Title: Quick hunt.. Post by: ChanceandAnita on June 06, 2015, 05:34:17 pm Hit a spot that we haven't hunted in a while. Peewee was ranging round 209 yards when he opened on track. Dogs hit a nice size sounder the pigs busted up was running every where and the dogs singled out this nice sow. Bayed her up in a 5 to 6 foot hole drop off. We crawled up the rocks and sent our mountain goat Chico to them..caught hog! ....fishing her back out the hole was a pain in the rear for sure.
(http://i1312.photobucket.com/albums/t532/ChanceandAnita/A607E4B5-A724-4FFC-8B4E-66C7E9F2921B-7666-000007B030A5321C_zpsumwkmlaz.jpg) (http://i1312.photobucket.com/albums/t532/ChanceandAnita/7E100AA9-EB7C-4783-B925-2B5FB295C376-7666-000007B046316819_zpsqylzk31i.jpg) Title: Re: Quick hunt.. Post by: CHRIS H. on June 07, 2015, 12:42:37 am Nice sow ,
y'all should've got that mountain goat Chico a steak after that one Haha Take care |