Title: Piglets 5-10lbs maybe a little more and 60-70lb sow Post by: charles on May 04, 2015, 08:25:22 pm READ EVERYTHING BEFORE ASKING ANY QUESTIONS and pass this info to your buddies, I DONT want them calling/texting asking the same thing I posted!!!!!
Got 7 piglets, 6 females and 1 male. Red and blonde, the boar is red. Piglets still have racing stripes, roughly 2-3 months of age, but are eating solid foods and getting into my dang garden, was only rooting, but now got into my beans today. The older sow is around 12-14 months. $10ea and the older sow, $25 Located in temple tx (it's on Google maps), you come catch and get them. The sow will come to the feed bucket but u will get only 1 shot at her. NO outside dogs allowed on my yard, so DONT bring them. NO other pigs are for sale, so don't ask. Anytime this week till thur, anytime sat or sun and ONLY after 5pm the following week. Artillery97_03@yahoo.com 936-366-3024 till thur 936-366-8139 after thur. |