HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Georgia-Hawgs on August 25, 2015, 10:59:11 am

Title: Pig pen question ?
Post by: Georgia-Hawgs on August 25, 2015, 10:59:11 am
Anybody keep hogs in a pen that's only one panel high? The 50 inch panel's.  I'm ttrying to finish one up. It's pretty big. About one acre. I don't want them to jump out though.  What do yall think ?

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: Cajun on August 25, 2015, 12:43:36 pm
Some will jump out. I have seen some go over 5 foot.

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: liefalwepon on August 25, 2015, 01:20:42 pm
I have some hogs in a pen made of utility panels from TSC, I think they are 53 inches high. my boar is about two hundred lbs and has some really long legs on him, hes half eurasian and hes never jumped out, I bet he could if he wanted to but hes well fed and he probably likes the comfort of the other hogs. you could use taller T-posts and run a couple strands of wire above the panels to get a little height on the fence

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: Hunt the Grunt on August 25, 2015, 02:33:06 pm
I would come up a foot over your wire and run a couple 2x4's or a 2x6 all the way around the pen.

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: Georgia-Hawgs on August 25, 2015, 03:27:44 pm
I decided to go 6 ft high. Using the panel material cut long ways. Yall reckon that's high enough?

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: l.h.cracker on August 25, 2015, 04:45:58 pm
That's a crazy amount of work and waste to cut a panel long ways unless they're 12' even still a one acre pen with panels you must be rich what's wrong with 5' no climb and t post? A small pen to pen break the hogs helps with escapees as well.

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: koyote76 on August 25, 2015, 05:43:38 pm
That's a crazy amount of work and waste to cut a panel long ways unless they're 12' even still a one acre pen with panels you must be rich what's wrong with 5' no climb and t post? A small pen to pen break the hogs helps with escapees as well.


Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: koyote76 on August 25, 2015, 05:50:30 pm
A small pen within the big pen is priceless. I wouldnt cut that pannel i would add small pen  if u have extra pannel. Just add some wood to top as suggested. Also helps for support if u gotta jump out/in.

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: Georgia-Hawgs on August 25, 2015, 06:31:41 pm
I ain't rich by no means.  Quite possibly the brokest person on this forum.  I just don't mind the work. I had some folks tell me some hogs will jump out of 5ft. Is 6 high enough.  Some spots are 5 and a half. And I don't guess it's quite an acre

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: Georgia-Hawgs on August 25, 2015, 07:06:23 pm
What I'm saying is I made the pen out of 50 in tall by 16 ft long panels. There what I call cattle panels. But there the ones that are like 20$ at the feed store. And I couldn't afford them, even at 20$. The farm I sometimes do work for had a bunch laying around and I asked if I could trade labor for some. That's how I got them. I did buy a few, and a few t post's but I kept cost to a minimum.  And I didn't buy more panels to cut long ways. I just used the extra that I had. It's easy work with bolt cutters. I made 3 approx 12 to 14 inch by 16 ft long pieces  out of one panel. Then just wired it to the posts on top of what was already there. That gave me the height I am comfortable with.  For the rest of the pen I jjust used wood. That was laying around.  Even cut some small trees down for some.  Also I don't understand the pen inside of the pen idea. Are yall talking about the same height? If they can jump out of one they could sure jump out of the other. I Ain't trying to be a smart ass. I'm just looking for some recommendations and some ideas of what has worked for yall. That's all. And Im a little confused on what yall are talking about. Around here hogs are hard to come by, we can't just keep them and sell/trade them around.  The 2 I have I want to be sure they don't get loose. Thanks fellas

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: Georgia-Hawgs on August 25, 2015, 07:08:34 pm
Oh , these hogs have been in a small pen, a shed type deal with tin sides and a roof. Is that what you mean by pen breaking ? Forgive my ignorance and thanks for any advice !!

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: chipolariverman on August 25, 2015, 08:55:21 pm
Post some pics when you finish it.  I have an old dog pen that has two levels of regular field fence so it is over 6ft tall and I thought about adding 2 or 3 strands of electric fence to the inside but I don't know how a wild hog will react to a hot fence. I mean it might make it worse.  Anyone use a hot fence?  I know we raised hogs on the farm and we always had them behind a hot fence.   In fact we would use 2 strands around a field were we had cut corn or picked peanuts and it keep them in the field.  I think it has to do with if they have plenty of food and water and not getting harassed.  I want to have a separate pen as a bay pen.  Then another pen to keep them in and a run joining the two pens.

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: koyote76 on August 25, 2015, 09:00:11 pm
The seperate pen is used to seperate hogs when you are working a hog in the big pen. Also u can have a door with a draw string to the small pen. Hogs will learn when that door opens its safezone. So when your working dogs and want   to get dogs off....open the door and close it behind thw hog...almost all baypens use this method. Makes it easy when you need diffrent sized hogs for dogs aswell.

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: hoghunter71409 on August 25, 2015, 09:05:09 pm
I think the size of the pen (1 acre) and the pen itself has a lot to do with wether or not the hog will try to get out.  If there is vegetation, cover, concealment, water, and food in the pen, the hog is likely to not try to get out.

If the pen is a bay pen style pen and the hog is pressured all the time, he will try to get out no matter how tall.  I think  a hog can jump a 5' or 6' pen if they want out bad enough- may not jump but will sure try to climb.

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: liefalwepon on August 25, 2015, 09:10:08 pm
That's a crazy amount of work and waste to cut a panel long ways unless they're 12' even still a one acre pen with panels you must be rich what's wrong with 5' no climb and t post? A small pen to pen break the hogs helps with escapees as well.

 Ive wondered if you could just use no climb for a training pen. Do you have to bury the bottom in the dirt? how far apart do you but your t-posts? cant a big boar just work his way under? what do you mean by "pen break"?

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: Georgia-Hawgs on August 25, 2015, 09:18:01 pm
I'm going to keep them in the solid walled building there in now and just but it up to my pen. That's what I'm thinking about doing anyway.

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: l.h.cracker on August 25, 2015, 10:14:54 pm
I have a 16'×16'×5' wooden pen that I have never had one get out of by pen breaking I meen that you put them in the small pen for a month or so until they quit challenging the pen after they are broke they will not try to escape if you keep them fed and watered. Red top 5' no climb and t post at 10' is sufficient for broke hogs no need to bury but you need to have good corner bracing and make sure you stretch fence tight as a banjo hide.

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: liefalwepon on August 25, 2015, 10:21:42 pm
good to know. after I finish my 30' pen i want to build a one acre pen, no climb will be so much easier. do you give them a house to live in? I just have a tarp in one corner but they look miserable in the winter. Im trying to toughen them up (:

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: charles on August 26, 2015, 12:15:38 am
Georgia, you coulda just ran a couple strands of barbed wire at the top of the t post. Iv seen a 200lb fresh trap caught sow jump a 6' fence with a good running start. She didnt clear it clean, kinda balled up on the other side, but was running free regardless. But unless they want out, 6' usually will keep them in there as long as ur not heavily pressuring them while they are still adjusting to captive life.  And the pen inside a pen is like they described, a safezone. When i throw dogs in my pen, after getting chased a bit, bacon will come up and hide behind me or stay right on my leg to keep the dogs off her. She knows im a safezone for her, but the rest are fair game for the dogs.

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: chipolariverman on August 26, 2015, 06:17:08 am
So on average how long does it take them to break them to a small pan?  A week, two weeks a month?

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: charles on August 26, 2015, 12:52:23 pm
It varies from pig to pig. Put them in a 20x20 pen that they cant jump out of and keep feed and water in there and socialize with them and it takes less time. But iv seen some, no matter what, try to get out after 6 months. If there are already pigs in there that wont get out, it helps the new pig's captive transition easier, especially if your not theowing dogs in there immediately

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: Georgia-Hawgs on August 26, 2015, 07:38:10 pm
(http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag326/coondogo80/Mobile%20Uploads/20150826_202342_zpsgpk0zh2a.jpg) (http://s1372.photobucket.com/user/coondogo80/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150826_202342_zpsgpk0zh2a.jpg.html) here's a picture of what I've done so far. Still have a good ways to go , it may not look that good but it's solid...

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: liefalwepon on August 26, 2015, 10:03:43 pm
I think it looks good!

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: chipolariverman on August 27, 2015, 04:03:55 pm
I like the way it is rounded, no corners for them to get hung up in.

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: Georgia-Hawgs on August 27, 2015, 05:09:58 pm
I should take some better pictures in the daylight. As you can tell in the picture it's quitting time and 0-dark thirty. The broad river is less than 15 feet from the right side of that pen. I just hope them jokers don't decide they are determined to get to it. It's going to be about twice the size of what the picture shows. This will be my first one ever. I've got high hopes and zero experience.  Haha, if any of yall were close enough I'd say come work some dogs with me. 

Title: Re: Pig pen question ?
Post by: liefalwepon on August 28, 2015, 06:19:28 pm
this bay pen is set up pretty cool, you can see he has multiple pigs in the attached pen with their own gate. I hope my boar turns out feisty like that one!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1-_aj0AqfA