Title: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on March 23, 2008, 02:39:18 pm Its now time to plant your garden.g ot any questions ..I'll do my best to answer them for you.
LAVON Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: jml on March 23, 2008, 05:33:27 pm My wife and I planted our first garden yesterday, out were I live the ground is gumbo so I tilled from 8 in the morning til about 4 yesterday. My wife raises rabbits so we used some poop from them and also from the chickens, finally got all that gumbo chopped up real nice. We planted tomatoes, bell peppers, okra, egg plant, green beans, squash, and z squash.
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: Flatbroke on March 23, 2008, 07:38:13 pm I fired the rototiller up today.
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: mley1 on March 23, 2008, 08:59:39 pm My wife and I are putting together some planters made out of old tires. Talk about redneck! ;D We're just cutting one side out of them. We got one done already and planted two tomato plants and a jalapeno plant in it. Hipockets you got any suggestions for good veggies or fruit to plant in a set up like that? Any suggestions on fertilizing it also. We don't have a tiller or nothing. But, we got lots of dirt and lots of old tires. ;D I'll have to take some pics in the next few day's to give you an idea of how we're doing it.
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on March 23, 2008, 10:10:29 pm My wife and I planted our first garden yesterday, out were I live the ground is gumbo so I tilled from 8 in the morning til about 4 yesterday. My wife raises rabbits so we used some poop from them and also from the chickens, finally got all that gumbo chopped up real nice. We planted tomatoes, bell peppers, okra, egg plant, green beans, squash, and z squash. CAREFULL ---CAREFULL With rabbit poo,, its the strongest fert. that i know of. you can burn your plant up so go light. Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on March 23, 2008, 10:33:17 pm My wife and I are putting together some planters made out of old tires. Talk about redneck! ;D We're just cutting one side out of them. We got one done already and planted two tomato plants and a jalapeno plant in it. Hipockets you got any suggestions for good veggies or fruit to plant in a set up like that? Any suggestions on fertilizing it also. We don't have a tiller or nothing. But, we got lots of dirt and lots of old tires. ;D I'll have to take some pics in the next few day's to give you an idea of how we're doing it. 12/24/12 is the best fert. on the market. any garden supply has it . i would use bout 2 cups fert. for each tire.cucombers will do great in a tire. plant about 8 seeds per tire . they will run everywhere. plant you some blk seeded simson leaf leutuce in 1 tire.when the leutuce gets bout 8 in. tall pinch the bigest leaves off to eat. it will continue to grow. don't pull the plant up . plant 3 squash seeds in a tire . 3 pepper plants per tire. you could buy you a few landscape timbers for about 5 bucks each and make you a big bed,,, thats what i would do to go with the tires.with 2 cattle pannels and 3 t post you can break you a row up with a shovel and a hoe as long as uour pannels and drive your post and stand your pannels up like a fenct and plant kentucky wanders green snapp beans. get the poll beans not the bush beans, plant them along the bottom of your fence about 4 ins. apart. fert. with 12/24/12. you will have so many grean beans you'll be feeding them to the hogs.lol them beans will cover that whole fence solid. when planting seeds , after they come up you will have skipps (seeds that wont come up) go back and plant your skipps, they will catch up with the rest of them.radishes will do good in a tire.Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: mley1 on March 23, 2008, 10:35:21 pm My wife and I planted our first garden yesterday, out were I live the ground is gumbo so I tilled from 8 in the morning til about 4 yesterday. My wife raises rabbits so we used some poop from them and also from the chickens, finally got all that gumbo chopped up real nice. We planted tomatoes, bell peppers, okra, egg plant, green beans, squash, and z squash. CAREFULL ---CAREFULL With rabbit poo,, its the strongest fert. that i know of. you can burn your plant up so go light. Speaking of rabbit poo. JML, Melissa and the kids done got two more of them mini rex's. The first little black one I was telling your wife about turned out to have a tuft of white hair on the bottom of her tail so the fella who sold her to us gave us another one of our choice to make up for it. Hipockets, like JML, I also have a few rabbits and some chickens. I was thinking of using the poo from both as fertilizer as well. I use wood chips in the chicken coop for bedding and on the floor. What do you think of me just scooping it up after clean up and using it in our tire gardens? Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: mley1 on March 23, 2008, 10:37:46 pm Thanks for the suggestions Hipockets! I just happen to have some old chain link fence gates that might just work like your talking about with the tposts holding them up. I appreciate the info Hipockets. Thanks again man.
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on March 23, 2008, 11:02:23 pm MARTY,,, If the wood chips are pine ,and more than likly they are,, i would'nt use it. nothing grows good around pine. grass wont even grow under most pine trees ,,lol
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on March 23, 2008, 11:10:16 pm You can buy a fabric at a garden supply that comes in 3 ft wide rolls that is porous and lets water in but keeps weed and grass from growing, just cut a x in the fabric and insert your plant and you will never have grass or weeds. would work good on your tires, marty think its called weed guard.
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: mley1 on March 23, 2008, 11:27:18 pm Ok, thanks. As you can tell I don't know much about this stuff. The chips we're using are pine. They work good in the chicken coop, but I guess we'll have to keep it out of the garden. ;D
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: elliscountyhog on March 24, 2008, 11:36:03 am I am thinkin of planting my first garden. :o It is gonna be a sight to see ;D Not sure what to plant yet. I know i want tomatoes,cucombers, I was thinkin of two more.
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: Flatbroke on March 24, 2008, 12:00:04 pm I like to plant squash and zuchinni, they both BBQ great when sliced and marinated in Italian dressing. You get lots of quantity out of one plant too
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: capt jack on March 24, 2008, 12:12:08 pm i like my way of planting a garden better. i just go to hipockets house and look hungry and he gives me all of the veggies i want.
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: Circle C on March 24, 2008, 12:29:52 pm capt jack,
We have a farrier that we use for that same reason. He is an artist with hooves, but the real treat is the fresh veggies ;D Lee,Von Beans? What type of beans do you plant? bush? pole? stringless? What kind of yield do you see per plant? Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on March 24, 2008, 04:39:52 pm I plant pole beans on a fence,, Each plant runs and runs, and runs some more, Don't know how many bean per plant you get but you get lots of beans, I'll get Cpt Jack to count them this season and give us a report on the yeild per plant,, BEAN COUNTER,,LOL ;D JACK ON THE BEAN STALK HEE--HEE HE
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: Flatbroke on March 24, 2008, 05:40:07 pm JACK BE NIMBLE JACK BE QUICK
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: hoghugger on March 24, 2008, 05:52:52 pm i like my way of planting a garden better. i just go to hipockets house and look hungry and he gives me all of the veggies i want. That sounds like a plan...Hipockets let us know when the garden is ready and we can come pick our own...LOL... Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: aladatrot on March 25, 2008, 12:15:11 pm Lee Von (just read about the Jude post), I've got some green cabbages planted. Do you think it's getting too warm for them? SHould I just uproot them and use the space for something more likely to succeed?
Here's what I have going - A lettuce tub with loose leaf and Mesclun (the spicy stuff) A tub with bush bean and eggplant seedlings (waiting on garden addition to transplant these) Mint in a pot Cillantro and Thyme in an herb container Hot peppers in pots (need to transplant to the garden in a week or two) Cabbages Tomatoes Sugar Snap Peas Zuchinni More bush beans Radishes I went a little nuts with the bush beans. I'm going to plant pole beans, but I need to get rid of some weed like decorative plants first. Is there a problem if I let those pole beans climb the north side of my deck? They could have the railing, I'll just have to give them a pole to climb to get them up on the railing. Is that an issue? The area is just about full sun all the time. Thanks! M Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on March 26, 2008, 02:39:20 am Lee Von (just read about the Jude post), I've got some green cabbages planted. Do you think it's getting too warm for them? SHould I just uproot them and use the space for something more likely to succeed? Here's what I have going - A lettuce tub with loose leaf and Mesclun (the spicy stuff) A tub with bush bean and eggplant seedlings (waiting on garden addition to transplant these) Mint in a pot Cillantro and Thyme in an herb container Hot peppers in pots (need to transplant to the garden in a week or two) Cabbages Tomatoes Sugar Snap Peas Zuchinni More bush beans Radishes I went a little nuts with the bush beans. I'm going to plant pole beans, but I need to get rid of some weed like decorative plants first. Is there a problem if I let those pole beans climb the north side of my deck? They could have the railing, I'll just have to give them a pole to climb to get them up on the railing. Is that an issue? The area is just about full sun all the time. Thanks! M YELLOW SQUASH,,,OKRA,,,MUSTARD GREENS,,AND CUCUMBERS.I think its too late for cabbage, cabbage is more of a winter vege, and it grows slow, i'm afraid it will burn up .cattle pannel or any fenceing material makes good for your cucumbers and your poll beans.use 12-24-12 fertalizer,, you cant have too many tomatoes.if you have room you really need a coulple rows of purple hull peas,,,huuuum,, then you need to teach chris how to make cornbread and a big-o picture of ice tea,,,lol i plant lots of different kind of peppers,, sweet & hot bannana,,chyanne,, jal,,longhorn,,chilli,,,cherry. GOOD LUCK Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: jml on March 26, 2008, 05:05:08 am How often does a garden need to be watered?
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on March 26, 2008, 05:53:13 am real dog,,, you only do that if your gonna make pecante sause.
That kinda like,,, If you moved next door to me,,,WOULD THAT MAKE YOU A HOG HUNTER ??? ;D Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: aladatrot on March 26, 2008, 11:41:28 am OK, so to the goats the cabbage will go. I don't have the space to do a "maybe" crop. How much room for those purple hull peas? I'll be sure to get photos of my little garden today. I'm cramped for space as of right now, and so have to make good on fast maturing crops to plant and get harvested before my real crops start to crowd them out.
At this point, we haven't yet installed "phase two" of the garden so I need to investigate how much room we will need. M Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: kp on March 26, 2008, 06:28:01 pm Re: How to post pictures
« Reply #4 on: Today at 06:13:08 pm » Quote Modify Remove Split Topic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I disc'd up about a 1/2 acre back in March, just before the SNOW! A couple weeks ago we went and put out Sunflowers, Watermelons, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Jalapenos, and lord knows what else along the edges of the field. I reckon the hogs will come tear it all up, but I don't care, they aren't mine. I told the plant-er that she needed to put some fencing around it to keep the critters out...but what do I know. :-) The reason I disc'd that 1/2 acre up was to plant sunflowers, sorghum, and milo. This little spot is near a small tank, and I'm hoping to gather some Mourning Dove to that field. We are covered up in dove right now. I also disc'd up one side of the driveway from the road to the house. Will probably put the same bird-mix there as well. Powerlines run along the opposite side of the driveway. And...while I had it rigged up, I disc'd up around the well house and spread wild flower seeds. That'll probably be the only thing that grows! LOL kp Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on March 26, 2008, 08:40:01 pm KP,,, You might want to do a little checking with TPWD on planting for migratory birds (DOVE). I know you can hunt on grain fields that humans harvest for food such as MILO,RICE,CORN & SOY BEANS,,WHEAT,,ECC...THERE IS CERTAIN THING THATS ILLEGLE TO HUNT OVER,,,i think. COYOTIES ARE BAD to eat watermellons..a fence wont help much , just too many critters that like fresh veggies also. deer,,rats,,birds,,yotes,,hogs,,possums,,coons,,rabbits,,bugs of all kinds and fire-ants are really bad.they will eat the blooms plus the fruit. >:(
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: mley1 on March 26, 2008, 09:20:43 pm Lee-von is it true if you plant tomatoes and peppers beside one another or your maters will be a little spicy?and if so what distance is safe cuz i like mine sweet. ;D Spicy tomatoes....could be good! ;D I need to get me some more pepper plants!! ;D Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: Flatbroke on March 26, 2008, 09:39:23 pm Mley1, all you would need then is an onion and chips ;D
KP, if you hunt off of that field, The law might be on you like white on rice, GUILTY AS CHARGED SAME AS SELLING DOPE.. LOL ;D Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: mley1 on March 27, 2008, 09:02:15 am I think what that regulation is designed to do is stop folks from hunting over grain that was dumped out specifically for drawing the birds in. Planting a crop of sunflowers or other grains and leaving them stand is a common practice in area's where dove hunting is common. The prison units do it all the time so the officers and guests have good hunting. It's not a problem. I've also seen it done in the national forrests with certain areas planted in food plots that include grains to draw doves in. In fact, many of the fields in the APH hunting program have small plots of planted sunflowers and other grains to draw the birds in. I've hunted over several. As long as it is a planted and grown crop of grain it follows the law.
The thing you have to avoid, and will get ticketed for, is hunting over grain that is thrown out on the ground. Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on March 29, 2008, 07:36:07 pm Plowed my garden up today. Got abour 200 lbs of carrots and about 200 plus lbs of turnips left over from the winter garden.I'm gonna try to plant next week if it don't rain a lot.My ground has been wet and i'm running a little late this year. Gave carrots and turnips to my neighbors. I kelp 1 bucket of carrots for the freezer.
(http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s151/hoghuntermyass/100_0316.jpg) Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: mley1 on March 29, 2008, 09:33:20 pm Well, me and the missus finally got to work on our tire garden. So far we got tomatoes planted, okra, broccoli, watermelon, cucumbers, cantalopes, onions, and lettuce. The jalapeno pepper plant didn't make it cause my little boy bent it and broke the stem. So we planted the onions with the tomatoes. Don't know how that will work. But, what the heck. It's worth a try. We got okra in one tire and something else for each of the other tires. We figure the plants that will spread out, like the melons and cucumbers can spread under the deck of the stairs or along the side of them. Tommorrow we're gonna get started on the bean and pea fence. I should have some pics of that to put up tommorrow night. But, here's a few of our tire garden as it is now. Hope ya'll enjoy them.
This is me getting some dirt from our dirt piles. We got all them dirt piles from the county when they cleaned out the ditches. I just asked them to give me a few dump trucks full and they were more than happy to oblige. (http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c211/mley1/IMG_3677_1.jpg) Here is me cutting up my tires for the planters. I've had these old tires in my shed for several years. I knew sooner or later I'd find a use for them. (http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c211/mley1/IMG_3665_1.jpg) Here's a pic of the tires before I got the dirt in most of them. (http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c211/mley1/IMG_3666_1.jpg) Here is Melissa and my son Matthew doing some mixing and planting. In the background you can see my ole chicken coop, with some chickens free ranging in the yard. I got ten Road Island Reds, and three little chicks that Matt is raising in the garage right now. (http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c211/mley1/IMG_3676_1.jpg) And, here's Melissa putting the finishing touches on the planting for the tires. I got to do the watering just after dark. We're hoping for some good veggies out of the tires. Time will tell. Anybody got an idea on how long it'll take for the plants to start showing up? (http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c211/mley1/IMG_3686_1.jpg) I forgot to add that we got some good potting soil from the Home Depot. The bags said it was for flowers and veggies. So, we put the dirt from the piles in the yard on the bottom of the tire planters and mixed in the good stuff from the store on top. We put enough of the good stuff in so there was about two inches or so on the top of the planter and it is mixed in with the stuff on the bottom. Hopefully, that will be good for the plants. Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: Sean on March 29, 2008, 09:52:49 pm outstanding marty! hope ya'll get some great plants out of those!
oh yeah, and that's pretty cool to get that much stuff out of an old garden lavon! ;D Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on March 29, 2008, 09:57:12 pm looks good marty. your okra seeds might take a long time to come up cause they wont germanate till the ground warms up. next time soak your okra seeds over night in a bowl of water then lay them between some wet paper towels , for 2 days and they will start to sprout then plant them. this will speed your okra plants up a coulple of weeks.my whole garden is from the county re-digging the ditches. lot of nut grass though.but real good soil.did you fertalize with anything ?
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: mley1 on March 29, 2008, 10:01:50 pm Thanks guy's.
Highpockets, the potting soil we bought said it had plant food in it and didn't need fertilizer. It said it would feed the plants for 3 months. But, what we planned on doing was putting some rabbit poo on them. Shucks, I don't know. Do ya think we still need to fertilize with that fancy potting soil mixed in? Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on March 29, 2008, 10:09:38 pm I would fert. lightly, with wabbit wacky, wabit wacky is real strong and will burn your plants up if you put to much. so go light. you might want to put you wacky in a 5 gal bucket and fill it with water and dip about a quart out every few days in each tire. this will delute your wacky a little. lol
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: mley1 on March 29, 2008, 10:29:58 pm Ok, sounds like a plan. I got a few buckets. And, the kids are now in charge of rabbit poo. ;D They now have a new responsibility in their job descriptions, rabbit poo collector and plant fertilizer technicians!! ;D
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on March 29, 2008, 10:37:47 pm Ok, sounds like a plan. I got a few buckets. And, the kids are now in charge of rabbit poo. ;D They now have a new responsibility in their job descriptions, rabbit poo collector and plant fertilizer technicians!! ;D sounds like your in the early stages of a plant funeral.. lol,, to much wacky per weeky ;D then again if you bought your tires at discount tires the insurence will probably cover the funeral expences.. ;D Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: mley1 on March 29, 2008, 11:34:37 pm Ok, sounds like a plan. I got a few buckets. And, the kids are now in charge of rabbit poo. ;D They now have a new responsibility in their job descriptions, rabbit poo collector and plant fertilizer technicians!! ;D sounds like your in the early stages of a plant funeral.. lol,, to much wacky per weeky ;D then again if you bought your tires at discount tires the insurence will probably cover the funeral expences.. ;D ;D ;D ;D I'll keep you posted on their progress! Might need advice later for plant burial services....... ;D Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: jml on March 30, 2008, 06:42:10 pm Here are some pics of my garden, the seeds are starting to come up.
(http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa116/jjmmll_2007/garden004.jpg) (http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa116/jjmmll_2007/garden003.jpg) (http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa116/jjmmll_2007/garden002.jpg) (http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa116/jjmmll_2007/garden001.jpg) Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: Sean on March 30, 2008, 06:44:10 pm looks like it's coming along nicely jason!
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: mley1 on March 30, 2008, 07:15:27 pm Nice garden Jason! I'm officially jealous! looking good bud!! ;D
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on March 30, 2008, 07:40:55 pm JML,, Looken great ,, rows look perfect , full sun , it will do great i bet, what did you fert. with ?
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: kp on March 30, 2008, 08:31:35 pm Do you prefer steel belted over the bias ply? ::)
kp Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on March 30, 2008, 08:39:50 pm Do you prefer steel belted over the bias ply? ::) kp The bi-ply will squash on ya,,,lol Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: kp on March 30, 2008, 08:43:41 pm It's not that difficult to understand the law.
General Rules NOTE: Hunters are responsible for knowing whether an area is baited or not. Baiting (the following baiting rules have been established by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service): A hunter MAY hunt any migratory game bird: over standing crops, standing flooded crops, and flooded harvested crops at any time over natural vegetation that has been manipulated where seeds or grains have been scattered as a result of normal agricultural planting, harvesting, or post-harvest manipulation over crops or natural vegetation where grain has been inadvertently scattered as a result of entering or leaving the field, placing decoys, or retrieving downed birds using natural vegetation or crops to conceal a blind, provided that if crops are used, no grain or other feed is exposed, deposited, distributed, or scattered in the process except water fowl and cranes where grain or other feed has been distributed or scattered as the result of the manipulation of a crop or livestock feeding A hunter MAY NOT: hunt migratory birds with the aid of bait, or on or over any baited area hunt over any baited area until 10 days after all baiting materials have been removed hunt waterfowl or cranes over manipulated planted millet, unless the millet was planted more than one year prior to hunting hunt waterfowl or cranes over crops that have been manipulated, unless the manipulation is a normal agricultural planting, harvesting, or post-harvest manipulation [/quote] Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: jml on March 30, 2008, 08:52:09 pm 13-13-13, I was going to put the 12-24-12 but my wife got around to it before I had a chance to tell her. I am also gonna use the rabbit poo water.
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: Flatbroke on March 30, 2008, 08:56:30 pm Over here, Planting a crop is considered agricultural, example.. Wheat, strawberries, barley, lettuce, grapes etc. and is meant to be harvested, whether it be for hay, grocery store or what ever other out let the grower has to make a profit. Planting a field for the sole purpose of drawing in wildlife, is illegal and considered unethical. Guess its clearly different in Texas. LOL. should would make things a lot easier.
On opening day of Dove season you can usually find me sitting by a pond at a vineyard. Doves swarm the water right before dark there. Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on March 30, 2008, 09:01:33 pm 13-13-13, I was going to put the 12-24-12 but my wife got around to it before I had a chance to tell her. I am also gonna use the rabbit poo water. sounds good, your soil looks kinda sandy,, loam mix. you'll do good .. careful with the wabbit wacky. lolTitle: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: jml on March 30, 2008, 09:07:14 pm Sean it looks like you ought to put up a spot on your site for gardening ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: mley1 on March 30, 2008, 10:27:14 pm Sean it looks like you ought to put up a spot on your site for gardening ;D ;D ;D For real. With the tips I've been getting I'll be a regular green thumb before long. ;D Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: Sean on March 30, 2008, 10:33:18 pm Sean it looks like you ought to put up a spot on your site for gardening ;D ;D ;D never gonna happen folks,lol. the other hog hunting sites would make fun of us :o :o :oTitle: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: mley1 on March 30, 2008, 10:40:12 pm Sean it looks like you ought to put up a spot on your site for gardening ;D ;D ;D never gonna happen folks,lol. the other hog hunting sites would make fun of us :o :o :o;D ;D Come on Sean! I can see it now- "The East Texas Hog Doggers Gardening Forum". Only REAL MEN garden and hunt hogs TOO!! ;D ;D ;D ;D Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: mley1 on March 31, 2008, 05:28:38 am Scott, my japs didn't make it. The little plant got all busted up and died on us. So, I put onions with them! I love onions!
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: aladatrot on March 31, 2008, 02:36:59 pm I make "salsa pots". The pots have one tomato plant, one jalapeno, one cilantro, and some marigolds for color. Makes a beautiful pot for the deck.
My Garden is doing GREAT! I have flowers on my tomatoes and bush beans. I planted my pole beans (thanks Lee -Von) and am waiting for them to sprout in their peat pots so I can put them in their final location. My cucumbers have sprouted (again thanks to Lee -Von), eggplants are getting their second leaves, and everything is just flat taking off. I planted chamomile in a pot on the deck so I can have home made chamomile tea. This whole gardening deal is awesome. When are we going to have a gardening forum on here? Nobody is going to make fun of us, we are THE East Texas Hog Doggers. It's like the elite group that everyone aspires to be like. I mean the worst thing that could happen is that a bunch of 18 year old kids getting into the sport will be hitting the home depot to plant their gardens because "real hog doggers plant gardens". hehe. just kidding. we might really get laughed at. M Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: mley1 on April 01, 2008, 11:00:13 pm What's the saying........."a picture is worth a thousand words"..........
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: mley1 on April 01, 2008, 11:10:44 pm Marty,i'm just picking on the ol Man.............lol Gotcha ;D Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on April 02, 2008, 07:41:32 am Marty,i'm just picking on the ol Man.............lol REALDOG,,,I'm going to the garden shop this morning and i'm picking out a special plant and i'm putten your name on it. I'm gonna fert. it special,,, I'm gonna talk to it and your gonna be prowd to recieve the fruit it will provide for you. WHAT TYPE CUCOMBER DO YOU PREFER ? ;DTitle: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: mley1 on April 02, 2008, 11:55:32 am Marty,i'm just picking on the ol Man.............lol REALDOG,,,I'm going to the garden shop this morning and i'm picking out a special plant and i'm putten your name on it. I'm gonna fert. it special,,, I'm gonna talk to it and your gonna be prowd to recieve the fruit it will provide for you. WHAT TYPE CUCOMBER DO YOU PREFER ? ;D;D ;D OMG! I'm afraid of where THIS is going!!! ;D Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: Circle C on April 02, 2008, 12:38:53 pm LeeVon,
You may be old, but at least you still have your humor ;D Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: aladatrot on April 02, 2008, 01:02:30 pm Realdogs is just playing this off. Behind his kennel there is a 12' x 20' plot of land that is tilled up really nicely. He puts on his overalls and his straw farmin' hat and talks to those plants every afternoon. It's likely his tomatoes will win at the county fair again this year. :P
Sorry for selling you out, Realdogs, but someone had to brag on those 'maters! hehe M Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: Critter on April 02, 2008, 01:52:46 pm If gardening falls through, there are a few of you that I am certain could make it as stand up comedians.
Ya'll make me laugh. Keep it up. ;D--John Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on April 02, 2008, 02:23:08 pm Realdogs is just playing this off. Behind his kennel there is a 12' x 20' plot of land that is tilled up really nicely. He puts on his overalls and his straw farmin' hat and talks to those plants every afternoon. It's likely his tomatoes will win at the county fair again this year. :P THANKS, CIRCLE C,, I AINT AS DUMB AS I LOOK...LOLSorry for selling you out, Realdogs, but someone had to brag on those 'maters! hehe M OOOOH NOOO , NOT BEHIND THE DOG KENNELS MATTERS, I WANDERD WHY THEY WERE CALLING THEM WINNING TOMATOES , OLE ROY TOMATOES BY SCOTTIE. Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: Sean on April 02, 2008, 03:07:43 pm wow, can't believe a gardening post already has 5 pages of replies.lol.
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: Circle C on April 02, 2008, 03:47:50 pm Sean,
I think most hog doggers fall into the country/rural lifestyle, which also happens to include gardening. I doubt the post would have the same response on a deer hunting board. Don't get me wrong, I am not hating on deer hunters, cuz I iz one of those too. I just don't think they are typically as "rural" as the hog doggers..... Chris Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: aladatrot on April 02, 2008, 04:13:53 pm You'd better not be calling us Hillie Billies >:(
I happen to think that I am just well cultured. M Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on April 02, 2008, 04:18:28 pm You'd better not be calling us Hillie Billies >:( I happen to think that I am just well cultured. M YOU MEANT TO SAY CULTIVATED,, CULTURED IS A FORM OF SPOILED. BUTTERMILK IS WELL CULTURED,,,LMAO UUH--OOO Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: aladatrot on April 02, 2008, 04:46:24 pm Well, I might be a little spoiled too....
Lee Von, almost all my 'maters have flowers on them now. Do I need to fertilize them or leave them alone? M Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on April 02, 2008, 04:50:05 pm Well, I might be a little spoiled too.... Lee Von, almost all my 'maters have flowers on them now. Do I need to fertilize them or leave them alone? M JUST TALK TO-UM REAL SWEET. FERT. THEM AFTER THEY HAVE LITTLE ONES BOUT THE SIZE OF A NICKLE. Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: aladatrot on April 02, 2008, 04:53:49 pm Thanks :O)
M Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: SouthernBelle on April 02, 2008, 07:51:20 pm If ya'll will go back and read Scott's Label's 101 ya'lls Tomatoes might get as good as His, he is putting the info there for ya'll,its no secret to his winning softball sized tomatoes ,that are so sweet you could just lick 'em and I asure his cucumberz are bigger,bolder and prickly than you think and you anin't gotta talk to them there are pretty firm from the first sprout but it might even make it better if you whisper sweet nothing to them i'll try it out and let ya'll know or some of ya'll can come over and give a demostation.HEHEHE ,guess ya'll gonna stick to wabbit poo.
GGFN Belle Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: mley1 on April 03, 2008, 06:47:34 am ;D Belle, I don't know if I wanna be whispering sweet nothings to a mans cucumber! ;D ;)
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: aladatrot on April 03, 2008, 04:43:58 pm Belle,
Could you whisper to his cucumber plant for me? That would be kinda weird here too :O) Also belle, we love your Hunter dog. He is awesome and sweet to boot. Such a gentleman :O) M Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: Circle C on April 04, 2008, 02:17:38 pm Realdogs,
We just received a photo of your cucumber (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/ATT00001.gif) Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: aladatrot on April 04, 2008, 02:51:37 pm Scott, I assure you THAT THING did NOT come from my garden. :O)
M Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on April 05, 2008, 03:27:21 pm Wheu-- I'm planted ,, Better late than never,,lol
(http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s151/hoghuntermyass/100_0328.jpg) Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: hoghugger on April 05, 2008, 06:26:24 pm Quote from capt jack
"i like my way of planting a garden better. i just go to hipockets house and look hungry and he gives me all of the veggies i want." that is going to be an awesome garden....better get a lot of boxes so when capt. jack and everyone come to get their veggies..u will have something to put them in...lol... :) Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: Mike on April 05, 2008, 08:27:05 pm All right... now I know where to get fresh vegetables and sausage! ;D
Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: HIPOCKETS on April 06, 2008, 05:08:02 pm I PLANTED :
66 TOMATO PLANTS 32 PEPPER PLANTS 30SQUASH PLANTS CUCUMBERS OKRA GREEN BEANS POLE TYPE YELLOW WAX BEANS 2.5 ROWS OF PERPLE HULL PEAS 6 EGG PLANTS 1 LARGE SPECIAL CUCUMBER PLANT (SCOTTS) 1 LARGE SPECIAL SAUSAGE PLANT (MIKES) YEP,,I'M GONNA TALK TO-UM TOO. Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: Mike on April 06, 2008, 08:20:44 pm I PLANTED : 1 LARGE SPECIAL SAUSAGE PLANT (MIKES) :o :o :o :o :o :o Did you plant it next to the jalapenos???????????? ........ I like my sausage spicy!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: mley1 on April 07, 2008, 08:29:11 am Finally got my bean and pea fence up and planted. Plus, the veggies we planted in the tires last week are all coming up nicely. Here are some pics of our progress.
Here's Melissa and Matt mixing our dirt. (http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c211/mley1/IMG_3712_1.jpg) (http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c211/mley1/IMG_3710_1.jpg) Here's the whole crew planting. We planted both sides of the fence. (http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c211/mley1/IMG_3735_1.jpg) Here's our cantalopes. (http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c211/mley1/IMG_3687_1.jpg) Here's our cucumbers. (http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c211/mley1/IMG_3688_1.jpg) Our watermelons. (http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c211/mley1/IMG_3689_1.jpg) I think this one is our broccoli. (http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c211/mley1/IMG_3690_1.jpg) This is our lettuce. It's pretty small, but growing. We have more in a small planter that we are going to transplant when they are a bit larger. (http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c211/mley1/IMG_3691_1.jpg) And, here's our okra. It came up quick, and looks good. (http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c211/mley1/IMG_3692_1.jpg) You can barely see them. But, there's onion sprouts coming up by the maters. (http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c211/mley1/IMG_3693_1.jpg) We also put together a potatoe plot near our compost bin. We used some bricks to make a perimeter. I didn't get pics of that though. I'll wait till they start to show too. Being new to the gardening scene, I don't know if it made a difference or not. But, all the seed we used was that organic seed that is guaranteed to come up quicker and grow better. We'll see how it all goes. So far, so good. ;D Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: capt jack on April 07, 2008, 08:42:07 am well hipockets asked me to help him plant. it took most of the day sunday for me to get out of bed.
i guess just looking hungry isn't going to be enough this year. Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: Circle C on April 09, 2008, 02:13:12 pm Here is the updated pictures of Mandi's garden. Along with some veggies it is beginning to produce.
The bed to the left has some transplants in it, and they look pretty wilted in the picture. They all seem to have recovered by this morning. (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/DSC00884.jpg) (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/DSC00888.jpg) (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/DSC00891.jpg) Title: Re: PLANTING TIME Post by: aladatrot on April 09, 2008, 05:12:51 pm Yup, I'm really proud of my "crop". I think it was 5 beans total. Glad to finally have the garden in, I think it is really going to work out this year. I did notice a bunny hanging out in the back yard, and one of our boarders commented on how cute it was. I mentioned that I may have to kill it if it gets into my garden. Not what my boarder wanted to hear.
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