Title: Is it really necessary? Post by: FcHogDog on September 24, 2009, 05:16:57 pm Have yall seen the picture that tx-outdoors.com put up on their site while it is under construction? Seems a little bloody to me and I'm a hog hunter. Think about the people that arent. Hope ETHD would never do anything like that.
Title: Re: Is it really necessary? Post by: txmaverick on September 24, 2009, 05:26:18 pm I just looked at it didnt see any blood just 2 dead boars.
JMO didnt see anything wrong with it. Title: Re: Is it really necessary? Post by: ETHHunters on September 24, 2009, 05:27:07 pm I didnt see anything.
Title: Re: Is it really necessary? Post by: FcHogDog on September 24, 2009, 05:32:21 pm I guess it changes everytime you open the page. I just opened it again and its different now, unless they changed it already.
Title: Re: Is it really necessary? Post by: kevin on September 24, 2009, 05:54:19 pm It changes. I guess your talking about the bloody dog on the chain.
Title: Re: Is it really necessary? Post by: FcHogDog on September 24, 2009, 06:12:27 pm Yeah. I know its part of the game, but I don't really think it approriate to show a picture like that on a website that is open to the public. Especially in a time such as this, when this sport is already under fire.
Title: Re: Is it really necessary? Post by: hillbilly on September 24, 2009, 06:39:29 pm I think we need to quit worrying about what other people think! JMO
Title: Re: Is it really necessary? Post by: FcHogDog on September 24, 2009, 09:43:47 pm Thats fine with me, but when we dont have the rights to enjoy the sport that we love, we'll know who to blame.
Title: Re: Is it really necessary? Post by: pigman09 on September 27, 2009, 11:09:25 am Thats fine with me, but when we dont have the rights to enjoy the sport that we love, we'll know who to blame. Thank you . ;) Title: Re: Is it really necessary? Post by: Dexter on September 27, 2009, 11:31:29 am I think we need to quit worrying about what other people think! JMO it is thinking like that, thats put us in this boat we are in,,we never had any problems before the internet and folks posting up blooded dog pictures,, hogs with the ears chewed off ,,, then run around town with all that hanging off the truck and trailer with half starved dogs and then if the dog does the first lil thing wrong knock the crap out of them in public thinking that makes them look toughI am for the thnking of calmig the bloody pictures down if you really want to do our sport and dogs a favor take pictures of torn fences and flat fields coastal pastures that look like a bomb hit it and show the world the real damage the hogs do and get them on the band wagon to eradicate these vermin ,, wich we all know thats worth the salt the best way to get rid of hogs is dogs these are my thoughts and no way should ETHD should be helt liable for my words Dexter my .02 ill step off my soap box now Title: Re: Is it really necessary? Post by: mex on September 27, 2009, 12:09:48 pm X2- Dex I'm with ya!