Title: black pups (free) Post by: Dexter on September 14, 2009, 10:55:39 am i have tese 3 black pups i know they are at least 3/4 leopard (catahoula) and 1/4 lab come get them free they are out of my prized
hunting bitch and a poc dog that is gone and de nutted both they are going to be bigger dogs and gritty as hell0 give me a call 254then718andsomemorenumbers1059 Dexter (http://i597.photobucket.com/albums/tt51/skiparope/pups%20baying/100_3813.jpg) at this price they wont last long rolleyes Title: Re: black pups (free) Post by: Dexter on September 14, 2009, 11:43:56 am forgot these pups were born 06.14.09
3 rounds of shots and been wormed every 2 weeks since they was 3 weeks old Title: Re: black pups (free) Post by: Backpackin Pork on September 14, 2009, 05:16:15 pm I might be willing to try a free pup, where ya located?
Title: Re: black pups (free) Post by: daisydog on September 14, 2009, 08:50:02 pm is that red dog in photo a bird dog mix named leroy and if so how is he doing
Title: Re: black pups (free) Post by: Dexter on September 14, 2009, 09:01:17 pm i am 15 miles east of abilene near a lil town called clyde ,,,,,, and the red dog is a fullblooded catahoula named boomer
thanks for looking Dexter Title: Re: black pups (free) Post by: Dexter on September 16, 2009, 05:36:11 am They are still here
had some calls,but thats it Dexter |