Title: Garmin Collars - DC30, DC40, Etc. Post by: Bryant on February 24, 2015, 03:13:51 pm Been a while since I did any research, but I'm needing a few more collars. I'm still using mostly DC30's with a 40 or two thrown in.
Whats the consensus as far as whats working better? I remember people saying the 40's weren't getting the range as the 30's did. Any improvements been made? From prices on Ebay, seems the 30's are still pretty desirable. What about the 50's? Title: Re: Garmin Collars - DC30, DC40, Etc. Post by: Jason Dunn on February 24, 2015, 03:24:08 pm I got a DC 20 for my catch dog 2 DC 30s 3 DC 40s all have long antennas the 30s will pick up over a mile most of the time and the 40s sometimes do but not as consistent the 40s drop signal more often even at 600-700 yards I have issues charging one of my 30s sometimes I have to leave it on while it charges. The DC20 has never let me down and will pick up around a mile the antennas about 5-6" and sticks strait up but it works well on a catch dog because it sits on top of his neck and cant get damaged or in the way the vest keeps it from sliding around works well got it off e-bay $120.
Title: Re: Garmin Collars - DC30, DC40, Etc. Post by: mduggan on February 24, 2015, 06:02:34 pm I have five DC 30's, one 40 and one 50. The 30's have always been dependable; the 40 seems to have less range and the 50 is about the same as the 30's. If I needed collars, I would stay with the 30's.
Title: Re: Garmin Collars - DC30, DC40, Etc. Post by: blakebh on February 24, 2015, 09:18:50 pm If your going to buy new I would go with the T5! Have really liked the one I have.
Title: Re: Garmin Collars - DC30, DC40, Etc. Post by: Bryant on February 25, 2015, 08:31:36 am Anyone sent any 30's in to Garmin lately? They still send out a new one, or do they send back a 40. Seems I remember hearing something about it, just don't remember the specifics.
Title: Re: Garmin Collars - DC30, DC40, Etc. Post by: bigthickethogdogs on February 25, 2015, 11:09:21 am they will send you 30s back sent some in just last November