Title: Young boar working pups Post by: RyanTBH on August 29, 2015, 12:41:05 pm Nice hunt this morning. Dallas, Dave, Blake, Jeffery and myself brought, PJ (CD), Domino (CD), Fred, Pistol, Red, JR, Bill, Wyatt, Doc, and Domina. Dogs got out and hunted really well. Had dogs in all directions. Fred, Red, and Doc ended up lining one out and came bayed. Cut PJ loose from 111yrds out and went in to wait for a caught hog. They broke and went another 250yrds and got caught. Once we could hear the battle ensue , Jeff sent Domino in to seal the deal. Dogs kept hunting, but couldn't ever line another one out. Sun was coming up so we called it a day! Congrats on your wedding today Jeffrey! Good luck and God speed in your journeys to come my friend! Helluva bachelor hunt! God bless the great state of Texas!
Me with Red (Zig x Pistol) and PJ, and Dallas with 100-120lbs young listed boar hog. (http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p592/sheltr1h/Mobile%20Uploads/4E849B7D-30B4-464D-8D7B-840EC7A963CB.jpg) (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/sheltr1h/media/Mobile%20Uploads/4E849B7D-30B4-464D-8D7B-840EC7A963CB.jpg.html) Dave and Doc (http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p592/sheltr1h/Mobile%20Uploads/53D06941-CEBA-45F9-AACB-B36B7B781D18.jpg) (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/sheltr1h/media/Mobile%20Uploads/53D06941-CEBA-45F9-AACB-B36B7B781D18.jpg.html) Title: Re: Young boar working pups Post by: l.h.cracker on August 30, 2015, 11:27:43 am Nice work y'all got some good looking dogs for sure
Title: Re: Young boar working pups Post by: RyanTBH on August 30, 2015, 01:43:11 pm Thanks bud.
Title: Re: Young boar working pups Post by: blakebh on August 30, 2015, 02:14:06 pm Another good hunt for the young dogs. I'm really starting to like the father daughter cross of Zig and Pistol.
Title: Re: Young boar working pups Post by: uglydog on August 31, 2015, 09:00:38 am good hunt guys!