Title: Back at it Post by: Logan-99 on October 02, 2014, 09:43:50 pm Well the past year or two I've given up on doggin, had a lot of stuff going on and didn't really have the time. I had the privelige of owning some really good dogs and I had gotten rid of them. Well I just couldn't stay away I've been trying to rebuild my pack for a month or so now and it's pretty hard starting from the bottom. But a few buddies of mine and myself have put a pack back together and are starting to see progress. Caught a little boar Tuesday night, 150 or so. Pups did great my buddy's pup struck and my pup was right there with her and at the bay hammered down in a open field. Cut my buddy's seasoned catchdog and my started bulldog and ha him shut down at 150 yards. Ran in with both catch dogs on ears.
(My Lou pup on left and catchdog Hank on right) (http://i59.tinypic.com/33ud82a.jpg) Title: Re: Post by: bjohnston0311 on October 04, 2014, 03:33:14 pm Time off is not always a bad thing. Makes the bad trips easier to accept and makes the good trips awesome trips. Good looking dogs
Title: Re: Back at it Post by: Judge peel on October 05, 2014, 02:24:55 pm Nice hog good looking dogs you got young man
Title: Re: Back at it Post by: Logan-99 on October 09, 2014, 03:17:08 am Thank yall, they are both just pups turning out real nice. Feels good to be doing what I love again. Hog doggin just takes patience, or money, and I don't have the money lol!