HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Black Gold on September 03, 2009, 08:07:23 am

Title: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: Black Gold on September 03, 2009, 08:07:23 am
It's late in the year 2011 and you have been getting e-mails on a regular basis about the current Second Amendment case that the Supreme Court is reviewing.  Everyone is nervous because of the way that the Court may vote based on the newly appointed liberal Justice that Obama put in place.  You've been keeping up with the hype, but like everyone you don't know what spin to believe.  You wake up one morning and open up your web browser and to your suprise the yahoo headlines read, "FIREARMS TO BE BANNED IN THE UNITED STATES!"  In shock you begin to read further and see that all gun owners have 90 days to turn in all firearms to specified federal drop-off locations.  

After 60 days the federal government reports that only an estimated 20% of American owned firearms have been turned in.  To the shock of the federal government they are not receiving cooperation from law enforcement and have had many Departments refuse to enforce such laws.  The government announces that it is going to call in UN troops after the 90 day period to go house-to-house to seize any stored firearms and to make arrests for what Obama has signed into an "International Weapons Violation".


Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: Cull Buck on September 03, 2009, 08:13:31 am
I guess the federal goverment just made me an outlaw.  Unless they physically come to my house, restrain me and remove my firearms they aren't getting number 2 from me.  Not trying to be an internet bad ass but at some point enough is enough.

Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: slimpickins on September 03, 2009, 08:15:19 am
Agree cullbuck, ain't getting nothing of mine, though I do not own a firearm...... ;D

Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: Circle C on September 03, 2009, 08:42:15 am
I am a citizen, I refuse to be a subject...

   There are some things worth fighting for, my right to keep and bear arms is near the top of the list.

Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: lonewolf on September 03, 2009, 09:28:36 am
I could not have said it better! I agree 110% with Circle C!

Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: mley1 on September 03, 2009, 09:45:38 am
I too agree with CircleC. And, I think Obama and his administration are arrogant enough to think they could do something so brazen as that. His problem will be that of gaining compliance by military and police members, who are all volunteers. They all have family too. And, I doubt they would stand for that.

I hope it will never get to that point. But, I feel America is on the verge. Obama has got to go, along with his liberal buddies in congress.

Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: Dexter on September 03, 2009, 09:56:20 am


Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: dgdawsonBMCs on September 03, 2009, 10:46:13 am
To start, I don't have any firearms ;D ;D ;D ;D They push harder and I will give them the firearms....probably not how they want them....Anyway, I still believe we will see a revolution before that happens....

Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: Paul Marx on September 03, 2009, 11:12:34 am
All I own is sling shots . You can have them , but they need new rubber bands.

Title: Texas Monthly Talks to TED NUGENT 2nd amendment
Post by: gator on September 03, 2009, 01:43:05 pm
Here is Uncle Ted on 2nd amendment. Here is a couple of old interviews



Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: pig snatcher on September 03, 2009, 02:16:47 pm

Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: Russ on September 03, 2009, 02:21:05 pm
I got to much country to disappear into.... if they want to play that way I'll show them a whole new game to play...

They'll get me but it ain't going to be cheap >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D

Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: WAARHEID on September 03, 2009, 03:12:17 pm

What will happen?

Very hard to say. It will go one of two ways. Either folks will take the traditional American attitude:
I have very mixed feelings about that, because the LE/Military community will be pitted against the citizenry. A lot of the military and LE folks will go AWOL, but not nearly enough, and things will go sideways in a hurry.

Or the same thing will happen that happened in Australia. The hardware stores will sell out of the largest diameter PVC pipes and PVC end-caps almost over night, and millions of guns will be sealed and buried in backyards all over the country.
I have very mixed feelings about that too, because the idea of the American people acquiescing to that level of tyranny seems untenable.

Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: BigAinaBuilt on September 03, 2009, 03:45:09 pm
Refer to Black Golds signature for my answer!

Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: aladatrot on September 03, 2009, 04:56:28 pm
Umm... I'm pretty proficient at taking down big game with head shots. It may not be a good idea to come near my home with the intention of taking any guns. Well, at least not for the first ones in the raid. When I run out of ammo, they will have me, but I'll make a statement with those first rounds fired.

I have just enough radical in me to go down shootin' and to make those shots count.


Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: hogdoggintexas on September 03, 2009, 05:40:25 pm
sounds alot like the book the turner diaries and i do think it will end in the same way

Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: machine73 on September 03, 2009, 06:02:15 pm
I will switch from defending myself, family, and country (against all enemies foreign and domestic) with firearms to IEDs. What other choice would I have?


Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: Sean on September 03, 2009, 06:52:36 pm
i can only say that i would hold onto my guns, and assume that their will be a militia formed soon to do exactly what the second ammendment was written to do, seize power back from a tyranical government that has put a stranglehold on the rights and freedoms of american citizens. when a governing body no longer has the best interest of the people it governs at heart, then it's time for a new government. (i think i hear homeland security agents busting down my door as i write this,lol).

ps- and yes, i am aware i put this in very simplistic, and perhaps unreaslistic terms. just my dramatic little way of saying "no, i would not give up my guns just because the govenment told me too.

Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: WAARHEID on September 03, 2009, 06:55:32 pm
sounds alot like the book the turner diaries and i do think it will end in the same way

Turner Diaries? Seriously?

Please tell me that you're kidding.

Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: djhogdogger on September 03, 2009, 07:16:33 pm
Before it gets to that point, I sure hope that Texas becomes an independent country. No way in hell we would give our guns up. I would rather die fighting for our right to bare arms than live in a communist country.

Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: cward on September 03, 2009, 07:19:53 pm
I wonder if I can get the idiot that is going to try to take my gun to look right down the barrel!!He would have to be a mighty brave little fellar!!

Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: hogdoggintexas on September 03, 2009, 08:19:30 pm
im just saying it sounds alot like the book 1st you are put on a list then they come and try to take ur guns    im not talking about the race war just the guns and the fighting back

Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: jdt on September 03, 2009, 08:31:35 pm
i agree with sean ,  about the miltia  , i dont think it will come to that ( in our time ) but if it did i beleive there are still enough good old boys to set the current administration straight .  as for saying i dont own any guns , and putting a bunch of smileys after it ... lets just say nobody will get mine until im out of shells .      did yall see the end of the davy crockett movie (disney , with fess parker ) at the alamo ? he was a tennesean too !!

Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: catchrcall on September 03, 2009, 10:58:30 pm
I sincerely hope it ever comes to that.  I have given 11 years and counting of service to this country.  I would hate to think that I would have to throw that away in order to to "preserve and protect the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foriegn and domestic." 

Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: hillbilly on September 04, 2009, 12:49:07 am
Sounds like war a brewing to me.
Better be buying bullets every time you have a chance. I figure they will tax them until we can't afford them.

Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: Dexter on September 04, 2009, 03:12:39 am
I sincerely hope it ever comes to that.  I have given 11 years and counting of service to this country.  I would hate to think that I would have to throw that away in order to to "preserve and protect the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foriegn and domestic." 
in the constitution it gives us the right to bear arms ,, so in my eyes you will be living up to your oath to the constitution... its those whom try to take what our for fathers died for ,,, i dont think they wrote the constituution tobe distorted  it to fit  thier needs and
own  liking

Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: Sean on September 14, 2009, 06:28:38 pm
in the end, i think it would go over about as well as the volstead act :-\

Title: Re: Take Your GUNS - What would you do?
Post by: mley1 on September 14, 2009, 07:28:17 pm
I think the current administration is arrogant enough to try anything. The gun toting, God fearing, AMERICANS need to remind him who HE works for. EVERY ONE of those politicians works for US. It ain't the other way around. VOTE ALL OF THEM OUT OF OFFICE, democrats that is. Anytime a democrat has  power this liberal left wing stuff comes up. GET RID OF THEM.