Title: ISO a hound gyp or cat x hound to breed Post by: Judge peel on March 06, 2015, 10:54:27 am I am looking for a good gyp to breed my cowboy dog to prefer a hound or hound cross. This big boy is 85 lb of hog stopper has put the brakes on many a big hog I have many ref on this dog. He has never let go or backed off a hog due to being cut down he hunts short to medium is silent big hearted smart dog. He knows he is bad and don't take crap off any dog usely don't start it tho very gentle with the family. He is leggy dog comes out of fl curs from Sam Clemons in ockachoobie or how ever it's spelled x halfbreeds old cat blood. If interested and in a close distance give me a holler (http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/03/06/e4e81693fef1a28c298cfeec7410a9e3.jpg)(http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/03/06/97aa40b28dd01dcd8484891b0f4bc87e.jpg)