Title: male dogo for stud! Post by: paul.m on February 09, 2015, 04:33:38 pm Looking to stud out my male dogo to a female
dogo or pitbull catch dog.He has no papers to prove were he is from just people who Seen him work and people who know were his daddy And mom are. Bought him from a buddy James Yonker who has the mother to him she is around 15 years old And dad is around 13 years old Kevin Atkins. Both Were proven catch dogs and now retired His litter mates all were proven but long gone only 1 female left from his litter from 3 years ago.. bought him @ 6 weeks and started catching at 13 weeks old have a video of him as a pup 3 years ogo Catching small hog.Just want a pup from him no cash! If interested text me 4699647261 I am located in( FERRIS TX.) Email hogman75125@gmail.com |