HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: Georgia-Hawgs on May 28, 2015, 02:25:31 pm

Title: Blue dog
Post by: Georgia-Hawgs on May 28, 2015, 02:25:31 pm
This is my blue dog "tuck" . Yeah yeah yeah, he's blue..he's not a real bully type, short and stocky, he's built real good, he is a little shorter than I like but he does have some decent leg on him, he's the best tempered dog, the stray cat will get in the dog house with him, the only thing he won't put up with is a hog, for obvious reasons. I love this dog, he will die here at the house from old age, I'm pretty much done hunting but this dude won't go anywhere , he's a great pet, good drinking buddy, haha if I go to the woods he goes with me.hes not hard headed, if I tell him no he will stop in his tracks. Even after a hog that he can see.  Anyway, just thought I'd share some pics of my favorite dog. Oh, the thing in his mouth is a heavy duty garden hose . I don't reckon it will hurt his teeth.(http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag326/coondogo80/Mobile%20Uploads/20150311_185542-1_zpswh7hdveb.jpg)[/URL[URL=http://s1372.photobucket.com/user/coondogo80/media/Mobile%20Uploads/Screenshot_2015-05-21-10-54-36-1_zpssj2uhuio.png.html](http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag326/coondogo80/Mobile%20Uploads/Screenshot_2015-05-21-10-54-36-1_zpssj2uhuio.png) (http://s1372.photobucket.com/user/coondogo80/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150311_185542-1_zpswh7hdveb.jpg.html)

Title: Re: Blue dog
Post by: Georgia-Hawgs on May 28, 2015, 02:30:18 pm
(http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag326/coondogo80/Mobile%20Uploads/Screenshot_2015-04-27-21-11-26-1_zpssna54djf.png) (http://s1372.photobucket.com/user/coondogo80/media/Mobile%20Uploads/Screenshot_2015-04-27-21-11-26-1_zpssna54djf.png.html)

Title: Re: Blue dog
Post by: Georgia-Hawgs on May 28, 2015, 02:43:44 pm
(http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag326/coondogo80/Mobile%20Uploads/20150520_102655-1_zpsmlzkumg5.jpg) (http://s1372.photobucket.com/user/coondogo80/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150520_102655-1_zpsmlzkumg5.jpg.html)

Title: Re: Blue dog
Post by: Judge peel on May 28, 2015, 03:24:02 pm
Nice dog even tho he blue lol just kidding

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Title: Re: Blue dog
Post by: dallas22 on May 28, 2015, 04:08:05 pm

Looks alot like my blue must be hes brother from another mother.

Title: Re: Blue dog
Post by: Georgia-Hawgs on May 28, 2015, 05:24:08 pm
Dallas how's that blue dog do for you?  I don't second guess mine at all. He's as solid as any red nose or whatever else will catch a hog. Although I do prefer an ofrn dog, this dogs has satisfied me on many occasions. 

Title: Re: Blue dog
Post by: dallas22 on May 28, 2015, 09:13:04 pm
Ok just makes too much noise sometimes he's got a funky sound he makes. But my girl likes him so he staying. Other wise he would of get the boot.

Title: Re: Blue dog
Post by: Georgia-Hawgs on May 28, 2015, 09:36:25 pm
Mine makes a funky noise when he gets excited, like a high pitch growling sound,  when he knows I'm feeding or I'm about to turn him loose he does it a lot worse 

Title: Re: Blue dog
Post by: dallas22 on May 28, 2015, 09:55:34 pm
Yea same here it's funny at first but drives me crazy after awhile. Those where some good pics u got there.

Title: Re: Blue dog
Post by: hogmantx1979 on May 28, 2015, 10:29:47 pm
I believe it's an anxiety attack I have had a few do it over the years

Title: Re: Blue dog
Post by: Reuben on May 29, 2015, 05:03:26 am
good looking dog for sure...only thing I see wrong with him is that he is blue...  ??? :)

Title: Re: Blue dog
Post by: Georgia-Hawgs on May 29, 2015, 12:57:39 pm
Yall don't to harsh on the olé blue dog now,  he's sensitive.  :'(

Title: Re: Blue dog
Post by: TheRednose on June 12, 2015, 01:31:24 am
Nice looking dog. He has good confirmation. Sounds like he is a good old boy.

Title: Re: Blue dog
Post by: Buckshot71199 on June 12, 2015, 11:29:29 am
Is there any real reason why people prefer redticks for hog

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Title: Re: Blue dog
Post by: Georgia-Hawgs on June 12, 2015, 05:44:20 pm
Is there any real reason why people prefer redticks for hog

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I'm assuming you meant red nose?  And I'm sure someone with more experience and knowledge than myself will have a better answer for you , but I believe it's mainly  for game reasons.  I love a good red dog myself. It may be harder  ( due to some breeding reasons) to find a blue dog that has the balls to the wall, die trying attitude as some true game bred red dogs,  or black and brindle dogs. Or whatever else color. I got lucky I guess with this one.  He does it all and is a jam up pet for the kids at the house. He even let's the cat sleep with him..and thanks red nose, he is a good olé dog. He ain't worth money but all bs aside he's priceless to me. He obeys my commands and aims to please . Real good brains on this dog.

Title: Re: Blue dog
Post by: Buckshot71199 on June 12, 2015, 06:42:02 pm
Is there any real reason why people prefer redticks for hog

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I'm assuming you meant red nose?  And I'm sure someone with more experience and knowledge than myself will have a better answer for you , but I believe it's mainly  for game reasons.  I love a good red dog myself. It may be harder  ( due to some breeding reasons) to find a blue dog that has the balls to the wall, die trying attitude as some true game bred red dogs,  or black and brindle dogs. Or whatever else color. I got lucky I guess with this one.  He does it all and is a jam up pet for the kids at the house. He even let's the cat sleep with him..and thanks red nose, he is a good olé dog. He ain't worth money but all bs aside he's priceless to me. He obeys my commands and aims to please . Real good brains on this dog.
yeah I meant red nose my iPhone auto corrected it to redticks Bc I type that more often. But thanks for the reply

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Title: Re: Blue dog
Post by: Amokabs on June 13, 2015, 06:02:25 pm
That's a good looking dog, I don't care what color he is!

Title: Re: Blue dog
Post by: Georgia-Hawgs on June 19, 2015, 01:23:07 pm
Thank yall