Title: Pistols for the wife?? Post by: T.R. on February 20, 2015, 10:48:41 pm My wife is wanting a new pistol for her birthday next month and me being the gun liker i am i agreed. She thanks she wants a ruger lc 380 what have yall got yalls wives that they like? I traded some junk for a s&w 659 9mm for her but she hated it but i cant blame her. She really likes my cheapo heritage 22 and in 22mag but has recently got her concealed carry so that wont do she needs something flashyer we can get dipped in tiffany blue watever that is. Anybody have a lc 380 or a opinion on wat a women enjoys shooting?
Title: Re: Pistols for the wife?? Post by: charles on February 20, 2015, 11:06:04 pm My wife shoots a sa xd 45. It's got plenty of knock down power and holds as much as them bee sting 9s. If the 45 has to much kick, them maybe a 40 cal. But I would rather "stop" the assailant than leave him walking and sue me. Even with a vest, a 45 will knock the air out of their lungs and 99% chance, stop their heart from the concussion.
Title: Re: Pistols for the wife?? Post by: T.R. on February 20, 2015, 11:42:32 pm Charles i begged and pleaded with her to get a s&w m&p shield in 40 but the 9mm i had scared her and it has no recoil its a heavy sucker. I honestly dont care what she gets as long as shes comfy with it and will shoot it accurately. Whats strange to me is she is pretty accomplised with large rifles killing muley and elk with 25-06 and 30-06s and a few bigger rifles
Title: Re: Pistols for the wife?? Post by: country man 563 on February 21, 2015, 02:47:46 am My wife loves her little 38sp but now she wants an auto.... dang women are never happy
Title: Re: Pistols for the wife?? Post by: rdjustham on February 21, 2015, 08:02:56 am Just my .02 and Im sure there will be a bunch of people who disagree, but id get her a hamerless revolver that fits her hand. My reasoning behind this is this, in a SHTF situation a safety is your worse enemy, and there are too many factors that will cause an auto to jam, if you really want to see something humorous go watch a bunch of cops who "train" with their firearms qualify. A revolver goes bang everytime you pull the trigger, and when its empty you don't have to worry about being shot with your own gun, plus there are no fine motor skills involved with using it in a bad situation, and anyone whos ever been in one will tell you, if you don't train with it, it wont work.
Now the extreme, she pulls it, gets one poorly placed round off, it jams, she drops it and starts to run, and a highly motivated individual picks it up........ food for thought. I wanted my GF to be safe, she went against my advice, bought a glock 26. She carries my S&W 38 pocket gun now. And I didn't say a word.. Just need to buy another one now. rolleyes Just my .02 Title: Re: Pistols for the wife?? Post by: rdjustham on February 21, 2015, 08:03:34 am Oh and if recoil is an issue, a lot of companies make reduced recoil ammo, but I wouldn't trust it to function an auto.
Title: Re: Pistols for the wife?? Post by: Amokabs on February 21, 2015, 08:51:47 am Smith and Wesson airlite 22,, holds 8 rounds, lite weight, , or a hammer less 38 air weight
Title: Re: Pistols for the wife?? Post by: charles on February 21, 2015, 09:36:43 am Ill agree with rdjustham, a revolver.
TR, is the gun for protection or just plinking and throwing lead at a paper target? If its protection and she says she is scared of the 40 n 45, ask her which scares her the most, the gun recoil, or a pine box, 6ft under the ground. Title: Re: Pistols for the wife?? Post by: T.R. on February 21, 2015, 10:21:25 am Mostly plinking but im sure shel carry it. Im hoping shel get one in a smaller caliber and get comfortable with it then try to move her up to something bigger. Im not agianst having a few extra guns around.
Title: Re: Pistols for the wife?? Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on February 21, 2015, 11:09:51 am My daily companion that's always bolstered on my hip is my Walther P22. LOVE it. When people first see it, ALOT of them think it's a .380 at first glance.
Very nice pistol for daily carry. In my opinion anyway lol. Title: Re: Pistols for the wife?? Post by: C L on February 21, 2015, 05:00:42 pm The Smith and Wesson hammer less air weight revolver in .38 special +P is nice. It is made in .357 magnum but may have more recoil than desired.
Title: Re: Pistols for the wife?? Post by: charles on February 21, 2015, 05:28:50 pm Get the revolver in 357 and .38s can be used for plinking but for defense, load with 357
Title: Re: Pistols for the wife?? Post by: gary fuller on February 21, 2015, 10:03:45 pm my wifes nightstand gun is a smith 640 which is a hammerless snubby 357 mag in the j/ small frame. she is not a large woman by any means and handles this firearm very well even with magnum loads in it. and she is very good with it to 15 yards.
Title: Re: Pistols for the wife?? Post by: Reuben on February 22, 2015, 12:22:00 am Just my .02 and Im sure there will be a bunch of people who disagree, but id get her a hamerless revolver that fits her hand. My reasoning behind this is this, in a SHTF situation a safety is your worse enemy, and there are too many factors that will cause an auto to jam, if you really want to see something humorous go watch a bunch of cops who "train" with their firearms qualify. A revolver goes bang everytime you pull the trigger, and when its empty you don't have to worry about being shot with your own gun, plus there are no fine motor skills involved with using it in a bad situation, and anyone whos ever been in one will tell you, if you don't train with it, it wont work. Now the extreme, she pulls it, gets one poorly placed round off, it jams, she drops it and starts to run, and a highly motivated individual picks it up........ food for thought. I wanted my GF to be safe, she went against my advice, bought a glock 26. She carries my S&W 38 pocket gun now. And I didn't say a word.. Just need to buy another one now. rolleyes Just my .02 I agree...I say go with double action revolver...no fumbling just squeeze the trigger...auto can become second nature if one shoot the gun often enough... Title: Re: Pistols for the wife?? Post by: dodgegirl on February 24, 2015, 02:35:03 pm I work at shoot straight and if your wife is looking to get the ruger lcp 380 stay away from it. It's very light and has a lot of recoil. A lot of women & men included claim the gun jams. It a shooter error they gun it small and powerful. For a 380 carry gun I recommend the glock 42 or my favorite the sig sauer p238. It's a little pricey but shoots like a dream. It looks like a mini 1911. The slide is very easy to rack back, it has a thumb safety, comes with night sights. It's a great little gun. IF you are looking for something a bit bigger i really like the smith & Wesson shield 9. Not the 40 it is way to snappy.
Title: Re: Pistols for the wife?? Post by: Missalot on February 25, 2015, 09:02:24 pm My wife has a Ruger LC9. has never jammed but she keeps it clean.
Title: Re: Pistols for the wife?? Post by: hillcountry on February 27, 2015, 08:40:21 am Im in the dog house to much . Some times i look at her and i think she hates me! So i would not buy her a water pistol!! . I can see headlines "" bandera man found i drive way with box load of hog eradicators shot with pink pistol purchased for wife for christmas.
Title: Re: Post by: Fixitlouie on February 27, 2015, 09:36:38 am Same here!!^^^^^
Title: Re: Pistols for the wife?? Post by: Georgia-Hawgs on February 27, 2015, 10:30:46 pm X 3 ^^^ but i think a good quality 9mm is a great gun. especially for a woman. Some folks say it don't have enough "knock down" power. But i beg to differ. Especially with the right round in the chamber.
Title: Re: Pistols for the wife?? Post by: T.R. on February 27, 2015, 11:37:37 pm Well my wife really likes the ruger lc 380 so thats wat she got. We dont care much for 9s here. Buy she can shot it a few months and move onto another pistol she doesnt care much for a revolver but she can sure use one. Theres 7 or 8 of them layn around the house