THE CLASSIFIEDS => THE DOG TRADE => Topic started by: Double K Kennels on March 16, 2015, 07:18:22 pm

Title: American Bulldogs *** pics
Post by: Double K Kennels on March 16, 2015, 07:18:22 pm
My dad is selling his registered American bulldog males.  He has 2
First is his big male. 3 I believe. No dog aggression or people aggression. Very athletic. Makes a great guard dog. His pups have made straight catch dogs. He has just been used to breed. Never seen a hog. 300 or trade for guns.

   Second is a really nice 2 yr old male. Very athletic dog that has seen 1 hog and caught with no regrip. that was 6-8 months ago. No dog or people aggression. Very well built. He is 400 or trade on guns.
Located in Milano tx. But might be able to meet some. Call or text 254-231-6229 doublekkennel@gmail.com