Title: 07-25-2015 Rice swamp Donkey Mike ,Travis ( Peach creek ) and I Post by: CHRIS H. on July 25, 2015, 07:14:32 pm (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/150725%20swamp%20donkey/8A735AE3-9D99-454F-9327-D0BA41DB03F8_zpskclqahlo.jpg) (http://s1202.photobucket.com/user/CHRISHEARNE1982/media/150725%20swamp%20donkey/8A735AE3-9D99-454F-9327-D0BA41DB03F8_zpskclqahlo.jpg.html)
Travis and I Sitting in about 6inches of water (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/150725%20swamp%20donkey/14F0461A-4712-4BDE-BC03-B0529B2CC1DD_zps704eda3n.jpg) (http://s1202.photobucket.com/user/CHRISHEARNE1982/media/150725%20swamp%20donkey/14F0461A-4712-4BDE-BC03-B0529B2CC1DD_zps704eda3n.jpg.html) (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/150725%20swamp%20donkey/71227185-EA6F-4B63-B502-CDB922D281B7_zpsfdav0ug1.jpg) (http://s1202.photobucket.com/user/CHRISHEARNE1982/media/150725%20swamp%20donkey/71227185-EA6F-4B63-B502-CDB922D281B7_zpsfdav0ug1.jpg.html) (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/150725%20swamp%20donkey/2116C704-A94E-478C-A77E-EFB8532DCE64_zps48ilnwgx.jpg) (http://s1202.photobucket.com/user/CHRISHEARNE1982/media/150725%20swamp%20donkey/2116C704-A94E-478C-A77E-EFB8532DCE64_zps48ilnwgx.jpg.html) (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/150725%20swamp%20donkey/DDE69151-608D-4201-9929-2C4632F7FE45_zpsqcmpde0c.jpg) (http://s1202.photobucket.com/user/CHRISHEARNE1982/media/150725%20swamp%20donkey/DDE69151-608D-4201-9929-2C4632F7FE45_zpsqcmpde0c.jpg.html) Title: Re: 07-25-2015 Rice swamp Donkey Mike ,Travis ( Peach creek ) and I Post by: CHRIS H. on July 25, 2015, 07:20:26 pm Travis's Ann dog trailed this boar hog from a rice Feild we were hunting over to the woods line then over into a swamp .
We got over there and here's the rest http://youtu.be/Dezmuf6zKi0 Dogs worked their butts off all morning .. Really glad we got this hog Thanks for the invite Y'all had a blast as always ! Title: Re: 07-25-2015 Rice swamp Donkey Mike ,Travis ( Peach creek ) and I Post by: Jared H. on July 25, 2015, 10:36:49 pm Dang good boar hog fellas. Especially in this heat.
Title: Re: 07-25-2015 Rice swamp Donkey Mike ,Travis ( Peach creek ) and I Post by: BARR W on July 25, 2015, 11:16:27 pm Sure is nice big footed hog look a lot better with some rope around em
Title: Re: 07-25-2015 Rice swamp Donkey Mike ,Travis ( Peach creek ) and I Post by: Mike on July 26, 2015, 07:46:24 am Had a helluva time Chris... that was a real good hog!
Sure is nice big footed hog look a lot better with some rope around em He looked even better to the rice farmer with his head cut off. Title: Re: 07-25-2015 Rice swamp Donkey Mike ,Travis ( Peach creek ) and I Post by: CHRIS H. on July 26, 2015, 08:58:11 am Had a helluva time Chris... that was a real good hog! Sure is nice big footed hog look a lot better with some rope around em He looked even better to the rice farmer with his head cut off. Ohh yah forgot to tell the best part of the story After we killed that boar hog we ran into the rice farmer and showed him that head. He was really happy about it and even asked for Mike to keep coming out . The farmer told us that he has ran off all the duck hunters and so he can have some kind of handle on the hogs. It was really cool to see a satisfied customer .. Title: Re: 07-25-2015 Rice swamp Donkey Mike ,Travis ( Peach creek ) and I Post by: GOODEN on July 26, 2015, 09:17:12 am Nice hog guys!! Always a plus to see a smile on the landowners face!!
Title: Re: 07-25-2015 Rice swamp Donkey Mike ,Travis ( Peach creek ) and I Post by: BARR W on July 26, 2015, 09:22:02 am Oh I for got that's the right thing to do kill something and cut its head off and leave it lay and it's always some bs excuse about the land owner wanting them off guess what I hunt plenty places like that and I take em out so I may have a chance of catching him again some day not run a sword threw everything I put my hands out but hell yea you boys keep shanking em lol
Title: Re: 07-25-2015 Rice swamp Donkey Mike ,Travis ( Peach creek ) and I Post by: Jared H. on July 26, 2015, 09:44:29 am Oh I for got that's the right thing to do kill something and cut its head off and leave it lay and it's always some bs excuse about the land owner wanting them off guess what I hunt plenty places like that and I take em out so I may have a chance of catching him again some day not run a sword threw everything I put my hands out but hell yea you boys keep shanking em lol How about showing a little respect? You come on someone's post, and that someone happens to run this site, with negative remarks when all you have to do is not read it. Title: Re: 07-25-2015 Rice swamp Donkey Mike ,Travis ( Peach creek ) and I Post by: BARR W on July 26, 2015, 09:48:55 am Yes sir so sorry
Title: Re: 07-25-2015 Rice swamp Donkey Mike ,Travis ( Peach creek ) and I Post by: CHRIS H. on July 26, 2015, 10:34:57 am Nice hog guys!! Always a plus to see a smile on the landowners face!! I like hunting with dogs so much that I almost forget why we're there in the first place . I don't ever talk to the land owners or get to hear the farmers side of it .. It was cool to see that all come together Title: Re: 07-25-2015 Rice swamp Donkey Mike ,Travis ( Peach creek ) and I Post by: Shotgun66 on July 26, 2015, 06:59:43 pm Helluva nice boar hog gentlemen.
- Huntin that flooded rice looks like doin a mud run! _ Had the opportunity to hunt some grazer corn fields last summer. It was a new and humbling experience at first. Young dogs were better at it than the "finished" dogs. A lot of dogs don't like those tight rows with no room to operate. Looks like y'all's dogs handle it just fine! - Good job. Keep up the good work. Title: Re: 07-25-2015 Rice swamp Donkey Mike ,Travis ( Peach creek ) and I Post by: Mike on July 26, 2015, 09:29:01 pm Thanks fellas... he was a good one. Peaches little Ann gyp did a helluva job trailing off that rice field and baying him nearly a mile out.
Barr W, don't come on here preaching to me about cuttin' hogs... I was cuttin' them around here when y'all boys were in elementary school, I've cut plenty over the years. When a man tells me he wants the hogs dead... that's how he's gonna get 'em. Title: Re: 07-25-2015 Rice swamp Donkey Mike ,Travis ( Peach creek ) and I Post by: l.h.cracker on July 26, 2015, 09:40:26 pm Good dang hog it's definitely good to hear that the landowners happy with the decision to allow you on their land.
Title: Re: 07-25-2015 Rice swamp Donkey Mike ,Travis ( Peach creek ) and I Post by: CHRIS H. on July 26, 2015, 09:57:51 pm (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/150725%20swamp%20donkey/D0E5B236-5C07-4E00-91AE-34E51C328C5E_zpsgik6llrh.jpg) (http://s1202.photobucket.com/user/CHRISHEARNE1982/media/150725%20swamp%20donkey/D0E5B236-5C07-4E00-91AE-34E51C328C5E_zpsgik6llrh.jpg.html)
Yah there's still another really good one on the other side of the property that likes corn instead of rice I guess .. I was riding on the back of Travis's hunting truck with Mike's Jase dog and Travis's Lady dog .. And they started pickin up their noses and dancin They put'em on the ground and I think it was Lady that opened up first but when she did I herd this deep grunt and like a stomping noise that sounded like a dang bull was in the corn field !! It bayed for maybe 2 minutes if that , then broke .. Ran and ran and ran I was watching it on the Garmin and it did all kinds of loops ..we would cut it off with the truck before it would go where we couldn't and had to do that a couple times but never could see it.. Hog Ran up a creek and back into the corn , then vanished It s a dang smart hog cause it threw them off and put them on a little red hog about the size of the dogs haha It'll be a good one once it makes the wrong move Title: Re: 07-25-2015 Rice swamp Donkey Mike ,Travis ( Peach creek ) and I Post by: Mike on July 26, 2015, 10:10:05 pm The farmer sent me this pic this evening while cutting rice... looks like another good one that needs his head cut off.
(http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/26/544ca0e366fd3c490c640191de724530.jpg) Title: Re: 07-25-2015 Rice swamp Donkey Mike ,Travis ( Peach creek ) and I Post by: BARR W on July 26, 2015, 11:31:52 pm Good let me know cut more than me? Lol better break out the coon hounds looks like a runner
Title: Re: 07-25-2015 Rice swamp Donkey Mike ,Travis ( Peach creek ) and I Post by: RyanTBH on August 25, 2015, 02:47:45 pm Thanks fellas... he was a good one. Peaches little Ann gyp did a helluva job trailing off that rice field and baying him nearly a mile out. There u go Mike! Idk about all yall, but I like the stories where the landowner is happy. Funny thing how when someone asks you to get something done, you say you can do it, and then actually follow through how things pan out. Cause idk about yall, but we dang sure don't own multiple spots of thousands of acres that we can run anytime we want. We rely on the landowners to call us, and what they say they want they get. Good job here guys! Way to go!Barr W, don't come on here preaching to me about cuttin' hogs... I was cuttin' them around here when y'all boys were in elementary school, I've cut plenty over the years. When a man tells me he wants the hogs dead... that's how he's gonna get 'em. |