Title: 6-1-14 catch and release Post by: C.Ledyard on June 02, 2014, 11:42:17 am Made a run out to a pretty place that we hadnt hunted before and ended up tie'n 3 boars. First bay we bayed the 2 boars together, got one on the bank and they end up caught in the creek and the dogs stopped the other about 30 yards up the creek on the edge but end up in the water also. Got those two caught and tied with in 10 min of each other. Wish it was always that fast. Then the dogs get in a good long race and get a good wooly rank boar. After a little cosmetic surgery we sent them all back on their way. Good young fat boars.
(http://i1198.photobucket.com/albums/aa458/crl011/Mobile%20Uploads/2BCBB539-BF44-44C6-A392-9E4B2A4BDC92.jpg) (http://s1198.photobucket.com/user/crl011/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2BCBB539-BF44-44C6-A392-9E4B2A4BDC92.jpg.html) (http://i1198.photobucket.com/albums/aa458/crl011/Mobile%20Uploads/45F33083-FDF4-406A-AC2A-D7A6D91FC7AE.jpg) (http://s1198.photobucket.com/user/crl011/media/Mobile%20Uploads/45F33083-FDF4-406A-AC2A-D7A6D91FC7AE.jpg.html) (http://i1198.photobucket.com/albums/aa458/crl011/Mobile%20Uploads/DA292CA1-CC81-4F33-80B9-BD8EEC710912.jpg) (http://s1198.photobucket.com/user/crl011/media/Mobile%20Uploads/DA292CA1-CC81-4F33-80B9-BD8EEC710912.jpg.html) (http://i1198.photobucket.com/albums/aa458/crl011/Mobile%20Uploads/1B47BA4A-9E1E-485B-ADA5-4748B5C62753.jpg) (http://s1198.photobucket.com/user/crl011/media/Mobile%20Uploads/1B47BA4A-9E1E-485B-ADA5-4748B5C62753.jpg.html) (http://i1198.photobucket.com/albums/aa458/crl011/Mobile%20Uploads/0898EF2B-B0C8-4DFB-AACE-AC8022BE134F.jpg) (http://s1198.photobucket.com/user/crl011/media/Mobile%20Uploads/0898EF2B-B0C8-4DFB-AACE-AC8022BE134F.jpg.html) (http://i1198.photobucket.com/albums/aa458/crl011/Mobile%20Uploads/591B8083-E4CD-485E-87E6-8D97347BC05B.jpg) (http://s1198.photobucket.com/user/crl011/media/Mobile%20Uploads/591B8083-E4CD-485E-87E6-8D97347BC05B.jpg.html) Title: Re: 6-1-14 catch and release Post by: Oil Field Trash on June 02, 2014, 12:14:50 pm Good haul.
Title: Re: 6-1-14 catch and release Post by: BA-IV on June 02, 2014, 01:05:23 pm Quality Barr Herd Management!
Title: Re: 6-1-14 catch and release Post by: Lacy man on June 02, 2014, 03:18:15 pm Good hunt buddy, looks like them young dogs are gettin it done
Title: Re: 6-1-14 catch and release Post by: Judge peel on June 02, 2014, 06:58:16 pm Nice hogs fella that is nice country
Title: Re: 6-1-14 catch and release Post by: buddylee on June 05, 2014, 10:17:47 am Wish everyone would practice catch and release when possible.