HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: daisydog on September 05, 2009, 12:57:20 pm

Title: new hog and new trailor
Post by: daisydog on September 05, 2009, 12:57:20 pm
last night we went out and caught this 130# boar but what we  liked was the ease withwhich raiders new trailor workedout. it has room for the dogs hogs . the 4  wheeler rides on top then pulls it around with riders sitting on top. had a lot of fun last night.   "#192"(http://i569.photobucket.com/albums/ss133/daisydog3924/ATT04205.jpg)(http://i569.photobucket.com/albums/ss133/daisydog3924/ATT04213.jpg)(http://i569.photobucket.com/albums/ss133/daisydog3924/ATT04197.jpg[IMG]http://i569.photobucket.com[IMG]http://i569.photobucket.com/albums/ss133/daisydog3924/ATT04173.jpg)/albums/ss133/daisydog3924/ATT04181.jpg[/IMG][/IMG](http://i569.photobucket.com/albums/ss133/daisydog3924/ATT04197.jpg)(http://i569.photobucket.com/albums/ss133/daisydog3924/ATT04181.jpg)(http://i569.photobucket.com/albums/ss133/daisydog3924/ATT04173.jpg)

Title: Re: new hog and new trailor
Post by: Rowdy on September 05, 2009, 01:06:35 pm
dang nice setup!!!

Title: Re: new hog and new trailor
Post by: hoghunterdfw on September 05, 2009, 01:07:35 pm
yup that trailer is the best one Ive ever seen. The guy who made it is a bad bad man. It was a lot of fun last night for sure.

Title: Re: new hog and new trailor
Post by: raider54 on September 05, 2009, 06:50:45 pm
yup that trailer is the best one Ive ever seen. The guy who made it is a bad bad man. It was a lot of fun last night for sure.

CHOPPS, Im kinda Old School, does Bad Bad really mean Good Good???????

Title: Re: new hog and new trailor
Post by: olde sarge on September 05, 2009, 08:18:27 pm
Daisydog, That is a top design. Where do you store your ramps. I would plate in the wheel well before I killed one of my dogs though. Otherwise pure genius.

Title: Re: new hog and new trailor
Post by: raider54 on September 05, 2009, 08:58:53 pm
John, I just finished this trailer yesterday! I dont have the lights in it yet, I figured since DaisyDog is an electrician I would let him run the conduit and install the lights. I work in a manufacturing facility and have several structural engineers at my disposal so I drew up the concept of what I wanted and they ran it on AutoCad for me. After they finished the cad drawings I started cutting and welding after work each day, by the time I was finished I pretty much built it out of my head anyway. My main desire was that it be completely functional. I still have a few things I wanna do but I will tell you we loaded the 4wheeler on it last night and pulled it down the hwy about 70mph and it tracked perfect. While stopped at Walmart last night Phillip had two people stop to comment on it while I was inside buying a ball for the 4 wheeler. It pulled great behind the wheeler and rode 5 people on top very comfortably. We were able to get the trailer right to the catch last night, didnt even have to hobble this boar just drug him to the back door and put him in. I am hauling the ramps in the back of the truck. I dont realy see any way the dogs could get in to the wheel behind the fender but I will take a look at it. Thanks for your comments.

Title: Re: new hog and new trailor
Post by: dabutcher on September 05, 2009, 09:28:22 pm
i think he's referring more about road debris getting thrown up into the box with the dog in it. 

Title: Re: new hog and new trailor
Post by: raider54 on September 05, 2009, 09:43:38 pm
Yea, that is a good point. I will take a look at closing it in

Title: Re: new hog and new trailor
Post by: DoGgONit on September 06, 2009, 03:56:12 pm
nice design ! form meets function finally . does the trailer feel top heavy around corners w the wheeler on top ? kinda seems like tall center of gravity! nice trailer !!

Title: Re: new hog and new trailor
Post by: raider54 on September 06, 2009, 05:49:15 pm
nice design ! form meets function finally . does the trailer feel top heavy around corners w the wheeler on top ? kinda seems like tall center of gravity! nice trailer !!

That is the only thing I was worried about, it being so top heavy with such a short axel. After pulling it I am quite confident it is plenty stable. The real test would be to run off the road at a high rate of speed but as far as Im concerned I hope to never test it like that.

Title: Re: new hog and new trailor
Post by: sfboarbuster on September 06, 2009, 09:16:53 pm
nice trailer, Just wondering whats up with the design, looks like those dog boxes on the side like that could catch on trees or brush. Not dissin the trailer on anything, just wondering why you did it like that.

Title: Re: new hog and new trailor
Post by: rafterfpuncher on September 06, 2009, 10:30:13 pm
them ol pot lickers you boys got from me won't know how to act getting to ride in that trailer Paul!

Title: Re: new hog and new trailor
Post by: raider54 on September 06, 2009, 10:46:48 pm
Wes, the only time they get to ride is when its time to go home! Zig asked me yesterday if he could just be a catch dog!......