THE CLASSIFIEDS => THE DOG TRADE => Topic started by: wilton on September 04, 2014, 01:13:05 pm

Title: Nalc Reg. Catahoula pups; Williamson Co. $100 up (SOLD)
Post by: wilton on September 04, 2014, 01:13:05 pm
Nalc Reg. Catahoula pups; 1wk-8-27-14, 3 males, 2 fems. leopard/spotted/patchwork. Bloodlines Blue Sky, Camp A While, both sides, plus TRB, Moffitt, Weems, HD-A Champ. Blair's "Diamond Cutter", HD-A Champ. "Dakota", etc. plenty of champ. hog dogs in background. A couple of loud colored pet quality for $100ea. without papers, $150 with, the rest breeder quality leopard/patchwork for $250ea. Parents on site, can email/text pics. from central/east Tx. Williamson Co. 512-567-6769     rcase2@austin.rr.com  ...Only one male patchwork left available... all others have deposits on hold  (SOLD)