Title: ***FOR SALE*** Post by: D.Landaverde on May 20, 2014, 11:04:56 pm I have a 3 year old male 1/2 BlueTick 1/2 Catahoula. He's silent. Short to medium range in no sign but will get rangy on a good track. Will shut down a runner. Not straight catch but will do whatever to stop one. Have hunted him on the hood and does pretty decent, but does better if you cast him. Reason I'm selling Him is that he is inconstant on how he hunts. Some nights he's balls to the wall and some nights he won't really put his nose on the ground. Not selling him as a strike dog since he's only struck a few for me. Not finished but close. He's trash broke. Hasn't trashed for me. Has randomly barked at a turkey in the woods once but nothing else. Asking $550 no trial.
Second dog is a 2 year old Catahoula female with 1/8 put in her. She's been on a lot of pigs with me but hasn't struck one yet for me. Have hood hunted her as well but she isn't a hood dog. Is inconsistent on her range so I'm just gonna call her short range but will take a track with a long range dog. Isn't fully trash broke. Only thing she has trouble with is rabbits. But I've ran a shock collar on her so she should be okay after a while. The one con I will say about her is that she checks in a lot and I hate that. $400 for her. Only reason I'm selling those two without a trial is due to some pups coming up and I'll be starting them in august and I'll need a finished dog to show them the ropes and won't have space when I get a finished dog. Located in weatherford tx 8176294758 Dlandaverde@ymail.com |