Title: "Transporting Dogs" Post by: Caney Creek Hog Doggers on September 25, 2009, 07:33:20 pm I have a really nice aluminum trailer and will haul dogs within 300 miles of Houston any direction, may go farther depending on where. If you are buying or selling dogs and don't have time to transport them I am set up for that. I have plenty of time, weekdays or weekends.I can haul 6 dogs or 12 dogs depending on their size, pm me if needing a transport.
This is my rig (http://i330.photobucket.com/albums/l404/colton_baker/016-2.jpg) (http://i330.photobucket.com/albums/l404/colton_baker/018-1.jpg) Title: Re: "Transporting Dogs" Post by: chapa69 on September 25, 2009, 07:57:25 pm whats up hows the dogs working for you
Title: Re: "Transporting Dogs" Post by: Caney Creek Hog Doggers on September 25, 2009, 08:01:09 pm There working great, took red hunting the other night did real good, had a bay going but we didn't get there in time to catch him. She's starting to range out and moochie is doing just fine, we are going in the morning, I'll let you know how they do!!!