HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Bdog09 on January 25, 2015, 02:33:07 pm

Title: Tail docking
Post by: Bdog09 on January 25, 2015, 02:33:07 pm
Hey everyone iv always been able to find more solid info here than anywhere else. Just wondering if you guys have ever docked tails my gypsy due for pups within a week vet asks to much and ima do it your selfer. Just wondering if you would rather band or cut the tail. Thanks in advance!

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: Bdog09 on January 25, 2015, 02:34:13 pm

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: Reuben on January 25, 2015, 03:00:01 pm
I use a sharp knife and a cutting board...one motion forward and down...cut tails between 3 and 7 days of age...I Catherine the cut if it bleeds...takes a few seconds. ..I use a small steak knife with a wood handle to cauterize. ..I keep it red hot and ready on top of the stove burner...

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: halfbreed on January 25, 2015, 03:02:23 pm
   at two to three days old , just cut with a good pair of sharp scissors or a knife . just find where you want to snip and pull the skin up toward the butt and cut .  no need to put anything on them or stitch them . wont hardly bleed a drop and the gyp will keep clean . I do the dew claws at the same time the same way  .  thar you go . !!

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: bigo on January 25, 2015, 03:08:25 pm
My Vet. showed me how he does it and I have used this method on my wife's dogs with good results. Clamp the tail the length you want it with a  surgical clamp all the way closed then twist the tail one round and pull.No blood, no mess, quick and simple. Three days old is the best time.

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: charles on January 25, 2015, 03:17:29 pm
i use castration bands. works well, no blood, no fuss and the tail falls off in a couple days to a week depending how close to the body you put the band.

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: Goose87 on January 25, 2015, 03:48:46 pm
Pair of wire cutters when their less than a week old, did the last litter I raised at a few days old and only one bled and it was just a little.

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: Bdog09 on January 25, 2015, 07:26:19 pm
Thanks ya'll! Good info is always a step away on here! Good people good dogs good hogs on here!

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: Double K Kennels on January 28, 2015, 10:25:35 am
I have always done it the day the pups are born. With sharp scissors

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: 11kbramhall on January 28, 2015, 10:12:25 pm
has anyone ever shortened up any older dogs tails? iv heard of one guy doing it but didnt get to ask him how... not really planning in doin it just wondering how it is done.

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: -Pworkingdogs on April 06, 2015, 10:32:13 am
has anyone ever shortened up any older dogs tails? iv heard of one guy doing it but didnt get to ask him how... not really planning in doin it just wondering how it is done.

ive done it with two dog with the green castration bands takes about three weeks and itll fall right off just let it work and dont touch it.

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: brentevans2311 on April 07, 2015, 09:33:03 am
Pinch where you want it with surgical clamps. Twist till it comes off. Doesn't even bleed. Best way for me so far.

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: tmatt on April 07, 2015, 05:42:48 pm
At 2-3 days old, I clamp the tail at the length I want it with a pair of hemostats and leave it while I remove the front dew claws. When I'm finished with the dew claws I remove the hemostats and cut the tail with a good pair of scissors right where the hemos were. Vet showed me that a few years ago and it works well