Title: Nice sow Post by: ChanceandAnita on April 02, 2015, 10:11:44 pm We dropped the dogs jus before dark roaded them toward the water
(http://i1312.photobucket.com/albums/t532/ChanceandAnita/11A4B0A3-B196-47AB-8250-CA21CDABCF88-10112-000009C3CB760F7D_zpsbry7pe0a.jpg) Dogs picked up a small sounder ... Dogs killed serval baby pigs and bayed up this sow a few hundred yards down the river bank. (http://i1312.photobucket.com/albums/t532/ChanceandAnita/D0000AF5-4B35-402C-A713-37FC125D15EA-10112-000009C3F7745536_zpswwxby3hc.jpg) (http://i1312.photobucket.com/albums/t532/ChanceandAnita/1BA5D49C-78EA-45B3-BC5A-E3CB889F66E6-10112-000009C4057640F1_zps4fgcdpcz.jpg) Then the race was on Sam Was running them by the time we finished up securing the sow. Loaded up and headed after him, Peewee , Tank, Clyde and Spot picked it up and .7 miles out bay up, pig broke , And took my group 4 miles up and down the hills. Slowly the dogs start to fall off They was jus wore out.. (http://i1312.photobucket.com/albums/t532/ChanceandAnita/A23A6B7A-EEF2-4522-8D70-E081F5073723-10112-000009C3E1CAEAEC_zpshk1uy5an.jpg) (http://i1312.photobucket.com/albums/t532/ChanceandAnita/28716D10-AA09-4E7E-8155-02B46F619E85-10112-000009C3EB9397E5_zps8va6olsu.jpg) Title: Re: Nice sow Post by: CHRIS H. on April 03, 2015, 08:47:35 am Nice lookin spoted sow ...
I sure like that Black and Tan lookin dog ! Take care Title: Re: Nice sow Post by: ChanceandAnita on April 03, 2015, 12:19:38 pm He is supposed to be blue tick cat cross