Title: 14 month old rough help dog!!!! Post by: Hillbilly3 on February 09, 2015, 10:54:39 am Trying to sale for my cousin. This is a 1/2 bulldog 1/2 cut dog gypthat he raised from a pup. around 14 months old. Been on several hogs in the woods. I've hunted with this gyp and she will hunt her butt off and will be there like a rocket. I've seen her myself stay with dogs until bayed and most of time will catch. This gyp isn't scared of anything. Real small frame gyp with a head like a bulldog. Only reason for sellin is she is too rough for my cousins liking. If I didn't have so many rough dogs I would take her for sure. My name is Raimy you can shoot me a text trying to get rid of this gyp for my cousin 3185530968 is my cell. Raimyhall@gmail.com is my email but don't check it. He is wanting to get 250 for this gyp. He might consider trade on a looser baying dog. Shoot me a text. God bless!