THE CLASSIFIEDS => CLASSIFIED ADS => Topic started by: barlow on June 22, 2014, 01:58:34 pm

Title: Milk Replacer / Organic Powdered Milk for Pups & Nursing Gyps
Post by: barlow on June 22, 2014, 01:58:34 pm
I use organic powdered milk to supplement pups and nursing gyps. The cost runs about 10 times more than livestock milk replacers but the differences are obvious. I got an insane deal on some recently by buying in bulk but it would take me years to use it all. If anyone is planning to raise pups and interested in some just shoot me a pm. It's in sealed, food grade, five gallon buckets. I'll be happy to part with about three buckets at $35 each. I believe that's cheaper than you can get replacer for at tractor supply. I'm located in Williamson County, northeast of Austin.