THE CLASSIFIEDS => CLASSIFIED ADS => Topic started by: boarwild on October 28, 2015, 11:34:13 am

Title: Garmin 320, 2 - dc30, 3 - dc40, and 1 - dc50 for sale (Reduced to $800 OBO)
Post by: boarwild on October 28, 2015, 11:34:13 am
I have upgraded to alpha so selling my Garmin 320 and all my collars. I hunted with the Garmin and 3 collars last night and all worked perfect. I will hunt with the other three tonight and make sure they work perfect as well. The dc50 is brandnew. One of the dc30 was a replacement I got and have only used a few times. They rest have been used but nothing wrong with them. I have all the chargers, the Garmin case, and long range.  Best to do is to text from 8-5 and can take calls after. Located in Devine, tx. 210-275-8389. martinsu25@yahoo.com
(http://i699.photobucket.com/albums/vv353/martinsu25/Mobile%20Uploads/F241F919-D6E0-43C4-99F5-F38E04BD85BD.jpg) (http://s699.photobucket.com/user/martinsu25/media/Mobile%20Uploads/F241F919-D6E0-43C4-99F5-F38E04BD85BD.jpg.html)