Title: Coyote Trapping Supplies Post by: Andrew A on June 14, 2014, 06:09:58 am I got some coyote jaw traps and supplies i purchased first of this year i am not using and would like to sell.
-6 Sleepy Creek #3 Coil Spring traps. -1Metal sifter -1 jar Clint Locklears Federales bait -1 jar Clint Locklears Boss Dog lure - 1/2 gallon full metal jacket trap dip - will throw in bag of peat moss and couple tools Looking to get $150 OBO for all of it. PM or text or call 936-402-2120. Email dreww9b9c9r@yahoo.com but dont check often. Located in Liberty County. Make me an offer or trade offer if interested. Open to trades. I paid over $200. for everything mentioned including shipping and taxes. |