HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Curcross1987 on June 17, 2015, 01:06:40 am

Title: Donald Trump
Post by: Curcross1987 on June 17, 2015, 01:06:40 am
What yall think would yall vote for him if he runs think he could be 2016

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: charles on June 17, 2015, 01:37:15 am
nope!!!!! there have been and are to many rich politicians in office, and they only get more powerful and rich the further up the food chain the go. what can he possibly do for the american people? especially the lower/middle class citizens. he will, just as he did for many many many yrs look down upon the average man and demand us to be his servant. the only person I'm a servant, is the LORD, not some rich person who will step on us like we were cockroach. and that goes for ted cruz too. he lost my respect and any further votes to come. ill vote democrap before voting for cruz

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Bo Pugh on June 17, 2015, 07:58:25 am
i think donald trump would be a good canidate, hes not doing it for the money hes worth about 10 bllion, i dont think he will put up with isis and said he will stop the ilegals coming in from mexico, just stopping the ilegals alone will create alot more jobs for the working man and make things alot safer where their taking up in the small towns. look what we have had for the last 8 years pretty much nothing, hillary clinton has already said that she wasnt going to take the guns she was taking the ammo, and she will be the democratic leader and i cannot see how after 8 years of a democratic president someone could vote democrat. im all for trump

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Curcross1987 on June 17, 2015, 11:29:31 am
I think he could be real good I think he could create a lot of jobs fix the problem at our borders . He had some good points on taxing companies sending stuff from out of country only bad thing I could see on that is the price of goods going up. I would not be as worried about him selling us out because it is pretty clear he doesn't need any money. I think he could also get rid of some of this debt because it is clear to see he is real good at making money.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: charles on June 17, 2015, 11:36:09 am
he was/is real good at making HIMSELF money, but why should he be worried about our money, both tax dollars and net income? its not his money that gonna bring down the debt, and he dang sure aint gonna give up his yearly salary if he was potus, nor would he force the other branches of the government to fork over their salaries and do the job bc they actually cared for the american people and wanted to do the right thing. 

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Curcross1987 on June 17, 2015, 12:33:59 pm
Not saying will do what is right but he is defently capable of doing a real good job I could be wrong he could be terrible but I think you would have to look at the opinions Hillary would be the worst thing for us

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: halfbreed on June 17, 2015, 12:54:23 pm

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: charles on June 17, 2015, 12:59:13 pm
Not saying will do what is right but he is defently capable of doing a real good job I could be wrong he could be terrible but I think you would have to look at the opinions Hillary would be the worst thing for us

100% agree with on that. but thats the problem, we vote for the lessor of 2 evils. why should we have to make that choice between the evils. why can't they just stay within the constitution and run this country the right way, the way it was intended, not the way it is now? additionally, how can trump command an entire military, when he himself never knew how it was to command or be commanded in the military? he was a draft dodger.

a common man could do a much better job, and for a lesser cost to the tax payer. heck, id do it for 60k a year, which is a pay raise for me, and for many millions of other americans. the common man has been in and still is in the "trenches" and knows what is going wrong, mostly because he sees the corruption within the government, when the current politicians were corrupt before ever getting to that position or authority.
Prime example of the rich screwing over the common man. a friend just got notified that his healthcare premiums are going up $350 a month starting july 1, and they went up $300 after obama care became law. the goal is to take the middle class, and merge them with the lower class, with a huge separation between low and rich. now who stands to gain the most from these high healthcare premiums, the rich, and only the rich. every single american should file a personal law suit against the obama family, and class action suit against the federal government for signing that bill into law, forcing the citizens to pay higher premiums for the same or lesser coverage, or risk going to jail or having your tax return stolen in the name of the law.

plane and simple, this country doesn't need a rich person running it, this country needs another commoner just like it was when it was established 230yrs ago. the forefathers didn't receive a paycheck for running this country, they ran this newly formed country for free, and still tended their farms and crops. the modern politician wouldn't know how to tend to a tomato plant, just look at how they tend to the affairs of the people.  

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Curcross1987 on June 17, 2015, 01:09:45 pm
Your right any way we go we are probably screwed

Title: Re:
Post by: Fixitlouie on June 17, 2015, 04:46:52 pm
Trump is a business man....thats no place for a head of state unless the treasury department. .. we need a salt of the earth type person. Well rounded in diplomatic relations.  A compassionate person. You know a MIRACLE! !

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Judge peel on June 17, 2015, 05:03:08 pm
All politician are business men they are in the business of them selfs. I would say most of them couldn't run a McDonald's to turn a profit. But what you going to do if ya don't vote then you might as well trade places with a illegal and be quite. Becuz that's the only way to make change Obama only did what we the people allowed him to do 

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Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Reuben on June 17, 2015, 05:26:39 pm
I would like a combination of Ted Cruz and Donald Trump...I will probably vote for whom ever the NRA recommends...we do need to stop the illegals...they are taking our jobs and they are getting Social Security benefits and other programs which we have been contributing to for many years...

I also believe in maintaining our constitution...I am pro hunt, pro gun and pro fish...

a big problem I see with the USA right now is the fact that we want good wages...yet we want to get the best bargain so we buy from China...We build plants including other types of companies overseas so we will go bankrupt sooner than later...unless something changes...

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: charles on June 17, 2015, 05:30:40 pm
All politician are business men they are in the business of them selfs. I would say most of them couldn't run a McDonald's to turn a profit. But what you going to do if ya don't vote then you might as well trade places with a illegal and be quite. Becuz that's the only way to make change Obama only did what we the people allowed him to do 

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You too are 100% right. We do nothing and they win, we vote, and they win, and "they" meaning the parties and politicians. Regardless of if we the people vote or not, the criminalistic politicians will prevail. There just isn't enough red blooded American patriots left to make a change on the scale needed for change. The groups are just like the hunting groups, fighting for power or indesiciveness on what route to go and can't/wont band together to rid this country of tyranny. The rest of the country just go with the flow instead of putting their foot down and saying NO!!!, the crap stops right now.

When a government becomes to powerful and is no longer for the people, it is the right of the people to remove the government and reinstitute a new government.
Unfortunately, voting does NOT reinstitute a new government, it just recycles the same type of government. Forcing the people to choose evil door 1 or evil door 2
As Lou and myself said, this country needs a homegrown down to earth patriotic leader, not in it for himself, but in it FOR the people, and making the government again for the people, not the people for the government

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: charles on June 17, 2015, 05:39:10 pm
Rueben, I thought Cruz would be a good candidate, but I inquired about illegal infiltration and immigration issues and got nothing, I waited 3 weeks and emailed him again, 3 weeks later, still noting. I emailed senator Cornyn about the same thing and got a circle jerk, beating around the bush response, but at least it was response and it showed where he stood on immigration.

Yes I do rant and rave about stuff, but I took my time, and made many drafts to my email, double and triple checking it for spelling errors or inflammatory remarks, none of which I made, and had it proof read by several people before sending it. It was as profeccional as I could make it and still get my point across.

So from the lack of response from Cruz, I now see where he stands on immigration and fraud waist, and illegal use of our tax dollars.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Bo Pugh on June 18, 2015, 02:47:26 pm
so because cruz didnt respond to your email you dont like him any more lol he probably gets hundreds a day thats all about off the wall number 2 and dont even read them. i really hope a republician gets it, but its so many people on the give away program and old people thats full blooded democrats im sure another democrat will get it, after the shooting of the people in carolina last night obama wants to blame guns lol, he got voted in for a second term that just shows you how ignorant the american people are.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: charles on June 18, 2015, 03:36:09 pm
Bo, im not the only one. I wasnt the first either. I rhought the same as you, but the more and more people said the same thing, the more i thought it might b true. Then my inquiry went ignored and then a soldier i still stay in contact with, contacted him bout some violation of regs the unit was doing, with evidence in audio, digital n paperwork. 6 months later, still no word and no change.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Curcross1987 on October 09, 2016, 11:06:58 pm
What's every ones thought now

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: charles on October 10, 2016, 12:40:20 am
What's every ones thought now

We the people are screwed no matter which one gets in office. Thats still my stance. Only time will tell though.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: hoghunter71409 on October 10, 2016, 08:24:21 am
Hillary Clinton said one thing right "Trump is not fit to be President".  I don't think Hillary is any better of a fit- that is a problem.  We are in a bad spot; two terrible candidates, one of which is a huge liar and the other is very confused and has bad attitude.  Both have money, so that doesn't matter.  Only advantage to Hillary is, we have some idea of what we get.  With Trump, he is a loose canon, and we really have no idea what he will do.  I think best case scenario is, Trump is elected and soon after impeached or steps down and his running Mike Pence becomes President.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: parker49 on October 10, 2016, 09:27:47 am
I'm dam sure voting trump  ....... how can anyone vote for someone who will run the death tax up and take over half of what you leave  when you die ....that is  just not exceptable for me ....  I was born poor  poor I've shown pics  of the way I grew  up running an old sawmill cutting fire wood and such and we own quite a bit of property and  ain't  nobody give  us  nothing ..........  she's all about buying votes through social programs and bringing thousands of refuge's and illegals  to change future elections .......this is a last chance  for republicans witch I consider myself just me and I will vote for  who I think will do the best for  people in a righteous way weighing impacts of his actions ...... Donald  may run his mouth but that's words ...he  hasn't  cost people there lives he hasn't laughed about getting a person off  for rapeing charges on a 12  year  old child on tape   ......there's two people one is  so corrupt and has  been for  years  and  years  along with her husband she gets away with criminal acts that me or you would be  in jail for and  people is ...... Donald is a business man he will consult with a round table of people before making any decisions why because that's what a business man does he gets different views then acts ....Hillary is  gonna  do  what she's been doing for the past 40 years how would anyone think she will change she will get worse .....so where's the choice you don't really have  one .....it's Donald....

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Reuben on October 10, 2016, 11:10:53 am
Both are unfit for president...I will vote on the lesser of the two unfits...Trump....

If Cruz was in he would win by a landslide...he didn't endorse Trump because he knew what some of us already knew...

As a business man Trump played the system to be a winner...as anyone else in their right mind as long as it is legal...I hope he does the right thing for our country...at least he stands by our Constitution...

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: parker49 on October 10, 2016, 12:05:22 pm
well for some reason people think his tax deductions is how  he  made it .....we don't know  that .....I use every tax deduction I can ....as does everyone else .....  look at all the scandals  of the past presidents ...... they all have  em .....ted cruise didn't he get accused  of messing around ? believe me they gather everything you have  done  or looks like you have  done since you was born hold it and  put  it out at the  right time as needed all this stuff on trump has been held onto waiting til she got in trouble or was needed to deflect and put him on defense she does NOT want to talk about herself or bill .... they all have dirty laundry as we do also we just ain't  runnin ..... trump he has his problems .....but look at the mans  kids   .......all the good things  you  hear about things he's done for people ...they say he'll walk in a resteraunt and after eating he may walk in the kitchen and tip the whole working staff a 100 bucks a piece .....does that sound like a bad person ? i'd say he's as close of a working class person as we have ever had  run for president ...he don't need the money at all and look at all crap he has had  to take about himself in front of his family .....they say he walks the job sites cause he likes the workers and loves interacting with them ......    you know he  just may  be the only one running that even had a chance  to beat her ......dam near  every news  ground  is after  him all the dates are perty much rigged  but he's  still here  and  still swinging ...I like an under dog ......

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: charles on October 10, 2016, 09:54:35 pm
exactly as you said reuben, lesser of the 2 evils. in short we have no one to choose from and we are forced to pick 1. its a rigged process no matter which piece of the pie we ask for. as a citizen of this country, I'm gonna do my duty and vote, but my vote will NOT be for either 1 of those 2 asses. I'm voting for myself. i can't do any worse than whats in office now and couldn't do any worse than whats running for office now.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: parker49 on October 11, 2016, 10:56:13 pm
Charles wouldn't not voting be a vote ....Clinton is ahead in the poles so if  you don't vote you are perty much voting for her .....look at the policies of each person .....she's for increasing our taxes  ...increasing the death tax to about 60 percent .....open borders ....she's pro choice ......she's gonna kill coal mining jobs ...she is going to kill fracking there goes thousands of jobs ...she's corrupt to the core ....everyday more and more stuff comes out about her .....and  just because  you don't like the way trump talks you not gonna vote for either one ...but  you are ....if the person ahead in the poles can keep the rest from voting they win ......  if she wins its gonna get bad real bad ....   SOCIALIZM .......   

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: charles on October 11, 2016, 11:23:33 pm
actually, I'm kinda hopping she wins, just on the off chance it will start a new revolution. that is the only thing that is going to turn this country around. it won't be an easy road, but it is a road this country needs to go down. corruption is at every level of government and in the upper management of businesses and even in the mid to higher levels of the military. i won't vote just bc some jackwaggon is trying tell the masses what they wanna hear. neither 1 has said anything to deserve the majority votes, but only 1 has done things that doesn't warrant ANY votes, but i won't that sway me to follow someone bc they have done certain things. that is the problem with the elections, you have few to vote for and none really deserve the honor of holding that position. i won't go against my values and vote just to keep someone out. by doing that, i stoop to their level of corruption. problem is, not enough will say "f" it and not vote at all and leave this country with no "victor" for them to continue to make victims of the american people. again, this country doesn't need a businessman or a corrupt politician to fix it. this country needs a revolution to clean out the systems and bring a shine back to this nation and what it stood for.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: parker49 on October 12, 2016, 09:39:39 am
Charles I knew you as pulling for Hillary .....that's why I posted what I did  to get you to say it ...... hahahahaha  everybody has the right to vote for whom they want but please  be informed of what can happen ...... if you set out in an election like the person your party has nominated you are voting for the other side ......its a democratic ploy to get voters that don't like Hillary to not vote at all ........ I will vote and I may not agree with the way Donald handles himself  but his policies are way better no comparison ...... we need jobs for American's .....there's no comparison .....he talks jobs  jobs  jobs ....she talks  taxes taxes taxes  .....she'll pay for all the give away social programs by taking from other's .....if she gets  in you will end  up seeing people from here traveling to mexico for work .......

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: charles on October 12, 2016, 10:05:48 pm
parker, the man talks a good talk, i agree with him on what he says needs to be done to curb the crap that is going on. but a curb can be moved or driven over. IF he gets in office, there is no way he can start building his wall and make mexico pay for it, he can't build it bc he promised to reduce taxes, to reduce gov spending. if the gov doesn't pay for it, if the tax payers don't pay for it. are people really so gullible to believe him when he says mexico will pay for it? another IF he gets in office. how long do you think he will live, how long before another kennedy magic bullet, or now, magic sleeping pill? IF he gets in office and outs the corruption like he says he will, he won't live to spill the beans, or very long after spilling the beans. I'm all for what he says, but me personally, i see a revolution happening before him completing all of what he says he will do. a lot of presidential candidates employ a psy-ops strategy on their constituents and have them drink to cool-aid by the gallons and trump is no different. they play on the wishes and wants that their constituents and wow, they vote for them. 

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: parker49 on October 13, 2016, 08:37:44 am
like  the man said what the hell you got to loose ....we got terrorist killing people in the streets ....americans killing cops in ambush .... riots looting and burning in the cities ....murder rates like we have never seen ..... no job growth .....how can you tax  your way too jobs ? companies are already leaveing and companies that have money over seas's can't  bring it back because of taxing .....everybody has  to do well for everybody to do well ...this class war don't work ...... if mexico pays for the wall they will want there labor .... I say lets build it and if they want pay for it we will tax the crap out of there goods crossing the border that will kill what jobs they have..... we can stop amercians from going there that will kill there tourism .....basically we are there military with our protection what would they do ......  oh yeah he can make them pay for it or break em and they know it .... that's why we need a businessman in office...what we have  now  is arm's dealers ...all we do is prop up this one against that one .... Hillary  has  been in office  for years and look at where we are ......and she is gonna take it  farther .....government dependency ....... on issue's how can anyone vote for her .....if it wasn't for promising government give aways off the backs of americans in taxes she would loose in a landslide ...... I got to give  it to the dem's ..... they have courted the college age kids and minorities with free stuff and class war fair and it has worked .....she says she's gonna tax the rich hahahahaha ...how ? they'll move out or close down or cut back ...then who is gonna pay ???  YOU......how has Obama care worked out its imploding itself ....as will her  plans to tax the rich and as I said then who will pay ??  you ..... the American worker will always pay ...best you can hope for  is to share the burden with everyone else as he said he will do ....if you try and tax the group prevideing the jobs to much there just want be any .......they'll just back up and idle for another election cycle 4 years ain't nothing ...........man I ain't say'n he's the best I'm say'n there's 2 runnin and  one  is a lie'n disaster that has cost thousands of lives around the  world and currption to no end cover ups and that's just what we know of right now ........Donald  he doesn't carry the baggage she does .....she has no choice but to pay off favor's all over the world in corrupt deals once she's in office or it will be exposed ...can you imagine what kind  of black mail will began .......I'd say she deleted those emails and the fbi covered it up at the top along with doj because Obama used the private server also to get around it being public records ...it will all come  out .... I will vote for the big mouthed womanizer ...hahaha   thats about 60 percent of the mal population ...

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Judge peel on October 13, 2016, 09:08:53 am
I am voting for trump. Hillary already had her chances and did nothing positive far as I am concerned

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Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: charles on October 13, 2016, 09:47:34 am
The high taxation on businesses is already happening here in oregon. Driving back from cali into or, i saw a sign saying "vote no on hb xxx". The hb was looked up and its a bill proposing a 30% tax on gross earning over i think like 25 million and then an additional tax for anything past like 30 or 35 million. Basically, the company i work for will more than likely either move out of oregon, hopefully to idaho OR they will close the doors after 50+ yrs in business.
So basically, a tax on the "rich" is nothing new that is coming down the pipe, the communist/liberal stares are already pushing for it and it will only get worse, regardless who is in office.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Bo Pugh on October 14, 2016, 06:37:49 am
hillary clinton is a pos. she supports partial birth abortion and against capitol punishment, you tell me how a baby dont deserve a chance but a damn criminal in prison shouldnt be put to death because its unconstitutional, its no doubt she screwed her email stuff up and got out of it. look at all the people shes had ties to that just up and died in the last year. she left them men in bengazi to die like they was rats but we just traded 6 people of of guatamo bay for nothing. anyone that works will tell you the health care system we have now is nothing but junk. i just cant see how anyone could vote for her.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Bowtech99 on October 16, 2016, 08:26:39 pm
Bo pugh said it best. I cant vote for someone who is for abortion. end of story.

Trump it is.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: gary fuller on October 18, 2016, 12:43:10 pm
personally, i cant see how anyone who owns guns/ believes in the second amendment  would not vote for trump. as said by parker i think it was..... not voting for trump just gives hillary another vote. my 2 cents.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: TheRednose on October 20, 2016, 01:35:21 am
Parker and gary are correct. Any conservative or independent that doesn't vote is absolutely voting for Hillary.

Yeah Trump says some dumb number 2, but I don't want my 2a rights taken away, I don't want to be taxed at a higher rate for other peoples entitlements, I don't want companies to move out of country and we lose more jobs, I don't want our borders opened up and therefor I wouldn't care who was running for office against hillary I would be voting for them. JMO

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Reuben on October 20, 2016, 05:18:19 am
Parker and gary are correct. Any conservative or independent that doesn't vote is absolutely voting for Hillary.

Yeah Trump says some dumb number 2, but I don't want my 2a rights taken away, I don't want to be taxed at a higher rate for other peoples entitlements, I don't want companies to move out of country and we lose more jobs, I don't want our borders opened up and therefor I wouldn't care who was running for office against hillary I would be voting for them. JMO

10-4 on that...

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: charles on October 20, 2016, 08:26:04 am
How can you trust the man when he backed the clintons for MANY yrs, donated millions to the clinton's election campaigns. And yaw think all of a sudden he a come to JESUS moment and decided to breake away from them evil people, the clintons? Come on folks, yaw are or should be smarter than that. Those of yaw who dont want tour rights stripped away, then envoke those rights and take the fight to THOSE who are bent on stripping your rights. And if those independents and conservatives dont vote your way, they are giving the win to your opponient. Bull crap!! Its voting for the person THEY think represents their needs better than the primary candidates, be it themselves or someone completely different. To each their own, vote for a traitor to america (clinton) or vote for a long time clinton friend and donator (trump), but as long as its a vote for trump, its all good. Just as long as folks cant have their OWN candidate and vote yaws way, be it dem or rep, then its ok. More forced actions is that is. Yaw think yaw arent sheep, yaw are sheep on a train full steam to the slaughter house but with the brakes applied.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: charles on October 20, 2016, 08:44:44 am
And the YAWS are NOT yaws pointing at just folks right here on this forum, its directed at ALL those out there that are saying the samething, a vote for some else or a no vote is a vote for the other candidate.
As for everyone worrying bout your rights, especially your 2A, i dont know bout you, but ill die before giving my rights up. I cant make you to do the same, but if you feel so strong about your rights, then you should be willing to make the same sacrifice. The political engines isn't the only source of power for american freedom, its every individual's rights and free choice that it the power of freedom. A right not used, is a right lost, playing on the same logic of a vote for other than the primary candidate is a vote for the other candidate you dont want in office.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: TheRednose on October 20, 2016, 09:39:49 am
How can you trust the man when he backed the clintons for MANY yrs, donated millions to the clinton's election campaigns. And yaw think all of a sudden he a come to JESUS moment and decided to breake away from them evil people, the clintons? Come on folks, yaw are or should be smarter than that. Those of yaw who dont want tour rights stripped away, then envoke those rights and take the fight to THOSE who are bent on stripping your rights. And if those independents and conservatives dont vote your way, they are giving the win to your opponient. Bull crap!! Its voting for the person THEY think represents their needs better than the primary candidates, be it themselves or someone completely different. To each their own, vote for a traitor to america (clinton) or vote for a long time clinton friend and donator (trump), but as long as its a vote for trump, its all good. Just as long as folks cant have their OWN candidate and vote yaws way, be it dem or rep, then its ok. More forced actions is that is. Yaw think yaw arent sheep, yaw are sheep on a train full steam to the slaughter house but with the brakes applied.

You can hee and haw all you want but its a fact that when a conservative does not vote for the conservative candidate it is like a vote for the opposing candidate and vice versa. That's a mathematical fact, and your statement is actually bull crap. I'm not trying to force anyone to vote for anyone else. I simply stated why I would vote for Trump instead of Hillary and supported my statements with my reasons for doing so. You can take all your sheep talk down the road bud you are not doing anything more than the rest of us. Always hollering about revolution but what have you done? I don't see you taking up arms and marching on the White House. If your a Hillary supporter just say it, if not stop crying about it.

Do I trust Trump? hell no! I don't trust any politician but I do feel he won't come after my guns like she has already stated she would, and that he would nominate a conservative judge to the supreme court which we all know 100% Hillary will not, she will nominate one of her ultra liberal ones. We know these things about Hillary, with Trump there's at least a chance he will do even some of what he says. Heck even no action on some of these issues is far far better than the opposite action from Clinton.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: charles on October 20, 2016, 10:20:28 am
Well lets see bud, since you took the liberties of calling me that and i am not, nor will i ever be your bud, 1 person is an easy target and easy kill and easy escape goat for a domestic terrorist title, doing your precious 2A rights no favor, think about before tooting your trump train horn, and for marching against the gov, it takes more than 1 or 2 or 10 or even 100. If you are a scared yellow cat and not willing to stand up for your rights, then just say so. Again, if a person doesnt vote for YOUR candidate, they are wrong, and again, a right not defended is a right lost. Well, its proven that YOU are wrong too. Look back at the "conservative" supposedly voted in presidents. They only had 1 side at heart, their own or their party and could care less about the other party. Just look at your conservative president ole' gw, who signed several hasty bills into law after the towers were supposedly attacked, the same crap that happens when a school or theater or heterosexually challenged club is shot up, the conservative's liberal partners screem gun control, gw did the same, only on a more massive scales, broadening the deffinitions or terrorists, broadening the law to cover down on loop holes, relaxing the restraint of the judicial system for confinement of those "torrorists, domestic or foriegn. It goes the same for the liberal presidents, they only care about their own intrest of those of their party. Its a constant back and forth with no traction gained by either. Its my opinion you scream for your rights but would lay down and coward in a corner than stand and fight them. Again, just my opinion.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: charles on October 20, 2016, 10:31:22 am
And if you cant see that this country cant be resurected by 1 man, and he flush out all the corruption in the gov, then you are a lil on the looney side, and live in fantasy land. If you think all the problems of this country can be fixed by that 1 man, again, living in fantasy land. There are only a FEW options to fix this country, options than folks like are to scared to admit and to scared to do. If and or when trump wins, hopefully his true colors come out and yaw see the error of yaws ways, but i doubt that will happen, yaw are blinded liberals in a conservative attire.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: charles on October 20, 2016, 11:37:46 am
Here is a quote from one my old 1SGs, who lives in a communist and liberal ran state, Oregon, and who has a homosexual daughter and a white/blk mix grandchild. It seems most of my old unit is in agreance with he and I.

"I will be glad when this s&$% is over. I am tired of hearing how great he or she is and how deplorable or hateful he or she is   We are screwed either way because the American people won't stand together and say enough is enough of the politicians deciding what is best for us as individuals.

I don't care who you are, what your religious beliefs are, homosexual, white, black, hispanic, green, purple or any other color of the rainbow.

You and ONLY you are in charge of your life and what your life becomes is based on the decisions YOU make. So take responsibility for your own actions and the life you make for yourself. Stop blaming others and the system. We live in the greatest nation on earth, where you are free to make your own decisions as long you are willing to accept responsibility for those decisions.

This year i will be writing my own name in the box because i certainly can't do any worse than those idiots that say they represent me.

Lastly, if the candidate that you choose doesn't win and you are one those people who said you would move somewhere else. Just letting you know, I am willing to help you pack your s$&# so you get the $&@# out."

I agree 100% with what he said.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: TheRednose on October 20, 2016, 11:59:08 am
Charles let me address your statements:

1. 1 person is an easy target and easy kill and easy escape goat for a domestic terrorist title, doing your precious 2A rights no favor, think about before tooting your trump train horn, and for marching against the gov, it takes more than 1 or 2 or 10 or even 100.

2. If you are a scared yellow cat and not willing to stand up for your rights, then just say so.

3. Again, if a person doesnt vote for YOUR candidate, they are wrong, and again, a right not defended is a right lost.

4. Well, its proven that YOU are wrong too. Look back at the "conservative" supposedly voted in presidents. They only had 1 side at heart, their own or their party and could care less about the other party.

5. Its my opinion you scream for your rights but would lay down and coward in a corner than stand and fight them. Again, just my opinion.

1. I never called you a domestic terrorist or implied it, I just simply stated you talk a lot and and make a lot of strong statements for not having done much.

2. Nobody's scared

3. What???? Charles what are you talking about? Where did I ever try and tell anyone who they should vote for? Or that you or anyone else was wrong for voting against him. I just simply stated who I was voting for and why, and I stated a simple mathematical fact. That's all, maybe reading is not your thing.

4. How am I wrong or right when I never said any previous conservatives got it right or wrong you are just making it up as you go.

5. How do you know what I would do? I can tell you I definitely wouldn't cower from you. I don't know you but you sure do insinuate and imply a lot of things you definitely do not know.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Judge peel on October 20, 2016, 12:25:17 pm
I as many others served this great country so that we may all bare the fruits of freedom. Trump is my choice simply due to the fact rep. Stand for more of my beliefs then dem do

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Title: Re:
Post by: hyan on October 20, 2016, 03:08:02 pm
Simply put we have no idea what trump will do he may or may not do the things he says but I know that the hildabeast will do what she says you know kill Americans try to "drone" a person that leaked info just as she did in her email she will let baby's be killed she will let Muslim terrorist in to our country she will defend them over us she will let gays make a mockery of marriage that is said by god to be between a man and woman she will open the border and let illegal aliens vote she will put restrictions on guns and free speech so I WILL be voting Republican down the ballet if trump builds the wall,sends woman's choice to kill baby's to the states and brings my health insurance down Ill be happy if he don't then hell he will just be another republican that's full of s&!+ like congress and bush and Romney and john McCain and McCain is a the worst because I am a vet and he has done nothing for us and just stands by and let's us get screwed with a smile on his face not saying any has to vote for trump just saying what could happen if you don't

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Title: Re:
Post by: hyan on October 20, 2016, 03:12:28 pm
Also a conservative won't be President because there's not enough of us to put them in the white house

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Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: charles on October 20, 2016, 03:33:28 pm
Charles let me address your statements:

1. 1 person is an easy target and easy kill and easy escape goat for a domestic terrorist title, doing your precious 2A rights no favor, think about before tooting your trump train horn, and for marching against the gov, it takes more than 1 or 2 or 10 or even 100.

2. If you are a scared yellow cat and not willing to stand up for your rights, then just say so.

3. Again, if a person doesnt vote for YOUR candidate, they are wrong, and again, a right not defended is a right lost.

4. Well, its proven that YOU are wrong too. Look back at the "conservative" supposedly voted in presidents. They only had 1 side at heart, their own or their party and could care less about the other party.

5. Its my opinion you scream for your rights but would lay down and coward in a corner than stand and fight them. Again, just my opinion.

1. I never called you a domestic terrorist or implied it, I just simply stated you talk a lot and and make a lot of strong statements for not having done much.

Not saying you did call me that, im saying the gov and others would call those folks domestic, or home hrown terrorists.
Strong statements for not having done much huh? What have you done, what will you do? Be like the women folks, sending others to fight in your sted while sitting in the shadows and reap their rewards, or stand and fight?

2. Nobody's scared

3. What???? Charles what are you talking about? Where did I ever try and tell anyone who they should vote for? Or that you or anyone else was wrong for voting against him. I just simply stated who I was voting for and why, and I stated a simple mathematical fact. That's all, maybe reading is not your thing.

He IS your candidate, not everbody's candidate. Claiming bc i choose not vote again for YOUR candidate, i must be voting for clinton, which again you are as wrong as to boys fornicating with ea other.

4. How am I wrong or right when I never said any previous conservatives got it right or wrong you are just making it up as you go.
My point is, conservatives have voted for consevatives and i did at 1 point and time ( not sure it was counted, since im sure the chair force didnt rush our votes out of iraq in time) and look where its led this country, NO WHERE. Voting conservative or liberal and being dead set on that has divided the voters as much as racism has devided it.

5. How do you know what I would do? I can tell you I definitely wouldn't cower from you. I don't know you but you sure do insinuate and imply a lot of things you definitely do not know.

Never said from me, reading must not be your strong suit, i said lay down or stand and fight them. Please read before insinuating something yourself.


A vote for trump or clinton is just postponing the hopefully inevitably internal strife and economic collapse.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: parker49 on October 20, 2016, 04:29:39 pm
its perty evident Charles according to you we shouldn't vote because both candidates are flawed ......but you will vote Hillary you done said you hope she win's ....... I'm gonna vote just to kill your vote .....

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: jdt on October 20, 2016, 04:54:54 pm
listen folks , it don't matter if it is rigged . this is where we are at . we can vote for who we think is least worst , we can not vote , or we can waste a vote on an independant .

             IT'S A NO BRAINER TO ME  !!!


Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: TheRednose on October 21, 2016, 10:48:06 am
Okay Charles here we go again, I knew when I started this discussion with you it would be an exercise in futility.

3. What???? Charles what are you talking about? Where did I ever try and tell anyone who they should vote for? Or that you or anyone else was wrong for voting against him. I just simply stated who I was voting for and why, and I stated a simple mathematical fact. That's all, maybe reading is not your thing.

Charles: He IS your candidate, not everbody's candidate. Claiming bc i choose not vote again for YOUR candidate, i must be voting for clinton, which again you are as wrong as to boys fornicating with ea other.

Once again Charles nobody said he was everybody's candidate, I think you are beyond help as your reading comprehension skills are terrible.
You obviously do not understand math and statistics either so I am done trying to explain to you when a conservative doesn't vote it is like voting for the opposite party's candidate. Its not an opinion Charles its a statistical fact. So please stop arguing about things you obviously don't understand.

5. How do you know what I would do? I can tell you I definitely wouldn't cower from you. I don't know you but you sure do insinuate and imply a lot of things you definitely do not know.

Charles: Never said from me, reading must not be your strong suit, i said lay down or stand and fight them. Please read before insinuating something yourself.

Actually Charles I was just making sure you know it wouldn't be from you, and also you did not phrase it as a question like you said you did, you said and I quote "Its my opinion you scream for your rights but would lay down and coward in a corner than stand and fight them. Again, just my opinion." so you stated in your opinion I would yell for my rights but I would just lay down and cower. Aint nobody cowering around here big mouth. Obviously writing is not your strong suit as well. 

Charles: A vote for trump or clinton is just postponing the hopefully inevitably internal strife and economic collapse.

Maybe so, but in the meantime I will vote against the candidate and party who I feel will take more of my rights first. Vote for Hillary Charles I don't care it is your right to vote for who you want.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: gary fuller on October 21, 2016, 06:42:57 pm
charles, all  i said was that not voting for trump helps assure hillary will be our next presdient. i didnt say i think trump will be a great president, but who knows. my main reason for voting for trump is to keep hillary from being able to get her anti gun agenda  passed. and that means thru legislation and with her scotus appointments.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Reuben on October 21, 2016, 07:30:18 pm
in her debates she has toned down her stance on her anti gun agenda because she wants the votes from both sides...and if she wins she will crank it up higher than ever...you can take that to the bank...

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: jdt on October 23, 2016, 02:14:55 am
for anybody on the fence i'll try to make myself a littbit clearer , i been voting since i was 18 .... i ain't never voted for somebody , just against somebody else.


Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: liefalwepon on October 23, 2016, 09:27:45 pm
I just voted for trump, he's the only one that won't try and take our guns, sad days for America when these are our choices

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Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Hollowpoint on October 24, 2016, 08:49:42 am
I mailed my Trump vote in already, not that it'll count for anything out here in California but I can try.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: parker49 on October 24, 2016, 02:12:13 pm
everybody please vote you cannot believe these polls .....most people don't even have a house phone ...... they rig the polls so  people want show up and vote thinking there side done lost .....

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: gary fuller on October 24, 2016, 04:45:40 pm
parker, i totally agree with ya on that they/the dems want us to just assume trump is whipped and not vote. we sent ours in a few days ago and my daughter and son in law are mailin theirs in today.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Reuben on October 24, 2016, 06:57:38 pm
everybody please vote you cannot believe these polls .....most people don't even have a house phone ...... they rig the polls so  people want show up and vote thinking there side done lost .....

Now that is a good point...

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Teaspoon on November 07, 2016, 11:55:37 am

I was planning on voting for some one other than Trump with conservative beliefs, due to character and the other issues as stated on here. After listening to this guy I have changed my mind. I have listen to this 3 times this weekend and thought i might share it with others that may have been in the same boat as me.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: TheRednose on November 09, 2016, 02:12:37 am
We did it, I guess our votes did count!!!!!!

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Curcross1987 on November 09, 2016, 02:13:05 am
Well he won so we will see

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Curcross1987 on November 09, 2016, 02:14:42 am
Not meant for your comment red nose I guess we posted at the same time

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: gary fuller on November 09, 2016, 02:42:10 am
we shall see. i did my part but california overall went for hillary. but you texans sure kept your state red.  we got slammed on gun rights here last night but can now smoke pot,lol. but since the nra and 2a supporters were so instrumental in trumps election we can feel some better gunwise as a nation and possibly some relief  in states like california in the near future.

Title: Re:
Post by: hyan on November 09, 2016, 06:10:59 am
Thanks every one for voting and Gary I think your going to need more then pot to live there lol but hey you can always corner the black market on running ammo across the border in to Cali probably make lots of money

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: hyan on November 09, 2016, 06:23:52 am
After the hilldabeast concert with jay z I bin hoping I would be able to make this(http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20161109/c06a058bbbf7feeceb96c17b7d846de2.jpg)

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Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: TheRednose on November 09, 2016, 09:39:06 am
Nice Kai!!! I like that meme! Now you should make one for all of those dumb celebrities who said they would leave if Trump won. I say to them bye Felicia!!!

I'm with you Gary, its ridiculous the laws we pass in this ass backwards state. Well here's to hopefully a very pro 2a SCOTUS being put in by Trump so we can start repealing some of these unconstitutional laws.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: CHRIS H. on November 09, 2016, 09:41:35 am

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Title: Re: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: hyan on November 09, 2016, 10:17:44 am

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:o  :o  :o  :D  :D  :D

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Title: Re:
Post by: hyan on November 09, 2016, 10:18:08 am

Title: Re: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: hyan on November 09, 2016, 10:39:01 am
Nice Kai!!! I like that meme! Now you should make one for all of those dumb celebrities who said they would leave if Trump won. I say to them bye Felicia!!!

I'm with you Gary, its ridiculous the laws we pass in this ass backwards state. Well here's to hopefully a very pro 2a SCOTUS being put in by Trump so we can start repealing some of these unconstitutional laws.
(http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20161109/1cdcbc54bab35991b0003d733d55b75d.jpg) ask and you shall receive lol

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Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: TheRednose on November 09, 2016, 10:50:50 am
Hell yeah, I like it! Now I just need to tweet that out to them lolololol

Title: Re: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: hyan on November 09, 2016, 11:07:31 am
Hell yeah, I like it! Now I just need to tweet that out to them lolololol
I don't have social media its the devil lol

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Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Reuben on November 09, 2016, 11:20:21 am
My wife and I voted for trump...but we thought we were wasting our time...what a surprise...this should send out a message...don't jack with our Constitution...and we will keep our rest rooms as they have been for many years...a his and a hers...

Title: Re: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: hyan on November 09, 2016, 12:26:29 pm
My wife and I voted for trump...but we thought we were wasting our time...what a surprise...this should send out a message...don't jack with our Constitution...and we will keep our rest rooms as they have been for many years...a his and a hers...

Title: Re: Re: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: hyan on November 09, 2016, 12:27:10 pm
My wife and I voted for trump...but we thought we were wasting our time...what a surprise...this should send out a message...don't jack with our Constitution...and we will keep our rest rooms as they have been for many years...a his and a hers...
:D stupid laughing face didn't work that was a joke

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Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Hollowpoint on November 09, 2016, 03:20:30 pm

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: TheRednose on November 09, 2016, 05:10:46 pm
^ Like button pressed

Title: Re: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: hyan on November 09, 2016, 05:29:38 pm

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Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: parker49 on November 09, 2016, 06:29:44 pm
I know where you can buy some cheap fire works ....  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  Hillary and bill sell'n  um    CHEAP !!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: wilton on November 10, 2016, 08:26:38 pm
Well too bad for all the lefty leaning liberal hillary (for prison '16) dems ! !  America finally woke up an voted for Conservative Independents of America (C I A) the Right way wingman, a vote for; Religion, Veterans, and all Legal Americans. Go Trump, Go we're all behind you in Making America Great Again.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: parker49 on November 11, 2016, 01:28:04 pm
fella's I sure was afraid that if he didn't win we were in big trouble for the way of life  we know ...                ....I tell you what we need  is  to throw out all them damn professor's that's teaching all this crap to the college kids out  .....

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: gary fuller on November 11, 2016, 03:04:53 pm
parker i just was told a true story today about what happened right before election day here close by in watsonville california. the teacher had a mock election and told all her kids they needed to vote for clinton as trump intended to send their parents and maybe the kids  all back to mexico. and from what ive heard this teacher hasnt been fired yet.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: parker49 on November 11, 2016, 08:36:49 pm
who's teaching our kids should  be watched closely........you know teaching kids or young people to go against there country and cause destruction should be against the law .....  this has been a wake up call ....I believe we dodged a bullet .....

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Reuben on November 11, 2016, 08:44:59 pm
who's teaching our kids should  be watched closely........you know teaching kids or young people to go against there country and cause destruction should be against the law .....  this has been a wake up call ....I believe we dodged a bullet .....

When one of my sons was in college and soon after he graduate he was a liberal...and now after he has seen the light he is a hardcore conservative...a trump supporter...and very vocal about it...

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Semmes on November 11, 2016, 09:27:33 pm
Yeah, the campuses of this country are where this distain for our system and way of life have been most embattled. It's not a new thing...during the sixties the same thing happened. A folks had the gall to spit on other folks their same age when they returned from putting their lives on line to protect freedom.
....and those folks tried to ruin what their parents, the greatest generation, afforded them. They did not succede

Easy for folks to sit comfortably and bitch And pontificate about their importance or intellectual superiority  from the comforts of home while folks serve and die for their right to do so...

But to feel better, smarter or in anyway more important is a injustice of the highest degree...

It is the job of educators to educate not interject their own social concepts. Anyone doing so, which is the norm in education today is committing treason of the highest order by influencing and poisoning the minds of our children.

But we teach out chaps  by example. If we do well at it, then it will stick...

I think America has prooven once again that we can do a pretty good job of teaching but example which ultimately overcomes all the pontification of the professional student professors of the campuses..

Title: Re:
Post by: hyan on November 12, 2016, 08:23:05 am
Don't even have to go to college for it in Hawaii the libs in the gov tell you that the republicans are the ones that want to take your guns and your rights and how the rest of the usa has the same gun laws as us 2 week wait time on background check get a card in the mail have 30 days to buy guns soon as u pick it up have to go to the police dep to get them registered rep are all white and hate Hawaiian people that's who stole the kingdom from us I came to the mainland when I got in the army thinking I was a big lib told people I love my guns n freedom that's why I am a liberal they looked at me like I was stupid till a friend of mine from south va explained to me that I was way off n to look in to it more I did n I was amazed if others in Hawaii realized that were lied to the Democrats would not hold another office there again but then again the republican party there is almost as bad and I think there were only 12k people to vote for the gov the same governor that put all LEGAL gun owners on the FBI watch list

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Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: TheRednose on November 12, 2016, 11:25:03 am
You guys are a 100% right about the college campuses and I touched on that previously on another thread. There was another real bad example of this out by you guys at U of Texas just recently. The young conservatives group there held a bake sale and was admonished by the university administration. Now I expect that out here in CA but in TX? Seems like Austin is becoming the new Berkeley.

I also just watched a super popular liberal talk show and they were calling to their base to become teachers and move to red states to get teaching jobs k-12, to teach our kids. So as Parker said watch who is teaching your kids and there has to be a 0% tolerance to it no matter how far up the ladder you have to take the matter.

Title: Re: Donald Trump
Post by: Goose87 on November 14, 2016, 11:12:24 am
Call me a conspiracy theorist or what not but our education system is the easiest way for the establishment to corrupt the minds of our countries youth, I have a sister and first cousin who are both in their early twenties and it's sickening how brainwashed they are, luckily my sister knows whenever I open my mouth amongst a group of people that I'm pretty knowledgable on the subject at hand and I've pounded it in her head to question everything and everyone and to keep an open mind about things and look at every situation from both sides of the fence and she's starting to see the bigger picture of what's really happening, unfortunately for my cousin his is coerced into believing everything his professors say, what's so sad is he is a brilliant young man with very good common sense but is a product of not having a stable father figure in his life and being raised by a mother who leaned on the system pretty hard, so he buys into what he's told, we dodged a major bullet but we're not out of the line of fire yet, we have to continue to educate as many young people who are willing to listen as we can and keep our local governments as conservative as we can, extremely daunting task but history tells us it can be done...

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