Title: 2005 kawasaki brute force 650 4x4 reduced price Post by: hoghunter_1985 on October 29, 2014, 11:31:17 pm Hello i have a 2005 kawasaki brute force 650 4x4 for sale or possible trade. It is very hard to start but when it starts it runs great and doesnt smoke at all. Im not sure why it is hard to start. It is snorkeled and also has a 4000lb winch. Has after market wheels and mud tires. It will run 60 mph or so top speed. I am askin $2000 obo. I am looking for a hunting truck needs to be 4x4, May be interested in other trades just depends. You can pm me if interested or Hoghunter_1985@yahoo.com or text 1(405)933-0080 thanks i do have and can send pics.