Title: Dog box for sale (pics) Post by: fonzie on June 10, 2014, 06:39:01 am I have a dog box, measures 48 inches by 52 inches and 34 inches tall, the middle compartment is 12 inches wide by 52 inches deep and 25 inches tall, the 2 outside compartments are 18 inches wide by 52 inches deep by 25 inches tall, you can fit 2-3 songs in the side compartments and one in the middle... The door hinges are spring loaded so they open easy.. f0nzie_r0cks@yahoo.com.. Call or text 817-823-8939 located in ft worth tx, $250
(http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p592/86fonzie/9D1ADB2B-FDBF-41BE-8629-715CA0BD50B2.jpg) (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/86fonzie/media/9D1ADB2B-FDBF-41BE-8629-715CA0BD50B2.jpg.html) |