Title: POACERS!!!!!! Post by: Hog_Hunter_57 on September 22, 2014, 11:28:28 pm Why in this hog dogging community do we will have people that think its OK to just run dogs on some one else's place with out even trying to contact the owner. I do not mean just getting the dogs back I mean driving the fourwheeler tooling around. It just makes me mad. As hard as it is to find places people just don't care where they go. Just because two land owners ago let you hunt 10 years ago does not mean you can still go around a locked gate.
Title: Re: Post by: bjohnston0311 on September 23, 2014, 12:05:40 am That's how they were raised and don't have the integrity or moral discipline to change their ways. Unfortunately, it will most likely get passed on for generations to come through their irresponsible and accidental breedings.
Title: Re: POACERS!!!!!! Post by: charles on September 23, 2014, 08:00:52 am 2x4s, 16p nails, monofilament fishing line (20lb) and trebble hooks. Just remember where u put them so u dont run into them.
Title: Re: POACERS!!!!!! Post by: cantexduck on September 23, 2014, 09:13:15 am Hell you never know , they could be reading this post. Happens more often then you think. I can name five people of this forum that have got caught hunting a place they didn't have permission to be on.
Title: Re: POACERS!!!!!! Post by: Judge peel on September 23, 2014, 09:21:18 am Only way to stop them is jail or a bullet those boobie traps will just back fire on ya but they sure put a fear factor in there lol
Title: Re: POACERS!!!!!! Post by: charles on September 23, 2014, 10:02:14 am You are very correct judge peel, but that bullet can backfire too (if left alive) with todays sue happy people. Criminal charges may not be filed or could be dropped during the investigation, but civil charges and suit can be filed and better than a 50% chance, the plantif could win.
Title: Re: Post by: Fixitlouie on September 23, 2014, 10:08:29 am Set up game cames then blast there pics all over.....
Title: Re: POACERS!!!!!! Post by: justincorbell on September 23, 2014, 10:54:54 am Hell you never know , they could be reading this post. Happens more often then you think. I can name five people of this forum that have got caught hunting a place they didn't have permission to be on. took the words right outta my mouth, I don't know of five but I know of a couple that do it pretty much whenever/wherever they want............. karma is a bad mamajama.........it'll catch up to em, always does. Title: Re: Re: Re: POACERS!!!!!! Post by: bjohnston0311 on September 23, 2014, 01:24:05 pm Hell you never know , they could be reading this post. Happens more often then you think. I can name five people of this forum that have got caught hunting a place they didn't have permission to be on. took the words right outta my mouth, I don't know of five but I know of a couple that do it pretty much whenever/wherever they want............. karma is a bad mamajama.........it'll catch up to em, always does. Title: Re: POACERS!!!!!! Post by: Shotgun wg on September 23, 2014, 08:31:58 pm Traps designed to catch or injure humans are pretty much illegal in most places. At the least could have u being sued.
But yes some folks are gonna go where they please because that landowner is denying them the chance to catch the big ol hogs and he won't never know it's them anyway. These same folks are the ones so interested in where u killed that big hog cause they are going to run that place between Tuesday and Thursday while ur doing ur duties as a husband and father. Yep scum is all I can say about these folks. I can promise one thing. If u invite me to hunt I will only return when invited. If I don't have permission to hunt a place I will do my best to get permission to retrieve. Then that is all I will do. I will gain access but it can't be done sneaking around. Shotgun Arkansas Title: Re: POACERS!!!!!! Post by: ChanceandAnita on September 24, 2014, 11:39:32 am Traps designed to catch or injure humans are pretty much illegal in most places. At the least could have u being sued. But yes some folks are gonna go where they please because that landowner is denying them the chance to catch the big ol hogs and he won't never know it's them anyway. These same folks are the ones so interested in where u killed that big hog cause they are going to run that place between Tuesday and Thursday while ur doing ur duties as a husband and father. Yep scum is all I can say about these folks. I can promise one thing. If u invite me to hunt I will only return when invited. If I don't have permission to hunt a place I will do my best to get permission to retrieve. Then that is all I will do. I will gain access but it can't be done sneaking around. Shotgun Arkansas TRUE DAT....Shotgun It's someone true chacter that takes advange of picking up their dogs on a hunting place stating that they was only chasing runners, I'm sorry but there is a distinctive difference in hunting a place directly and chasing a runner into someone else's place. When ur pasture looks like a freeway and we walk hunt that place , I believe someone an't telling the whole truth. Pisses ya off quite frankly ... Title: Re: POACERS!!!!!! Post by: Hog_Hunter_57 on September 24, 2014, 02:21:12 pm I found out they were in there when the road their fourwheelers in front of my game camera. the pics came out crappy too blurry to see who they were but one of them looked at the camera when he road past. well all i can say is im not running dogs out there now for one reason i have 35 snares set out i guess if their dogs die sorry they had to pay the price sould not be in there.
Title: Re: POACERS!!!!!! Post by: colecross on September 24, 2014, 02:50:14 pm Well hog hunter ,if your setting snares to catch there dogs then thats not to good ,as for as human traps the wrong person read that and someone my get a knock on there door from the po po.we deal with ppl tresspassing running dogs ,shineing deer and shooting,i put up signs. Extra cams every were,and when i get a id on them,i take it to them,and then i go file charges.the dogs dont deserve to be hurt.
Title: Re: POACERS!!!!!! Post by: Hog_Hunter_57 on September 24, 2014, 03:08:08 pm Nope I have been catching yotes out there for a while now but I'm sorry dogs and yotes run at about the same level. And in Texas there is no law on snaring yotes I have deer stops on all of them and break always. Only catching yotes!