Title: blue lacy and redbone/cur for sale Post by: s_mooneyham on April 20, 2015, 11:40:37 am I have a male full blood blue lacy hes about a year or a year and a half I got him started as a cow dog, but he always wanted to run off as soon as I turned my dogs out I hit him with a shock collar and he went to the truck and hasn't done anything since then. idk if he well bay a hog but he is very athlectic dog with lots of bottom. I have some pups that are gunna make some great dogs and don't have time for him. the redbone is a big good looking dog red with a black mask a year old his full brother is a bad to the bone cow dog already they are SILENT ON TRACK I was trying him as a cow dog as well. he will go to a cow, but he will not circle just stands in one spot. I had him in the trailer with my hog dogs one day and he was jamming on them he will make a dog with time that I don't have. 300 for the blue lacy.. that's what I paid for him that's what I want 100 for the redbone cur. can send pics if you ask. call or text sam mooneyham @ 832-585-9472 email is mooneyham00@gmail.com don't check it