Title: Ear Cropping Post by: LQ on April 03, 2014, 11:06:51 am I have a friend that picked up a 11 week old Dogo / AB cross over the weekend. We are looking for a suggestion on a vet that knows what they are doing when it comes to ear cropping. We are from the Bryan, College Station area but can travel a little ways if the vet is worth the drive. Thanks for any help on this matter.
We would also like to hear any pros and cons to having this done. Lets hear them from the guys who have done this for a while. We are new to the sport. Thanks ETHD. Title: Re: Ear Cropping Post by: b.b.b kennels on April 03, 2014, 11:30:07 am Some might say that a con is that it will make it easier for debris to fall into the ear canal. A big plus is that it makes it harder for a dog, or hog or fence to grab hold of an ear not cropped. I never had any dogs with cropped ears but hunted with people who had and never noticed any major problems
Title: Re: Ear Cropping Post by: b.b.b kennels on April 03, 2014, 11:30:57 am *meant to type harder to grab an ear that is cropped.
Title: Re: Ear Cropping Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on April 03, 2014, 01:59:41 pm I've had cropped and non cropped over the years. I don't feel like there's much difference, except ONE of my dogs I had that was cropped, always had bilateral ear infections. Could have just been her weak genetics over all though. She was a rescue dog with unknown lineage who also had skin issues as well.
Title: Re: Ear Cropping Post by: S_J_KENNELS on April 03, 2014, 03:43:46 pm I have had some major issues with pits, or dogos with cropped ears. Most is ear infections and they need to be cleaned all the time if hunting in grain fields. I like the looks of a well cropped dog, but prefer uncropped due to this issue and the "softer" look of natural ears. Folks are less likely to be as afraid of the dogs this way.
Title: Re: Ear Cropping Post by: LQ on April 03, 2014, 05:29:03 pm Thanks for all the information guys. I will pass on the information to my buddy.
Title: Re: Ear Cropping Post by: dodgegirl on April 03, 2014, 10:08:21 pm All my dogos have cropped ears. I get in between a show crop & a short crop. That way when the dog is running it can still fold it's ears back so no twigs or such things get in there. I also think bull breeds look 10xs better cropped. Just my opinion. I've had no problems with infections or anything, but I keep my dogs ears clean.
Title: Re: Ear Cropping Post by: Mpbarrs on April 07, 2014, 12:03:01 am Agree with dodgegirl
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Title: Re: Ear Cropping Post by: Judge peel on April 07, 2014, 08:53:46 am It looks cool to me but I just don't see the purpose in it just like tail docking but if you like go for it
Title: Re: Ear Cropping Post by: 5J Kennels on April 09, 2014, 11:40:14 am I have one pit with cropped ears and it looks awesome and she has had one ear infection right after i hunted a grain feild. That may have had something to do with the infection but other than that ive never had any othe problems. But in my mind the only dog i would get eres croped on would be a pit but everyone has there own opinion.
Title: Re: Re: Ear Cropping Post by: Fixitlouie on April 09, 2014, 02:15:23 pm (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/04/10/6umarebe.jpg) ....hahahahaha
fixitlouie via tapatalk via droid Title: Re: Ear Cropping Post by: TazD on April 09, 2014, 02:49:52 pm I have had some form of bulldog for 40yrs! Never cropped their ears. I feel cropping ears is a visual preference for the owner. If they are born with it (ears,tails,etc) they keep it in my yard!
I personally do not like the look of cropped ears! A good set of natural laying ears look a lot better to me! Title: Re: Ear Cropping Post by: LQ on April 09, 2014, 03:38:15 pm I want to thank everyone for the replies on this subject. He is thinking what he is going to do but i believe he will leave them the way they are.