Title: Cat x BMC pups born 9/13/09 Post by: curdogsforhogs on September 13, 2009, 07:06:15 pm This was a planned cross from my NALC Black and Tan cat female "Dixie" , Rays Dog/Benson bloodline. Won first place puppy bay in Ga this year and Soggy Bottom Bill, FBMC Wetherford Ben Bloodline. Dixie has been baying in a pen since she was 12wks old and has been used for baypens since. Very gritty tight baying and will not back down at just over a year old. Bill is the best woods dog I have ever owned and he is still just 16 months old. Both are silent. Bill is medium range and puts the the breaks on the hogs quick and has been on ever hog caught since I got him at 10 months old. Pups should make great woods and pen dogs for those interested. Should be ready with first shots and dewormings on 1 Nov 09.(http://[IMG]http://i1022.photobucket.com/albums/af345/curdogsforhogs/bmcxcat.jpg)[/img](http://i1022.photobucket.com/albums/af345/curdogsforhogs/bmcxcat.jpg)
Title: Re: Cat x BMC pups born 9/13/09 Post by: curdogsforhogs on September 13, 2009, 07:09:00 pm sorry forgot the price...$100 each
Title: Re: Cat x BMC pups born 9/13/09 Post by: Backpackin Pork on September 21, 2009, 12:08:00 am Where are you located?
Title: Re: Cat x BMC pups born 9/13/09 Post by: curdogsforhogs on September 21, 2009, 03:15:31 pm liberty SC but i may be able to get them down to Fort Bayou bay pen in Vancleave Miss end of october to the bay.