 03, 2014, 12:50:43 pm
So it seems the consensus seems to be just keep sending him to bayed hogs and let him catch. I know he will catch and hold,  but I am looking to influence his method.
 If he isn't in the ear, he willl be broken off and put on the ear then put shoulder to shoulder.

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Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: sandbank slayer on April 03, 2014, 01:34:14 pm
Being that you took alittle heat for the video you originally posted, and i understand why, I won't post another. However I've got a decent video of some pups outta my dogs, Alittle over 4 months showed em them a pig and it was like they been doin it forever. Both went straight to the ear and caught it. All we do around here is put em on pigs as much as possible, most of em are smart and will learn something new every time. I say keep doin what your doin and you'll end up with a sure fire CD.

Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: reatj81 on April 03, 2014, 04:05:13 pm
My 6 yr son said feed em wax!   "Ear Wax". 
Lol        that's the best one I herd yet.

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Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: sandbank slayer on April 03, 2014, 10:50:40 pm
My 6 yr son said feed em wax!   "Ear Wax". 
Lol        that's the best one I herd yet.

Hey you never know he may be on to something.

Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: Reuben on April 04, 2014, 04:52:10 am
  He caught the jaw once and the ear the rest.
 Once he is caught I want him to get shoulder to shoulder and anchor down. Are these things that can be taught?

I can't say that this will work because I have tried this idea that was told to me once and it worked but one can't say for sure unless we have tried it many times and getting the same results...but it has to be a bulldog that already wants to catch...have a dog or 2 baying the hog...keep the CD on lease and when he is trying to catch lead him to the ear...I was told that the first time a cd catches is where he will try to catch most the time...might be some truth to that and worth a try...

this other one I haven't tried but it makes a lot of sense to me...and it should help with the problem you are having...if the CD wants to catch the front end or the jaw then put a muzzle on him and turn him loose in a controlled environment...the dog will go to the front end as usual and he will get beat around for a while and then the dog will start coming from the side or from behind so that he won't be getting thrashed...might have to do it a few times but once he comes shoulder to shoulder it is time to let him do his thing...of course the hog has to be big enough to make him respect the power of the pig...I have not tried this but it sounds very logical...

but if you are looking to breed CD's then you should only breed dogs that do what you want naturally otherwise you will have the same issues with most of the offspring...

Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: hog bit on April 04, 2014, 05:33:41 am
  He caught the jaw once and the ear the rest.
 Once he is caught I want him to get shoulder to shoulder and anchor down. Are these things that can be taught?

I can't say that this will work because I have tried this idea that was told to me once and it worked but one can't say for sure unless we have tried it many times and getting the same results...but it has to be a bulldog that already wants to catch...have a dog or 2 baying the hog...keep the CD on lease and when he is trying to catch lead him to the ear...I was told that the first time a cd catches is where he will try to catch most the time...might be some truth to that and worth a try...

this other one I haven't tried but it makes a lot of sense to me...and it should help with the problem you are having...if the CD wants to catch the front end or the jaw then put a muzzle on him and turn him loose in a controlled environment...the dog will go to the front end as usual and he will get beat around for a while and then the dog will start coming from the side or from behind so that he won't be getting thrashed...might have to do it a few times but once he comes shoulder to shoulder it is time to let him do his thing...of course the hog has to be big enough to make him respect the power of the pig...I have not tried this but it sounds very logical...

but if you are looking to breed CD's then you should only breed dogs that do what you want naturally otherwise you will have the same issues with most of the offspring...

Interesting idea about the muzzle.
This dog definitly wants to catch, and is catching now.  He has caught 3 in the woods so far. I just want to fine tune his style.
I am not looking to breed catch dogs. 

(http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd14/BayouBoy263/PART_1394905186871.jpg) (http://s225.photobucket.com/user/BayouBoy263/media/PART_1394905186871.jpg.html)

(http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd14/BayouBoy263/20140316_171137.jpg) (http://s225.photobucket.com/user/BayouBoy263/media/20140316_171137.jpg.html)

Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: boone823 on April 04, 2014, 12:19:57 pm
David I don't mind a catch dog catching on the jaw as long as he doesn't lose his grip. I think that the more a hog fights him it will spark his desire to catch. He really looks good keep feeding Him hogs.
Good luck Bud

Title: Re:
Post by: hog bit on April 04, 2014, 02:33:57 pm

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Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: Cowin8579 on April 05, 2014, 08:59:21 am
lots of great points of view, it's even good to hear about rough pounds dogs that ended up solid hunters. ;)

Keeping off the radar is part of being free these days. 

Title: Re:
Post by: hog bit on April 17, 2014, 12:20:46 am
Here is an update.   http://www.easttexashogdoggers.com/forum/index.php?topic=83726.0
Update on Tank

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Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: Nannyslayer on April 17, 2014, 10:20:16 am
Nothing I can add besides, experience is the only thing any dog can get to help them out.  I know when we started hunting hard, I was always looking for a better dog, but all I needed was to keep hunting mine, the more experience they get, the better they will be. 

Title: Re: Training a catch dog
Post by: hog bit on April 17, 2014, 10:22:44 am
Nothing I can add besides, experience is the only thing any dog can get to help them out.  I know when we started hunting hard, I was always looking for a better dog, but all I needed was to keep hunting mine, the more experience they get, the better they will be. 
I can defiintely agree with giving an animal time.  I am real happy with his progress thus far.